I’ve been seeing a private endo for 16 years who was prescribing my T4 and T3 and my Gp was fine with that Then just before the pandemic my gp called me in and said he was stopping my T3 and did so there and then , when I said “but they are prescribed by a private endo, he just said I haven’t heard from him for a while. But if you want to be referred to a NHS endo I’ll do what he says.
Cut a very long story short I’ve now gone back to my private endo and he has said all my metabolic problems including the 3 stone weight gain are largely due to the T3 been stopped . He’s very concerned because I have a coiled brain aneurysm and the problems I’m having are putting pressure on it.
He wrote my gp a long letter which was respectful but too the point but my GP took umbrage to it and was really irate during our telephone appointment ( haven’t seen for a face to face for nearly three years when he stopped my t3). I’ll be kind and say we got cut off on the phone but he didn’t ring me back when I phone the receptionist and said “ I was just speaking to Dr but think I may have been cut off)
He’s refusing to prescribe T3, he said “ we don’t have to do the investigation that he wants” or prescribe meds he say I should have. I’ve never heard another dr be so disrespectful to another, especially a go about a consultant.
So I have posted on here asking where to get t3 and you lovely people have pointed me in the right direction.
I’ve now got a prescription for Thybon Henning form my private endo and have checked where to get it filled, so I’m okay or meds for a while.
In the meant time I have received a referral letter from my gp. He use have though about our conversation and decided to refer me to our local hospital I had told him I didn’t want to move from my private endo but he’s still done the referral it’s to a endo referral assessment unit.
I have got a question and that is. Whilst I’m ok at the moment because I have the private prescription and know where to get it filled . If by any chance my gp is told by a nhs endo I need t3 and he then prescribes it can that nhs prescribe then be used for the thybon henning t3. As it’s Thybon Henning a good substitute
I ask this as i am conscious of the cost of t3 here in UK and that it’s quite astronomically priced.