Hi. I recently have had vibration in my toe and pain on top of my right foot and numbness and pain in my right hand. I was wondering if my thyroid was related. My graves was under control but when I thought I may have covid my doctor said to quadruple my dose of methimazole for a week. That was little over a month ago and wondering if this might be related to my hand and foot issues. Anyone have similar symptoms with hypothyroidism? My recent lab from my general doctor showed everything was normal except my ANA titer went up. He did not check my thyroid however.
Hand and foot numbness: Hi. I recently have had... - Thyroid UK
Hand and foot numbness

Hi, I had COVID at the end of December 22, I had very mild symptoms but extreme tiredness. Since the end of January 23 I've had neuropathy in the top of my left foot and toes. In the past month I have had a severe stabbing pain in the top of that foot and have since been referred to a neurologist, who said they are seeing increasing numbers of this type of thing since the pandemic and it's possible it's related to COVID and/or the vaccine. I think that because I have hashimotos thyroiditis I am possibly more susceptible to these side effects of covid or the vaccine. On a side note I had 3 separate doses of the Pfizer vaccine which had no side effects at the time. I am currently waiting for an MRI to see if that shows up any nerve damage.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully not but sounds like the start of peripheral neuropathy. I have that which has spread unfortunately. Mine was caused by the Pfizer vax. Consultant suspected that but too afraid at the time to put in writing. Have had an EMG, scans and an MRI and now have it in print! Every day my feet and legs are on fire and on particularly bad days, I am walking on hot rocks. Some days I can just about walk to the end of my road. I have cut out all sugar and also taking R -Lipoic Acid. Ironically, I had asked the GP which one Pfizer or AZ but he didnt know, I didnt want either. I subsequently read in a UNICEF paper written by a doctor that anyone with Hashimotos should not have the Pfizer! That has now mysteriously disappeared. I hope you get help. I have completed the vax injury comp form but like most things in the UK, do not have a snowballs chance in hell of getting anywhere. I did it as a matter of principle not because I need or want compensated.
Oh no! I was bedridden for three months after my one and only and it was years ago so not sure if it related. But what you are going through sounds awful. I wish for your quick recovery from this.❤️
That's lovely of you but unfortunately there is no return with PN it just gets worse. I'm on a UK vax injury group and some are in a really bad way worse than me with all sorts of injuries not just PN. On the PN group two friends already in wheelchairs but I have to keep going for the sake of my two rescue cats 😻😻 x
I'm sorry everyone here is struggling from this symptom and the connections to covid and the vaccine. I read too somewhere official at the time that those with hypothyroidism shouldn't have the vaccine. Anyway I wanted to add it would be best to check your thyroid with these symptoms in connection with the increase in your meds. Low blood circulation connected to hypothyroidism may be an issue? Also I think there are some B vitamins that are connected to numbness and pain. Might be a good idea to check these too. Hopefully someone here can remind me which ones. B12 is easiest to check along with folate. Hope this helps
Ironically my TSH shot up so am on a small dose of thyroxine now. It also affected my skin quite badly but thankfully that has cleared up. I lived in Australia for 15 years and have never had a problem with my skin whatever the weather. I take all the b's and R Lipoic Acid. Am thinking of trying the red light therapy again.
I also experience tingling in my feet which started way before COVID and which has spread from one small area in one foot to both feet. Fortunately no pain but the tingling is annoying. I wish I had some solutions for you but all I can tell you is what hasn't worked. B12 shots didn't work. The nerve test didn't show any impairment of how the nerves are working. A podiatrist and physical therapist could not help. Except that the podiatrist suggested wearing supportive shoes at all times inside the house and out. That does minimize my symptoms. When the shoes come off, the problem is still obviously there. Good luck and if you find any treatments, please share!
Did you get your B12 levels checked before having the shots by any chance?
Some symptoms can't be reversed, and some may take a long time, but if you are deficient it's better to deal with it. The B12 needs other vits & minerals available to work properly. It might be worth taking a look at healthunlocked.com/pasoc
I have similar symptoms and B12 is slowly doing the trick for me. The problem disappears just after a B12 jab and returns when I need another, so I've just started the protocol recommended for B12 deficiency with neurogical symptoms.
Hi Lucy. I had a problem with numbness in my right foot. It started to creep up to my ankle. My foot sometimes felt like a lead weight. I also saw a podiatrist with no positive outcome. My Vitamin D was low and after taking a booster dose my foot seemed to improve I have got some feeling back so I now take Vitamin D and Magnesium supplements. It is important to have your Vitamin D level checked before supplementing. I also suffer from muscle pain and weakness which I put down to my thyroid.
I had similar start sone 15 or so years ago and it has only got worse with time. I have had assorted medications to ease the discomfort and found pre gabalin plus imipramine give sone relief to let me get some sleep. I was diagnosed immediately with peripheral neuropathy. Fully Covid vaccinated I had no problems with any of my vaccinations. Last year’s flu left me more uncomfortable! My GP diagnosed based on symptoms and by then it was over forty years since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I had been found to be diabetic a couple of years before the foot problems. I think we all react differently to a variety of factors but I had no problems with Covid vaccines. Just as well as next is booked in for early October. I hope you get some relief soon.
