As the title says, are there any official UK guidelines for management of thyroid nodules? I've googled but can't really find anything...
I have a 3cm x 3cm colloid thyroid nodule and a few smaller colloid and spongiform nodules – seen on ultrasound after I noticed a visible lump in my neck.
The consultant also did a naso-endoscopy and noted phonatory gap/vocal cord paralysis but said it's unconnected and not an issue.
As the nodules look benign I was discharged from ENT with no follow up or further action.
The swelling on my thyroid causes me constant discomfort. My voice has changed, swallowing often feels laboured and I wake up at night gagging – I think due to pressure on my throat when I lie down.
My thyroid blood tests have all come back normal – TSH tested a few times by GP and always near the bottom of normal range. T3, T4 and thyroid antibodies all low-normal too (tested recently using Monitor My Health).
The consultant was so patronising and dismissive. He said there's no way that the nodules can be causing my symptoms but surely 3cm x 3cm is big enough to feel?? I've lost a lot of weight and feel awful all the time, but I guess it can't be thyroid related or my results would be off?
Thank you for 'listening'!