I saw a doctor today under Functional Medicine and she suspects that I have long term blocked receptor cells caused by a virus which explains why T4 T3 and Vit D supplements are not making me feel any better. She has suggested taking Sage which can be bought from the local supermarket. - has anyone been successful in treating blocked receptor cells and can you name anything that worked on you. PM if necessary. Thank you .
Blocked receptor cells: I saw a doctor today... - Thyroid UK
Blocked receptor cells

Looking at previous posts and profile you had RAI
How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
Do you always get same brand of levothyroxine
How much T3
Again, always same brand?
Do you split T3 into 2 or 3 doses through day
When were vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 last tested
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)
When on T3, day before test, split dose into three smaller doses roughly equal 8 hour intervals. Taking last dose T3 at roughly 8-12 hours before test
Is this how you do your tests?
Please add most recent results and ranges
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or thyroid antibodies or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options
Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins
Thriva Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins By DIY fingerpick test
Thriva also offer just vitamin testing
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test
If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code
NHS easy postal kit vitamin D test £29 via
Hello SlowDragon
Thank you for replying to my enquiry about blocked receptor cells.
I have just updated my profile with all the results since I started to see FM doctor which commenced in May 2020-She has worked for NHS for 20 years never in endocrinology now specialising in FM concentrating on CFS or Energy Medicine- she is not a thyroid specialist more on CFS. I have done this because the NHS has told me for 44 years they are happy with my endocrine system and blood tests show thyroid within range and adrenal gland fine. NHS will not accept saliva tests done by Regenerus for adrenal gland but recent tests done by Nordic Labs in April 2021 all show negative.
In answer to your questions
I take 100mcg of Thyroxine per day I try to get same brand each time avoid Teva T4 as it definitely affects me.
I was taking T3 but felt that I needed to be under an expert -NHS no help- had private zoom consultation with Paul Robinson in 2019 I was taking 6.25mcg at 3am to tie in with circadian rhythm using Tiromel then Cytomel-gradually built up to 12.5 then 25mcg 1 per day I did not split doses - No improvement some days felt a lot worse- corresponded with Paul R he was surprised no improvement felt complex case big ? mark over whether pituitary secreting enough natural ACTH- took up with NHS they did baseline cortisol and synacthen blood test they were happy with results.
Stopped taking T3 started taking Thyroid-S NDT 1 60 mg per day upon waking- I did not take NHS T4 when on T3 or NDT- felt worse so went back to 100 mcg of T4.
I always stop taking T4 24 hours before blood test and stop taking b- complex days before test because of biotin- I have used private labs as suggested on here and Thyroid UK- Full thyroid profile done by Medichecks Dec 2017, June 2018, Sept 2018 and Aug 2019
I became unwell in 1977 initially complaining of depression mental and physical fatigue - no doctor mentioned the thyroid until the early 1990s when I fainted twice - daignosed as having very overactive thyroid - I had no knowledge of thyroid so did not ask questions about Graves disease or Hashimotos and I do not remember them mentioning these and no access to internet at that time to do my own research- The NHS is so bad that I had never heard of autoimmune or Hashimotos until I joined Thyroid UK 4 several yrs ago. I received RAI this made me a lot worse I became hypothyroid but discharged and been on mostly 100 mcg of T4 but never feeling any improvement.
I am now waiting for feedback from FM doctor as she wants to check with colleagues on Cortisone as this is above the top of range - also Vit D 25 Oh ok there is another type but I cannot remember the name. FM states that I definitely have CFS which is not the name of an illness but a collective name for a group of symptoms and that it is definitely not psychological. If it was caused by the Epstein Barr virus then it is notorious for causing blocked receptor - She wants to look more into Vit D receptors as Vit D deficiency at tissue level will cause CFS.
Whatever FM comes up from the tests the remedy is always through my diet by adding or eliminating things but at the last 2 appointments trips to the vegetable section at Tesco. I told the FM doctor when I met her in 2020 that whatever is wrong with me it will not be corrected through my diet but because they believe that the human body has enormous powers of recovery food is the best medicine .

