Hi,not sure how to move forward,am currently on 100 levo at my request,also take 12.5 T3,does taking the T3 mess up the T4 result, as feel I need more levo,buy doctor said I am overmedicated,could someone advise please. Thank you🙂
T3 messing up results: Hi,not sure how to move... - Thyroid UK
T3 messing up results

Taking T3 tends to lower TSH and often suppresses it. It also tends to lower FT4 level to a certain extent.
What are your results that the GP is unhappy with? Can you post them along with their reference ranges.
Presumably, as you are taking 12.5mcg T3, this is self sourced? With your doctor's blessing or not?
Thanks SeaSideSusie,will find result he not happy with he has referred me to see an endo,don't know when I will get appt,I bought the Tiromel myself.
On my online record it says aT4 serum level 12-22
12-22 is the reference range, there will be a result (possibly somewhere between those two numbers) as well.
Also, what is your TSH result/range?
When taking T3 it's important to test FT3 as well when testing TSH and FT4, you must know where your FT3 level is because this is what tells you if you are overmedicated.
If GP can't get FT3 tested then it really is important to have this so consider doing a private test. The cheapest test for TSH, FT4 and FT3 is with Monitor My Health, which is an NHS lab which offers this test to the general public as a fingerprick test and it costs £26.10 with code found here:
Thank you again this is snap shot of my results
OK, so we have
TSH: 0.03 (0.27-4.2)
FT4: 10.9 (12-22)
FT3: 3.1 (3.1-6.8)
TSH is suppressed (below 0.1 is suppressed), FT4 is below range and FT3 is at the very bottom of the range.
There is something very, very unusual about these results. When TSH is low like yours one expects the see the hormone results (FT4 and FT3) high in range, when taking T3 FT4 will generally be lower in it's range than FT3 is in it's range.
So, the question is has something interfered with the test to give these strange results?
Do you take a biotin supplement or a B Complex or a hair/nail supplement or anything else containing biotin (B7)? Biotin can give false results.
When did you take your last dose of Levo and T3 before the test. Last dose of Levo should be 24 hours before the test, last dose of T3 should be 8-12 hours befor the test, and with 12.5mcg you would split this dose into two and take the last part of the dose 8-12 hours before blood draw. If you leave any longer than these times then you get false lows for your hormone results.
doctor said I am overmedicated
Your doctor is making the classic mistake of just looking at the TSH result. TSH is not a thyroid hormone, it's a pituitary hormone which is useful for diagnosis but once on thyroid hormone replacement it's the thyroid hormones (FT4 and FT3) that tell us our thyroid status and whether we are overmedicated. With a below range FT4 and bottom of range FT3 there is no way you can possibly be overmedicated, the FT3 would have to be over range for that. This is assuming that nothing has interfered with the test results.
Thanks,no didn't take any supplements,and followed the rules re taking medication before blood draw,the doctor actually stopped levo without telling me,and when I did get them reinstated dropped it down to 75,I have since switched doctor
Why did the doctor stop the Levo?
How long had you been off Levo altogether, and how long had you been back on Levo before this test?
Do you have Hashimoto's (raised thyroid antibodies would confirm this if they've been tested).
Do you take any other medication?
Hi he never said,found out from pharmacy when I went to pick them up,I phoned surgery and got them reinstated at lower dose ,my antibody tests have always been low, I take orlistat,when I remember ,thanks for reply
So you didn't go without Levo completely then?
Maybe missed a couple of weeks,sorry memory not great
OK, so your FT4, FT3 and symptoms are screaming "undermedicated" but your TSH is completely out of sync wit your other results. Maybe there was some assay interference or other explanation for your TSH result, I think I remember something about a certain type of antibody interfering with TSH results - helvella have I imagined this?
I think you should ask your GP to retest, preferably using a different lab, based on these unusual results.
Maybe the new doctor will be more helpfull,as other doc just said we will wait until you have seen endo
Hi - do you know that ORLISTAT prevents absorption of levothyroxine and liothyronine and some vitamins and minerals ! There is a lot of research that says people on thyroid medication should not be given ORLISTAT. Has your doctor prescribed ORLISTAT for you ? If GP has then they need to increase both of your levothyroxine and liothyronine to compensate and you should not take the ORLISTAT within 8 hours before or after that medication !
Sorry to be bearer of bad news but I think ORLISTAT is giving you the low fT4 and fT3 readings, weight gain and fatigue. Please consider stopping the ORLISTAT before increasing thyroid medicine though - you may start to feel better a few months after stopping the ORLISTAT. :/
Hi Seaside Susie, my TSH is 0.001. The endocrinologist I saw said taking T3 permanently suppress the TSH. Mine been like it for years. I take T3 & T4 I’ve had total thyroidectomy. If I could have coped without having it done I would have. I’ve never been well since. All the best to all of you experiencing problems.
Yes, I know taking T3 suppresses TSH (I wish all doctors did), as I said in my first reply
Taking T3 tends to lower TSH and often suppresses it.
but it's the fact that what she's taking - Levo and T3 - is producing such dire hormone levels so I went on to ask
So, the question is has something interfered with the test to give these strange results?
but maybe it just is undermedication.
I see what SeasideSusie is getting at but if you have symptoms I would say you are actually still under medicated and TSH just isn't responding as usual (which is quite usual on this forum 😁). How do you feel?
Thanks Radd,have put on 3 stone,and get really exhausted, and cold if I am still,all the usual delights 😊
TSH: 0.03 (0.27-4.2)
FT4: 10.9 (12-22)
FT3: 3.1 (3.1-6.8)
So GP is prescribing 100mcg Levo which leaves FT4 well under-range, and you are self-medicating 12.5mcg T3 which still leaves woefully inadequate FT3 levels, and TSH is behaving as if you are over-medicated!
When we introduce T3 meds they change the way our blood test look and will not be understood by most GP’s. Presuming T3 is fairly new?, I have looked at your previous posts and one year ago whilst medicating only 100mcg Levothyroxine your labs said FT4 was still bottom of range and FT3 middle, and TSH again really low (under range) which is not usual.
These older labs make it difficult to tell if you were just under-medicated in Levo or needed additional T3 meds (poor converter) because sometimes when we are low in thyroid hormone the body will automatically convert more T3 in an effort to retain well being, even though this obviously isn’t sustainable long term by the body.
And now even medicating a little T3 I would still say you need an increase in Levothyroxine. Will your doctor go with that given TSH is so low? It may very well be if you had a Levo increase you wouldn't need T3 meds (which makes life a lot easier). You could mention Central Hypothyroidism because the low FT4 and low TSH evidenced a year again (which was complicated further by you self sourcing T3) is really not usual.
Whilst you wait for the endo appointment I would concentrate on getting meds working better by optimising essential cofactors; iron (absolutely essential), Vit B12, folate and Vit D. Also, if you have elevated thyroid antibodies to try controlling inflammation with gluten free diet and supplementing selenium (known to reduce thyroid antibodies).
Are you split dosing your T3 meds?
Thank you for detailed reply ,I am just scared doc will request blood test and say I am overmedicated then lower dose again have been going gluten free,I will make sure I take supplements suggested,thanks Radd
This is the problem many members have and why some of us end up self medicating. You are in need of a dose increase, most likely thyroxine. As you are already self sourcing T3 why don't you just self source Levo? It's a lot cheaper and easier to obtain than T3.
Thankyou I want to but don't know where to look
Just write a post asking for Levo and members will DM you their source.
Please don't get into trouble by naming where I can source levo
Anyone who advises you of their Levothyroxine source will do it by DM as per forum rules.
Thanks have just made a post
If you self source Levo, I would suggest only increasing by 25mcg and then waiting six weeks to do private labs. post results including ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.
private labs

