Hi could anyone help me interpret these results please? I’ve been on Levothyroxine for about 8 years and got tested in January this year, the results say
“Serum THS (0.27-4.20) = 27.6
Serum Free T4. (12.0-22) = 12.3
Last T4 was low in October”
I had previously been on 75/100 alternate days
A few weeks back they put me up to 100 daily.
Currently I feel like I’m picking up every bug - always tired, cough/cold, body aches, dread going to work and feel like I’m dragging myself around. Seems like no sooner do I get better I seem to go downhill again. Could it be linked? Is there anything I could/ should be doing that I’m not? Any ideas or comments would be very much welcomed, thank you 😊