EDIT: thank you all for the responses. What I’ve decided to do, since I’ve ran out of Armour anyway. So I’ve switched to nature throid capsules (that don’t have fillers in them.) my doctor friend sent me about 105 days worth of these so I mine as well try them and see if they work better than Armour, since Armour has fillers and has caused me to have hairloss. Another takeaway I got from your comments is to focus on iron, I do eat pumpkin seeeds everyday, and I will focus on iron to raise ferritin. So now I have increased my dose to 130mg of NT capsules (no fillers) . My body is basically an experiment, which is fine, because if I don’t try the NT capsules I won’t know if I can feel better. Once I run out of those in a several months, I can get my friend to write me a script for WP thyroid.
Post is below
I don’t know what to do anymore. I wrote a post a day ago about my extreme hairloss. My hairloss didn’t occur until I started Armour in October. I really do know that the Armour has caused the hairloss because the weekend before starting it, my hair was NOT falling out at all. It was an instant thing.
I’m currently taking 90mg of Armour. I’ve been on Armour since October 15. So a little more than 6 months. Hairloss has gotten worse and worse as being on Armour. I do have bottles of Naturethroid that I am thinking about switching to to see if the hairloss changes and if I feel better. I’m not sure if I should do that or just go up to 120mg of Armour and see if I feel better with that.
Recent labs were from March 21. The only thing that improved was TSH. It was down to 1.41 from 4 last time I got labs. But EVERYTHING else is still low. T4 is low, t3 free is low, t3 low. I’m attaching my labs here.
I feel like garbage. Fatigued. Weight gain. Insomnia. Hairloss. Inflammation etc. It’s also been a very stressful month. I had to move home because I couldn’t find an apartment in my city , then we had a sudden death in the family, stayed w family for that for a week. I’m living in a very triggering environment now. So stress is high.
I’m attaching photo of labs but I don’t understand how to attach multiple photos so I guess I’ll attach the others in comments ?