How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally before 9am last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
On T3 day before test split daily dose into 2 smaller doses, spread through the day at approx 8 hour intervals, taking last 1/4 tablet 8-12 hours before test
Is this how you did your test ?
Taking almost any of T3 will suppress TSH…..as shown by your results
GP doesn’t understand and will always reduce levothyroxine to try to bring TSH up …..which won’t happen as you’re taking T3
Hi SlowDragon and thanks 100 levo ,yes I did all that ,don't know what to do from now on 🤔
How much levothyroxine were you on before adding T3
What were results on just levothyroxine
How long have you been taking 2 x 6.25mcg T3
What time was last dose before test?
Ft3 result is very low
Ft4 obviously too low ….you need 25mcg dose increase in levothyroxine retest in 6-8 weeks
Email Thyroid U.K. for list of recommended thyroid specialist endocrinologist and doctors who will prescribe T3
Essential to regularly retest vitamin D twice year when supplementing and test folate, ferritin and B12 once year minimum
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
Thanks,was on 125 at one point, not sure ,would have to find past results,have been on T3 after not being able to afford thyroid S,so probably couple of years on T3,I take B12 and Vit D
You need to retest vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Likely being under medicated lowering vitamin levels
Orlistat can significantly lower vitamin D
Are you taking vitamin D tablets/gels or vitamin D mouth spray
Many U.K. patients forced to test privately to make progress
NHS easy postal kit vitamin D test £29 via
Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test
If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code

Orlistat and levothyroxine
Are you taking Orlistat at least 4 hours away from levothyroxine
Let your healthcare professionals (e.g. doctor or pharmacist) know that you are taking these medicines together. Separate the times you take your thyroid medicine and your orlistat by at least four hours. Let your doctor know if you have any symptoms of hypothyroidism.