VENT on Endo Appt yesterday and something he sa... - Thyroid UK

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VENT on Endo Appt yesterday and something he said that just annoys me

Batty1 profile image
11 Replies

If your a man please take no offense to my post !

Yesterday I had my YEARLY Endo Appointment which stresses me out for a few days leading up to it and not because of my Endo I have had this stress issue since losing my thyroid 5 years ago because I dread dealing with doctors who think because the blood work is good your good…. Anyway my Endo said to me you know you should stop the Estrogen since your at menopause age (had hysterectomy at the age if 32) for ovarian cancer and oncologist said I could stay on Estrogen as long as I want because my cancer was not estrogen driven.

My rant … Why is it ok for women to suffer through issues of menopause and not ok for men to suffer with low testosterone/sexual dysfunction? Maybe Im seeing this the wrong way but certainly feels like it since my husband had low testosterone and the doctors jump fix him with no questions asked but I have my low estrogen since I was 32 and somehow its ok for me to suffer with hormonal issues… end of rant and sorry if I offended any males here not my intention his comment just irks me.

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11 Replies
humanbean profile image

I can empathise and sympathise. I had various bits and pieces removed early in life. Doctors make no attempt to repair anything gynaecological, they just remove it. And I really don't think they have a clue what the effects of hysterectomy are on women.

This website is worth having a look at for any woman contemplating a hysterectomy :

And the adverse effects data is eye-watering and shocking :

If I was to write a full list of symptoms I developed after hysterectomy very, very quickly it would go on for miles. Hysterectomy affects so much about the body, physically and mentally, and it is all dismissed as getting old, depression, anxiety, stress, and the treatment is anti-depressants. I was never able to tolerate HRT after my hysterectomy. So, I was put on the fast train to being an old lady in my 30s.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to humanbean

Did u suffer with bone loss without HRT?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Batty1

I was lucky enough to get a scan for bone density aged 37, three months after my hysterectomy. It was excellent, and my results showed that my bone density was at the 75th percentile i.e. 75% of women my age would have bone density the same or lower than mine, 25% would have higher bone density than mine.

I had another test when I was 51 (at my own request), and by this time my results had dropped a lot and were at the 49th percentile i.e. 49% of women would have bone density the same or lower than mine, 51% would have bone density higher than mine.

My mother had extremely severe osteoporosis and as far as I know was never offered HRT, so I knew what to expect, so the later result didn't surprise me.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to humanbean

Thats interesting I feel that HRT has been helpful in keeping my bones somewhat decent. I still just can’t get over the fact that doctors think women should suck up menopause but men should be helped when things aren’t working right… Doctors are nothing but thugs in white jackets with a degree on the wall… so annoying.

Holy smokes I read the list … hysterectomy and thyroid symptoms are close relatives.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Batty1

I totally agree. But the medical profession and the NHS are institutionally sexist. I don't know what to do about it, or what can be done about it by others.

I expect it to take at least another century, probably two, before women's health is taken as seriously as men's health and researchers actually do some research on it. And, with what's going on in the world today, I expect it to get worse before there is any chance of it getting better.

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to Batty1


Wow 😬I've been thinking the same about the men in white coats not just men also women in white coats unfortunately 😔 you would think seeing a woman specialist in relation to menupausal issues and HRT would be a good thing after all she is a woman. Well that's not been my experience, I had full hysterectomy in 2003 due to 2 large lumps which turned out to be fibroids not cancerous, I did manage to go back to my normal life work, gym ect ( young son) then I became very ill in 2003 this would be my first introduction to the endocrinologist 😤 I was diagnosed with early onset of primary hyperparathyroidism for which another blood test was performed and I was discharged from the endocrinologist care and left, I never recovered I constantly went back and forth to my then gp for help but were told your OK!!! Well I told him I wasn't.

I left that surgery joined another ( no better I might add) where I was promptly diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibro, ME.. 🤷‍♀️ Lost my job, marriage the whole 9 yards😔 lived with this condition till 2015 when I was rushed to hospital with rectal bleeding and vomiting blood, a full 11 days later I was diagnosed with colitis/lactose intolorent, I was becoming worse as time went on, in my medical records ( I requested these in 2020) it says some endocrinologist who I'd never seen gp must have taken advice writes.. 2 SHORT SUPPRESSED TSH.. WITH NORMAL T3.. DIAGNOSIS OF THYROIDITIS in 2014😲 I was never told about this!! Then in 2018 after 12 months of being very, very ill I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism eventually being hospitalised in thyroid crisis turns out to be graves and I even had to fight to get the uptake scan as the endo didn't think I needed it.. TSH.. Suppressed, T3 39.6..T4..100 the men in the white coats strike again!! Anyway I need full thyroidectomy had that in 2019..and you'd think that was that but no... Calcium and parathyroid hormone went over range in 2020 twice so gp again took advice from an endocrinologist who wrote saying I probably have primary hyperparathyroidism AGAIN!!! and I've been discharged from the endocrinologist again after one normal parathyroid /calcium blood test... (BTW I'm fighting this)...also my gp said all my symptoms are due to over medication of my T3.. So she decreased me from 40mg to 30mg on these results.. T3.. now.. T3.. 1.5...TSH..23.47..T4..2.50..🤦‍♀️.. So hypo🤦‍♀️.. All I'll say is these people in white coats... I don't trust one bit... 😤😤😤 I feel like I've been pushed about from pillow to post by these so called professionals never really getting the help I need.. And still aren't 😤😤😤😤 well that's my medical history..... So far.. 😬 Thank you to the men in the white coats.. 😤😤

