Got my results from BlueHorizon back today. Not sure what to make of them, not what I expected.
Trying to get my head around the amount of info, some of it seems a bit conflicting. They are displayed with RAG rating and then some text, on thyroid genes there are 10 ratings , there are 2 green, 7 amber, and 1 red. DI01 both amber AA, and CT . DI02 amber TC and green CT. The red result is TSHR is AA.
The genetic trait report has 31 ratings, there are 10 green, 19 amber, 2 red. . This really doesn't make any sense, sorry but I don't know where to start. Apparently BCMO1 is TT, MTHFR is GA and FUT2 is GA , it goes on and on. poor absorption vit D, but need more, B12, B9,
This could take a while to understand,, I am having a large G&T, but at least I convert alcohol slowly so all good