I did have levels checked. My B12 was actually normal, but there was something else, another level - sorry can't remember what he called it - that suggested a B12 issue. I did the shots for about 18 months and they made no impact on my feet or fatigue. The doctor decided to retire and the shots stopped as my primary wasn't so convinced of the need. I felt no different when they were discontinued. But I'm so glad it makes a difference in your case. I will review that guide. I have an appointment coming up and we could revisit the issue.
Absolutely could be thyroid or B12 deficiencies
Could be thyroid but also deficiency of B12 or folate or both, also blood sugar dysregulation. Covid seems to affect the way we use B12/folate and increase our need for both, but also may throw your blood sugar out. GP should have checked HbA1c, which is a start, but possible that serum B12 not done and if it has been, that alone will not be enough to rule out a deficiency, as it cannot. Other tests can help to indicate a deficiency, but you may have difficulty getting them done. Best check what has been done and see where to go from those results when you have them. Do you take vit B6 or a B complex or B12? If not please don't until after testing completed.
Thank you for your reply! My gp did check HbA1c. It’s been higher than my usual but still considered normal. I do need to stop eating sugar. I take a child vitamin B cause I once took adult B complex and my B6 was crazy high.
Hi, unfortunately there are two possible extra issues there.
Firstly, some neurologists believe that your blood sugar does not have to be at diabetes level to cause neuropathy, nor even at pre-diabetes, but can contribute at pre-pre-diabetes levels. My neuropathy is not sugar-caused but too much will certainly make existing pain and symptoms worse fast, so it might be a good idea to get that one under control to see how much difference it makes to you overall.
The second regards B6. You may find this article helpful, but please don't get too hung up on MTHFR and blame everything on that. More people have MTHFR polymorphisms than don't, and not all need or can tolerate the same levels of 'active' or methyl forms of vitamins, indeed too much methyl makes some people agitated, anxious, jittery, most unpleasant indeed by all accounts. There are two common variants and you can be either heterozygous or homozygous for each or either. How much difference may theoretically be made to your health depends on which and what level, and you can't look at one polymorphism alone as one thing may affect several others. However, with all those caution caveats, for some of us, changing to methyl forms slowly, note the *slowly* please - small doses, gradually increased- can make a huge difference (did for me, massive positive change in symptoms). So, the type of vitamer matters, and for B6 seems to matter more than for some others - likely that your B complex contains pyridoxine rather than P5P and that may be making you worse rather than better even in small amounts, and your B6 may be high because you cannot absorb it properly (from any source, so was likely high even before you supplemented ) and you are effectively functionally deficient
Bear in mind that you don't have to have polymorphisms to have problems with methylation, and that having genetic polymorphisms does not mean that you do have problems with methylation, just means that you may be more susceptible given triggers which express those variations. Which is why testing for things like homocysteine and MMA to see if you actually have real signs of slowed function is better than genetic testing alone and treating blindly, when it may not actually be needed.
Taking a B complex with B12 and B9/folate (likely folic) in it will be enough to obscure the blood markers that could have been used to identify a deficiency, so it could be hard to pick up now. If at all possible, get homocysteine and MMA (methymalonic acid) checked. People generally know that lack of B12 or B9 at cellular level will increase homocysteine, but don't know that B6 is part of the same folate cycle and deficiency of that can also increase Hcy. B6 being too low will cause neuropathy, just like being too high can, especially if the reason for it being too high is commonly toxicity either by MTHFR or by pyridoxine, which blocks the action of P5P. Serum testing alone is not adequate for any of these B vits.
Best wishes
Thank you! You know so much about this. Appreciate all the extra info. I’ve just been googling and only found ganglia cysts and bone spurs as what could be causing it.

I had the neurology tests with the electric ⚡️ shocks and they proved nothing wrong there. b Complex definitely helped for me, almost completely went away for a while but I’m looking into B12 injections as despite having serum B12 above the top of range I have quite a few symptoms that suggest it isn’t getting into the cells. Definitely worth ensuring your thyroid levels and B12/Folate levels. 🌱
Thank you! I forgot to mention that I have pain at the top of my foot and a newly formed bump there. I’m waiting to see my doctor but wondering if I should see a podiatrist. Not sure if the hands and feet are related.
I have a moreton’s neuroma under my right toes that makes a bump, have a special insole in my shoe to pull the metatarsals apart, it’s fine now but was like steps on Lego at first 🤣 that gave me numb buzzing toes too.
Foot issues are common in hypothyroidism especially plantar fasciitis. 🌱
Podiatrist may be a good idea. Likely hands and feet related, but feet also have a genetic link to B6
Hi Beefull8
Apologies I cant remember where the paper is, but it was from Italian data, linking Low B12 and low Vit D to a worse experience/outcome to Covid.
And also that these two particular Vitamins, can be low in long Covid patients.
It may well be useful to you to either request these be checked, of if you can do at home finger prick (details on TUK site for this) to rule in/out any B12 connection to your symptoms.
Every best wish, G
My vitamin D levels are high since my doctor likes to keep it that way. He has always told me to take B vitamins and I have been. I feel like this started when I moved to a new rental with hard floors. Exercising barefoot on a mat atop the hard floor seemed to cause pain in my foot that now worsened over time. I’ve been doing stretches for my neck and my arm pain seems to be getting better.