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to birkie

I think we all have some form of horror stories about men and women (who, in my opinion, are worse) in white coats, although mine are nowhere near as awful as yours. I’m so sorry. But this is also why I and many others here have taken charge of our own conditions and rely on our own research, tests and help from this forum to try and make our way through this treacle path as best we can. I wish you all the best on your journey and please ask for advice here whenever you need it. It’ll be of far superior quality and you’ll never get an eye roll here!

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to Zephyrbear


Thanks for the reply 👍

I've gained more knowledge about thyroid conditions on here than any endo in his or her white coat 😬.. My only other irritant is the gp🤦‍♀️ as he is my brick wall at the moment, because one parathyroid / calcium blood as come bk in normal range.. Ho that normal range thing.. The endo and GPS must jump up and down with glee when they see this on our test because it means they don't have to deal with us.. Or our symptoms 😤 but yet my last thyroid bloods show I'm very hypo now and not one gp at my surgery are bothered, I had to request I try T4 for a trial as against my better judgement as I didn't get on with it the last 2 times I tried it, its the fillers I'm on teva 🤦‍♀️.. But this gp keeps insisting its the t3.. So I came off it to prove her wrong, I'm still the same with the symptoms ( urinating constantly, very thirsty, dehydration, bad bone pain and bone vibration, headache constipated, these are not over medication doctor!!, I'm due to get my bloods back soon so will be taking it from there 👍👍

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to birkie

The last GP that tried to lecture me about my T4/T3 dosage got a very comprehensive lecture on why I was following the regime I had worked out for myself (initially started, I have to say, under the supervision and guidance of my old endo who was wonderful) and why I was not going to change it to try to get my blood TSH results back to a "Normal" range. At the end of this she gave up and said that I probably knew more about my condition than she did. I told her that living with something tends to teach you much better than a half-hour lecture in many years of medical school...

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to birkie

We live a real life nightmare, sickening.

Last year I told my Endo I developed a lump on the lower right part of my neck off to the side where my surgery scar is and he said “Nothing their” I insist yes their is I can see my neck bulging “He say No its not” I leave aggravated and now 1 year later at this appointment I mention the lump on my neck which has gotten much bigger (went from marble size to half a golf ball size) in on year and he looks at my neck and says oh my you do have a lump but ultrasound says it’s nothing (liar) US doctor actually said in report this area (lump) is a watch concern since it didn’t present on last years US and the reason for that was the US tech ran wand up and down right and left side of neck once and once down my throat so of course she didn’t see it because she was a lousy US tech who didn’t even roll the wand all over my neck … it was a 5 min US versus yesterdays US which lasted 30 mins.

My husband said he said it was probably muscle …. My arse it is and if it ends up being cancer next year he is gonna regret having met me more then he probably already does…. Ignorant jerks.

birkie profile image
birkie in reply to Batty1

Hi batty1❤️😲😲😲 I do hope it's nothing to worry about, but worry we do especially when it's been missed for such a long time,❤️ I had much the same last year I could feel a swelling on the left side of my neck it hurts to swollow, still got it, gp said its seasonal 🤷‍♀️ my voice sounds like I've smoked 100 cigarettes a day since birth, never smoked in my life, I'm angry as I got my voice back after thyroidectomy so to have it go back like this is worrying, especially after my parathyroid hormone went over active twice along with calcium I thought this could be parathyroid related, I had to laugh at the gp when I mentioned my pth/calcium had gone out of range and could it be this, he did a neck check 🤦‍♀️ I asked what he was feeling for he said parathyroid glands, well that would be like feeling for a grain of rice in a loaf of bread, even if they swell its hard to feel them, goodness this same gp did a neck examination when I mentioned about my thyroid gland being the problem, very annoyed he said their is nothing wrong with your thyroid!!!... Wish he'd been at my thyroidectomy in 2019 I would have loved to rub my evicted thyroid right in his face 👍

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