Help with results and dosage please: Good Morning... - Thyroid UK

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Help with results and dosage please

Umayya40 profile image
19 Replies

Good Morning! I hope everyone is doing well. These are my most recent results from monitor my health labs. Dosage at the time levo 150mcg and trimel t3 25mcg. I feel im over medicated as i feel awful( jittery, anxious, sweats, fatigue). My t4 & t3 are good right?.. but worried tsh is very low?

I took this dosage on the advice from a Facebook group & have advised need to persevere for about 6 weeks for levo to settle? I feel better but feel im suffering hyper symptoms & dread to take meds.

Gp has advised i need to drop to 75mcg and to stop taking t3.

Ive ordered a kit from medichecks as im working on my vitamin levels. But in the meantime shall i drop levo and t3 dosage. Im new all to all this so any help would be appreciated.

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Umayya40 profile image
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19 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

never reduce dose levothyroxine by more than 25mcg in one go …..even that can be too large a reduction to cope with

Which brand of levothyroxine are you currently taking

Never reduce levothyroxine and T3 together…..reduce one or the other

Results don’t show over medicated

What were your results BEFORE starting T3

Umayya40 profile image

Thank you for replying. These are my results on 75mcg levo no t3. Then slowly increased it to 150mcg and 25mcg t3.

Screenshot of results
Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to Umayya40

brand accord & teva for levo

T3 tiromel abdi ibrahim

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Umayya40

Well clearly 75mcg T4 was too low a dose for you as your T4 isn't even in the range :

Did you try 25mcg increments of T4 every 6-8 weeks and have blood tests throughout the build up to T4 x150 mcg :

Have you tested your ferritin, folate, B12 and vitamin D as these all need to be maintained at optimum levels for any thyroid hormone replacement to work well ?

Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to pennyannie


No i didnt test blood after each increase will remember to do this next time. I took levo this morning and feel i cant function havent took t3 yet. Im in survival mode. My vitamin levels im working on. Im taking accord brand was on teva im thinking it might be the brand thats making me feel crap?

Was thinking to decrease my levo thinking im taking too much just desperate to feel well so i can take care of my twin boys. Its a struggle. Now i know not to decrease levo will take 1/4 of t3.

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Umayya40

Your results at 29th June are when you were on 75mcg :

Your results at 4th August are when you were on150 mcg T4 + 25mcg T3 :

If this is correct you are going much too fast and need to stop taking the T3 :

Also stop the T4 for a couple of days to allow this excess T4 to reduce and then you could likely recommence at 100 mcg T4 - and then wait 6-8 weeks and then run a blood test to see where your levels sit.

T4 is a storage hormone and slowly builds up within the body and why blood tests must be run after every dose adjustment x 25mcg and why you need to wait 6-8 weeks after every 25mcg increase / decrease to allow your body to adjust.

You must be feeling very uncomfortable and stressed with a young family - but I'm afraid thyroid hormones take time, there is no quick fix and you need to go back to the beginning and square 1.

Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to pennyannie

yes youre right i took the advice from a group on facebook/WhatsApp he said he wanted to fix my issues quickly..ive been so naive..i guess when your desperate you do anything and everything . I will stop levo for a few days feel i need to. Its been rough feel like a zombie. Thank you so much 💓

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Umayya40

Well, at least you know what being over medicated feels like - and hopefully, will not 'go there ' again !!

Hopefully by the end of the weekend you will start to feel more comfortable and then we can help and advise you on finding your optimum dose of T4 thyroid hormone replacement which may, or may not, include taking T3 - Liothyronine.

You might like to dip into Thyroid UK - the charity who support this forum where you can read around all things thyroid at your leisure - if you get any -

Just for interest - do you have a diagnosis of anything thyroid ?

Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to pennyannie

yes hopefully thank you! Ive deleted his number now, never again. Im definitely getting to know my body now. I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid aswell as borderline deficient in vit d. Now im thinking wish i just took vitamin d supplements then to see how i felt instead of going first with levo. Anyway will have a break and back with new results after 2 months or so. Looking foward to all of your help x

Will do more reading if i can keep my eyes open 😧. Thank you again

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Umayya40

The NHS usually run the thyroid antibodies at a diagnosis - maybe your doctor didn't mention the reason as the NHS can't do anything about them - a large % of people are actually dealing with Hashimoto's auto immune thyroid disease and have positive and over range TPO or TgAB antibody readings:

Maybe if you have online access to your medical records look back and see if anything is showing at your very first blood test for thyroid.

Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to pennyannie

will do

Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to pennyannie


Hope youre well

I just wanted to say how grateful i am for your advice, im on day 3 without levo and t3 and i feel fantastic, best in ages. I have more energy, no crippling fatigue & can focus more. Will restart levo on Wednesday 100mcg ..feel nervous to take it as i feel great hopefully will get the dosage right. Thank you again

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Umayya40

Ok good - so go slow - you were diagnosed with hypothyroidism so this feeling is transient as you will need some support from T4 thyroid hormone replacement.

We know 75mcg was not enough - so let's start back on 100 T4 and see how that works for you and run a blood test at around 6 - 8 weeks so we can compare test results.

Would be wise to run your ferritin, folate, B12 and vitamin D again as these need to be maintained at optimum levels to assist in the conversion of the T4 to T3 in your body.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Umayya40

obviously you were EXTREMELY under medicated on just 75mcg

What were results on just 100mcg

What were results on just 125mcg

What were results on just 150mcg

Plus all four vitamins need to be tested and OPTIMAL

SeasideSusie profile image


Welcome to the forum.

My t4 & t3 are good right?..

Only you will know that. When taking Levo plus T3 we are all different as to where we need our individual hormone levels to be, there is no one size fits all. Those levels might be fine for some but not for everyone. Some people are fine with a lowish FT4 as long as FT3 is in the upper part of it's range. Some need both FT4 and FT3 fairly well balanced over half way through range. It's up to us to gradually tweak doses to find our optimal doses of each hormone. I have found, through trial and error, that I need both FT4 and FT3 somewhere around 60-70% through range.

but worried tsh is very low?

It will be when taking T3, that's just what T3 does - it lowers and often suppresses TSH. Mine is always <0.01 or <0.02 or <0.005 depending on who does the test and how low their machine measures. TSH is useful for diagnosis but once on thyroid replacement hormone it's not much use, we can only tell our thyroid status from the thyroid hormone levels - FT4 and FT3 (and how we feel of course).

But in the meantime shall i drop levo and t3 dosage

No, don't change both at once, only ever change one at a time otherwise you wont know what reaction (good or bad) is caused by which change.

I take Levo plus T3 and if those were my results and I was experiencing the symptoms you describe I'd reduce T3 by 1/4 of a tablet. Wait 8 weeks, retest to check your level and see how you feel.

I took this dosage on the advice from a Facebook group & have advised need to persevere for about 6 weeks for levo to settle? I feel better but feel im suffering hyper symptoms & dread to take meds.

I don't know who this Facebook group is (I don't do FB) but mixing and matching advice from two different groups is going to confuse you. The symptoms you describe suggest too much T3, it's very near the top of the range, your FT4 is 58% through range so I don't think that's a problem.

Gp has advised i need to drop to 75mcg and to stop taking t3.

Well that's because he probably hasn't got a clue about T3 and is only looking at your TSH. Reducing your Levo from 150mcg to 75mcg is, quite simply, madness, what does he think this will do to your FT4 level?

Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you great advice! I will continue to take 150 levo and 1/4 t3, hopefully will feel better & will settle. Will update my medichecks results on here. I will get there with all of your help!

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Umayya40


I will continue to take 150 levo and 1/4 t3

No, don't reduce to 1/4 T3, you reduce T3 by 1/4 of a tablet at a time, I said

I'd reduce T3 by 1/4 of a tablet

so reduce from 25mcg to 18.75mcg. Cut your tablet in half then cut one half in half again so you have 1 x half and 1 x quarter and that will be your daily dose. Whether you take it all in one go or split and take it in 2 (1 x half and 1 x quarter) or 3 doses (3 x 1 x quarter) is up to you.

Lalatoot profile image
Lalatoot in reply to Umayya40

Umayya changes in T3 dose is a quarter of a tablet every 2 weeks. Don't go from a whole tablet to a quarter all at once. You want to be gentler on your body!

Umayya40 profile image
Umayya40 in reply to Lalatoot

Thank you will reduce gradually!

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