I want to try T3 only after 4 months on T3/T4 combo. I had initial difficulties with T3 when I’d tried to add it a few times over the past years then found out here, all hail T.U.K. !, and with the help of a friend I met on this forum, that I wasn’t doing it right. (Was started with too much, as advised by two different endos, who also said to take it only twice a week – the usual incompetence…)
I feel that T3 does me good. It’s reliable in its effect, as opposed to T4 that acts erratically: if I up the levo dose by 6mcg I might feel better for one to two days and then awful again, whereas more often I feel immediately worse. I’ve been “playing this levo game” for years and I’m fed up – also of sticking to one dose for 6 weeks then try another and the next one – and the next and the next and I’m not getting better at all. So maybe Levo isn’t right for me. I’ve been taking it since post RAI in 2009 (see resume).
Since 1 June have been taking 6.25 T3 twice a day 7 hours apart and 62.50 / 69 T4– except for a 3-week excursion into 75/88 in August. I’m doing labs soon, also checking vitamins and iron and will post.
Meanwhile, I would like advice on T3 only dosage at the start, when I stop T4; as mentioned I’m already friends with T3
My uneducated guess is to add 20 mcg T3 to take over from 60+ T4. Should I still take my 12.50 T3 as well? Maybe a few days later?
As usual, I’ll be very grateful for advice and a ray of hope out of this inferno… (here an angry / desperate Combo smiley!)