I have just been given my results from my last bloods with the GP. Taken first thing, before meds, food etc.
TSH 4.2
T4 15
T3 1.1
I had gone privately for T3 as no luck from the GP. I got slow release T3 and I do feel a lot better hence the reason it's taken me 6 weeks to chase up my results! These results tell me I'm not where I should be. I see on here people seem to have much lower TSH & T4.
I probably have forgotten how I should feel to be honest so this improvement has been welcome. God knows where I was before T3.
I remember in the past trying to up Levo but not tolerating it very well. It has been some time since I tried but im wondering if I should go back to the private clinic and just up T3 or go back to the scary GP to up Levo. He's one of those anti thyroid patient doctors! You know - 'but your results are fine' so my symptoms must be imagined. I've found most GP's to be like this over the last 20 years so i'm yet to find a helpful one. Hence the reason I am keener to up T3 rather than fight for more levo but that might be the wrong path. Any advice appreciated