My fsh has been high and Estrogen low like yours for 2 years now ever since I started 50mcg if Levothyroxine! Help someone
High FsH due to levothyroxin?: My fsh has been... - Thyroid UK
High FsH due to levothyroxin?
Have you had testing for PCOS
PCOS and Hashimoto’s often go together
I don’t have pcos but what testing is done to see if you are pcos?
Ok well I have irregular periods right now high fsh and low amh if that is pcos then ok! One small 9mm cyst on ovary for over a year now no other cysts. What do I do....?
As discussed in previous post…..could be under medicated thyroid wise. 50mcg is only a starter dose levothyroxine
Request evaluation for PCOS by endocrinologist
It’s difficult to understand what is meant by PCOS anyways. I am realizing how crazy this all is.
PCOS stands for polysystic ovaries which means having cysts in your ovaries ideally in a chain like manner. Also high testosterone and high Estrogen as their amh is very high above 25, which means they have a lot of eggs! They have irregular ovulation and irregular periods because their pituitary gland is not functioning as it should and not sending correct signals as their LH and FSh ratio is not normal
Now they also call PCOS for anyone that has hormonal balance. Hover that’s not a true PCOS as hormonal balance could be from many different things including caused by some medication, which is what is happening in my case. Ever since I started on levo I got my period but then it was irregular with high fsh and low amh hence low Estrogen on day 2 blood tests.
So when you say do you have PCOS no I don’t as I don’t have a problem with my pituitary gland and have no cysts as a PCoS and my Estrogen nor amh is not high right now.
Now, >> do I have irregular cycles? yes I do! So I am not sure what an endo would help with?
You also keep saying I was under medicated. I explained above that my T4 with 50 mcg levo was at 20! If I took 75 mcg it would be at 24! Both are too high anyways! So I am really not sure what you are saying here or how it applies to me? ☺️