Private blood test results : Hi I’ve had years of... - Thyroid UK

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Private blood test results

mrsgilby56 profile image
25 Replies

Hi I’ve had years of symptoms TSH always coming back in range and now I have a fairly large lump that’s come up where my thyroid is- having ultrasound next week. Just having trouble reading my results can any one help please? I had them done with medi checks.

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mrsgilby56 profile image
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25 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

was test done early morning?

Antibodies negative

TSH looks ok

Ft4 is high

Take results to GP ….could have nodule

Request ultrasound scan of thyroid

Also request they test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

What vitamin supplements are you currently taking

What’s your diet like

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to SlowDragon

what does it mean if the t4 is high?. I’ve got a lump that has come up and scan Tuesday doctors is Weds. diet was bad through covid but have been okay. I don’t take vitamins

PurpleNails profile image

You currently don’t take any thyroid replacement or medication?  & no supplements.

Was test at 09:00 after fasting over night?

Negative antibodies.  TSH ok. FT4 over range a little but FT3 just below mid-range - so a little unusual. 

Was nutrients tested?  Not showing on photo.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

no never had a thyroid test until recently but had symptoms over the years that got worse, I have a lump that’s being scanned on Tuesday at ENT. I did test at 9:30 ate nothing before that

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

You may have a nodule over producing hormone.

The Thyroid ultrasound scan will detect any nodules or unusual factors of thyroid.

 But you would usually expect to see very low TSH. - I have large nodule and TSH is usually 1st to drop and often followed by FT3 rising disproportionately first then FT4 rising behind but that’s not always the case.

It can also take a very long time for all levels to become abnormal eg years of very gradually rising.  (In my own case it was around 5 years) 

What we can see is that the FT4 is ever so slightly abnormally high and you will need to monitor levels.  

were you very Ill with covid? Being unwell can occasionally cause FT3 to lower.

Tell your GP.  They may look at TSH only.  It might be your natural normal FT4 is just a little higher than the average range & it does not affect TSH & FT3 levels.  

If GP “freaks” which it what they do with low TSH (hyper) and suggests an anti thyroid - I would say wait until you have repeat test and monitor further.  

The previous NHS test only tested TSH & this would have been missed. Would be good to see key nutrient levels. 

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

Thank you purple, I think this has happened to me too as the symptoms started around 5 years ago. I had a very bad virus early August not sure it was covid ( tests negative but they are not usually reliable). My GP will only go by TSH never mentioned thyroid tests over the years when I went in about my symptoms but chatting to friends who have thyroid problems have all said the same, none had lumps though so thats worrying me more. They are all underactive though. Nutrients was not in the results I only paid for TSH,T3,T4 and antibody.

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

FT4: 24 pmol/l (Range 12 - 22) 120.00% of range 

FT3: 4.7 pmol/l (Range 3.1 - 6.8) 43.24% of range 

Lots of hypo & hyper symptoms can be very similar, fatigue, anxiety, dry skin, poor nails & hair.  

I thought I was hypothyroid as I’d gained lots >>> a lot <<<  of weight - had crazy appetite - zero energy.  

Having not extremely high levels gradually changing means you adapt & adjust - & it gets missed by doctors.  

Mostly I had symptoms which are hypo like - the only symptoms I now know were hyper were nail lifting (off nail bed) & higher than normal heart rate which I wasn’t aware of until after diagnosis (now have fit bit).

  If you can afford a tracker for heart rate it’s really useful.  I find heart rate well correlated to thyroid levels. The ultrasound will be able to detect

but won’t be able to conclusive show the function of areas of thyroid which it why repeat blood tests will be needed. If any of the nodules are over 1cm they tend to offer fine needle aspiration of the  nodule.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

This is exactly what I have experienced!. It’s rubbish isn’t it. Do you have your thyroid scanned? Thank you for taking time to reply. You really know your stuff!.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to mrsgilby56

I’ve got Apple Watch is that the same lol

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

Apple Watch is excellent

Which model have you got

Some watches can also can do ECG

Request GP test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to SlowDragon

it’s an old one but I am going to be getting a new one soon.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to SlowDragon

I have bloods being done next week so il make sure this is included as they don’t usually do the extra ones 🤦🏽‍♀️

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

I did have a scan. (I’ve had many) The hospital team were very good & did FNA at same appointment which is better than having to make another appointment & waiting.

The pathology was clear thankfully & even though I phoned and asked for results I was told it’s normal no further action. It was many months later before it was realised the function results had not been tested. The blood test which did come back were ok but some reason thyroid wasn’t tested.

