Have any of you taken vit B12 injections? If so did you go privately or did you GP proscribed?Did you feel any difference?
I'm considering doing it privately.
I even know some beauticians that offer those shots.
Have any of you taken vit B12 injections? If so did you go privately or did you GP proscribed?Did you feel any difference?
I'm considering doing it privately.
I even know some beauticians that offer those shots.
Have you had a blood test to confirm or not that you require B12 supplements?
I have a condition called 'Pernicious Anaemia' which is due to my stomach not absorbing B12 so I have to have regular B12 injections.
I used to have a B12 injection every three months at the surgery but new GP has told me I can have as many as I feel I need. I now get a monthly B12 injection.
My mother also had P,A. but her GP told her she needed no more B12 injections and both myself and my sister thought that was 'good' but we didn't have internet at that time.
It was definitely not 'good advice' as my mother developed stomach cancer due to following her GPs advice which caused her early demise.
I'm very sorry to hear that your mum was misdiagnosed. I hear your pain at my dad died of cancer and drs ignorance.I have not heard about this condition before. I was advised here that my b12 levels are too low 389 (range 179-770) for hypothyroidism and poor hormone conversation. Apparently i should be closer to 500. I've been talking B complex but I'm terrible in taking them every day. Those that I have now, really upset my stomach and leave awful aftertaste for hours. I just got myself today BetterYou spray and just used it for the first time. More convenient in sorry and tastes great 😁
I get B12 injections every 3 months on NHS as I dont absorb B12 from food. I've had them for years, long before I became hypo. I find them quite painful myself so not something to undertake lightly. Unless you have Pernicious Anemia there are easier ways to keep your B12 levels up via diet and supplements. I also use a mouth spray daily.
I suggest you join the Pernicious Anaemia Society forum.
Pernicious Anaemia is a disorder in which people are unable to absorb B12 from food and need injections.
I am not anemic, I was wondering if any of the hypo sufferers with low vit B12 levels have taken injections. I get a lot of good advice here in B12 tablets, but wanted to know if anyone tried injections. The other forum would not be in relation to thyroid specifically
I think I can't have explained.
You can be suffering from Pernicious Anaemia and NOT BE ANAEMIC!
It is a very unfortunately named disorder. It has nothing to do with iron deficiency.
I will definitely look into this. At in my other reply, I have never knew of this disorder.
Omg. You learn something new everyday. I always thought it was about anaemia. Why, I don't know.
It really is an appalling name (from the perspective of today).
Lots of doctors don't seem to grasp the nature of PA.
As I understand, anaemia, as a symptom of PA, tends to be quite late stage.
You are right about that. In a conversation with my G.P , ten years ago, I told him my great grandmother died of pernicious anaemia in 1905. According to him, no one ever died of pernicious anaemia. Pernicious means deadly. I did say treatment would have been raw liver, as no b12 supplements until 1920s.
I have Hashimotos and I inject B12 weekly. I do not absorb B12 well due to gut surgery. I buy on-line. I would try a B12 supplement first - Jarrow Methylcobalamin from Amazon....
I have b12 injections every 3 months off the NHS as my B12 was under range. I also use this NHS appointment to get all my thyroid, vitamin, lipids and Full blood count done. There’s never been any questions and I can keep a close eye on my levels. I’m not 100% sure if it was down to poor absorption or that I’m am a vegetarian. I’ve not eaten meat which contains b12 for over 30 years. I also take ferris fumerate 210mcg daily as my ferritin was also under range. Each time I get my b12 injection I feel so good. Almost like I could fly. But that just lasts 48hrs then I feel normal again. I have Hashimotos and I’m a poor converter T4 to T3. I’m on levothyroxine plus liothyronine medications too.