I saw Dr on 3rd August and she said my results were perfect, I was feeling much better having switched to synthetic T3. These were my results whilst taking 50mcg Levo and 15mcg T3 :
TSH. - 0.005 (0.27-4.2) 26 July
T3. - 6.2 (3.1-6.8)
T4. - 14.2. [12-22)
Last week I felt absolutely terrible, I felt really shaky and spaced out, my heart rate was fine (Fitbit), exhausted but not able to get to sleep easily. One day after previous days walk just over 10,000 paces which is not unusual I couldn’t walk properly, my legs were so stiff and aching . I felt generally awful the worst feeling being shaky inside. This shaky feeling was much like I’d felt when my T3 went over range. So I thought the same had happened and didn’t take my lunchtime T3 as it always felt worse for a while after my regular doses. I felt slightly better having cut it out. Before I made any adjustments I did another test:
TSH - 0.005 (0.27-4.2) 24 August
T3 - 5.7 (3.1-6.8)
T4 - 13.3 (12-22)
Today I feel shaky, tired, cannot concentrate, spaced out and grumpy even with the lower dose. I’ve been up and down since taking T3 and wondering if it’s the best thing or not for me. This is the worst I’ve felt since before and since taking thyroid medication which is at this grumpy moment in time soul destroying.
Now I don’t know what do do next, should I reinstate my lunchtime T3 which I know hasn’t caused over medication and see what happens or leave it and up my thyroxine? Does it matter if T4 is low when taking T3? I am thinking my T3 at 5.7 isn’t too high in the grand scheme of things and not surprised it dropped a little as I changed to Thyborg Henning which I cut into quarters and there’s always a small loss, although it’s going to drop even more now I’m missing the middle dose. . I’m rambling here as I’m completely at a loss as to what to do now. My husband pops his Teva 75 mcgs of a night and seems to be hunky dory it’s very annoying, bless his patience with me. Anyone got any ideas? I would add my Dr is on holiday so can’t check in with her.
Thanks in anticipation and appreciation