Has anyone ever been asked for a urine sample along with their annual NHS blood test for thyroid? I’m 69 and have been treated with Levo for hypothyroidism for a few years but don’t have any other health conditions apart from HBA1C hovering around 40-43. I’ve only been at this surgery for a year and haven’t met my GP.
If he looks at my notes from last year (surely he hasn’t bothered to do that? But if he did)he can see that my TSH was 0.02 and that I admitted having lost weight unintentionally. So he May be thinking I should have had a dose reduction.
I got away with keeping my 100mcg prescription last year and I skip one tablet a week which brought my bloods down to 62% for FT4 and 54% FT3. That was MMH so GP doesn’t know those. Nor does he know I skip a tablet. my prescription requests have been a little bit erratic as every month my Levo lasts four extra days - stupid of me not to maintain ordering as if I still took 28 tablets consecutively.
So what’s with the urine sample?