They retested and realised I was over active.

My heart rate was high 70s when diagnosed. It’s mid 60s now and low 60 when taking too much anti thyroid. Apple Watch would be same.

I also went about looking at old hospital records and that when I found out I’d had a previous abnormal results, but was never told.

I thought I find more results to see when it starting rise or when was in range but I never had a test, not even when pregnant.

Your case might be different. My profile explains more.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

Hi Purple, gosh that is terrible. Same, never tested Thyroid until 2020 that was only a TSH not anything else. Was told it was depression and anxiety... Now I have had to pay for tests just to show the doctor that there actually is something wrong.

I can not believe your old hospital did not tell you about abnormal results. Terrible.

My normal heartbeat is around 60-65 and then jumps when I have a panic attack to 70's.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

hi purple, I just been to my appointment with a specialist I didn’t get a scan he put a camera down my nose and said Was okay but when he felt he said he can feel nodules. I’m getting very scared as I’ve had restricted breathing for years! I never knew what it was before as I didn’t have a lump until recently but this has been growing slowly for years. It doesn’t look or feel like it’s got bigger in 3 weeks though, but getting very worried I’ve left it too long…

I’ve got another full set of bloods tomorrow and he has asked on the paper to add t3 and t4 but did say they do not take the private bloods seriously.

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

I too have had a naso endoscopy, a little uncomfortable but horribly tickly. 

This would have shown any throat constriction.  I remember being told “it wasn’t too squashed in there”. 

If dr can feel nodule - isn’t that going to be scanned? 

Nodules & thyroid swelling do tend to grow slowly doctors are more concerned with fast growing issues.  

If doctors aren’t going to accept private results (labs are verified, so no reason not to) you have strong grounds to insist they arrange test they will accept.  

Lots of doctors will accept private results. 

Do you know exactly what blood have been requested. 

Try not to worry, difficult I know.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

Thank you for replying, sorry I’m at work trying to rely back quickly.

He said the camera was clear down my throat, he then that he will be testing t3 and t4 but they do not take into consideration the private results. I will be seeing my normal doctor tomorrow. The guy I saw was a ENT doctor?.

I think mine has been slow growing through the years maybe it’s always been big but haven’t notice 🙄

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

Have to wait for them to call me to book ultrasound, he said it could be 3/4 weeks time. Great, more waiting. Lol.

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

Good you’re getting scan.  & hopefully the right blood tests will come back & you’ll get some answers, 

For 1 the nodule\s can be measured for future comparison & you can ask if a fine needle aspiration (FNA) should be arranged. 

The scan will also look at health & size of overall thyroid.  Once the scan is complete - obtain a full copy of the specialist report.  - which goes to doctor requesting scan (the ENT dr) & your GP may also get copy. Often there is details which are not fully explained but are interesting to know.  Drs just pass on the summary or say - all ok. 

Some drs scanning will give brief details at time of appointment, but many will automatically say all results go back to doctor as it saves time & it’s the usually policy in most hospitals, so if they seem quiet about results is doesn’t mean they are hiding worrying news.  

Often if nodules over 1cm they will perform a FNA, even if there are no other factors suggesting an issue, sometimes they just monitor. 

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

thank you I will definitely request a FNA if they don’t. It’s the same hospital that the girl from Love Island went to and they said the scan was okay, she asked for a FNA and it came back cancerous. So I’m not taking the risk. They always look very serious when doing scans don’t they.

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

I read about that. She pushed for further investigation when they were about to send her away. Definitely push, you have symptoms and abnormal blood test results even though they don’t accept private results.

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

can they see the thyroid with the nasal camera?

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to mrsgilby56

No, the tube passes by the nasal sinus and can see the throat area to - inside Larynx and pharynx.  

It would visibly detect any compression caused by abnormal thyroid growth but not the thyroid tissue itself.  

mrsgilby56 profile image
mrsgilby56 in reply to PurpleNails

It’s amazing what they can do really. I’m glad he said it was clear. But still very nervous about ultrasound.

mrsgilby56 profile image

Hi I just though I would update you. I had my ultrasound yesterday, they saw a large clear fluid cyst on my left thyroid and a tiny one on the right. She said nothing concerns her and will hear from ENT (have appointment booked in a few weeks time unless they call sooner). Massive relief but also worried they are going to say they are just going to watch and wait... It restricts my breathing and i have awful thyroid symptoms. May have to look into paying private to remove if they do not do anything...

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