Did she say whether that should be fresh sage, or dried? Or how much? Or which receptor cells?
(It could be a slight mistake by you, but we usually refer to receptors as things that exist within cells. Not that some cells are receptor cells and some have other functions.)
There are thyroid hormone receptors - several variations:
It feels as if you have been thrown a bone but found it was a stick.
Hello Helvella- thank you for your reply. The FM doctor mentioned fresh Sage but have bought both fresh and dried Sage to be taken once a day. but I will take as much as I possibly can. I have written to her this evening for clarification because she is looking further into Vit D - the labs test for 25 OH she is looking at another type and also ask her is it the receptor cells for Vit D or T4/T3.
I’m just gonna say it. Sage? Sage???
Nope. I don’t see how that could possibly help!
(Sorry )
Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Medicinal Property of Sage (Salvia) to Prevent and Cure Illnesses such as Obesity, Diabetes, Depression, Dementia, Lupus, Autism, Heart Disease, and Cancer
I mean, I know OP isn't taking about any of those diseases and I'm not suggesting Sage could do what OPs Functional Dr said it would but it's interesting none-the-less!
Disclaimer: I only read the abstract and the conclusion. 😂

I read it too. Figured I should look it up before replying. But all I could see was that there might be some theoretical protective effect against developing hypothyroidism in the first place which I didn’t entirely buy.
I think there’s definitely power in plants. It’s the oldest medicine in the world, right? But the idea that sage could unblock T3 receptors didn’t quite compute. Especially as I’m not sure it’s possible to prove that T3 receptors are blocked in the first place...

It great for cleaning teeth 🦷
Thank you for your reply. I find it very difficult to accept that the reason I have felt so unwell for 44 years which has really spoilt my life and the answer has been in the vegetable section at Tesco for 70p a packet. The tests done by her are far in excess of anything done by the NHS and private labs recommended on here. For example the most recent tests by FM have been done by a private lab in Norway testing for 83 hormones using saliva and urine ( because they are more accurate than blood) 4 and 5 different times each day. FM do take testing to a new level but they rely so much on food as the main form of treatment believing that the body has enormous powers of recovery.
Hmmaaa.. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Functional Medicine Doctors tend to have little understanding of thyroid, but some very strange ideas. I've never heard of a virus that would block thyroid hormone receptors - or anything else, come to that. And, is she talking about vit D receptors, too? Or, where does the vit D come in? And, what exactly is the sage supposed to do? And, what makes her suspect these receptors are 'blocked' anyway? This opens up so many questions I really would like to know the answers! My curiosity has been picqued, and my appetite whetted. Please do tell us more.
Hello greygoose
- thank you for your reply- I have written to the FM doctor this evening to clarify which receptor cells she is referring to -is it T4/T3 or Vit D - The private labs test for Vit D 25 OH -she did mention another type that she wishes to investigate but I cannot remember the name - I was hyperthyroid and received RAI in the early 1990s and have been on 100mcg of T4 each day but she mentioned today that I definitely had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She feels that the thyroid started to malfunction in 1977 because of a virus and that was the Epstein Barr virus which is notorious for blocking receptor cells. I feel that if they have been blocked since 1977 it needs more than a pkt of Sage from the local supermarket.
So, did you have Graves or Hashi's? Epstein Barr is usually a precursor of Hashi's, but I've never heard of it blocking receptors. I can't help wondering if your doctor hasn't got a little confused.
If you have no thyroid, and you're only taking 100 mcg T4 only, I would hazard an educated guess that your problem is more likely to be under-medication than blocked receptors.
So, on such a tiny dose, it's hardly surprising that you have Chronic Fatigue. But, that is not a disease, it is a syndrome. A syndrome is caused by something. So, joining up the dots, I would put it down to under-medication. Do not allow that non-diagnosis to go into your medical records, and don't accept any of the so-called 'treatments' for CFS. That would do you far more harm than good. What you need, I'm pretty sure, is an increase in your dose of levo, and probably some T3 added.
Look at it this way. When your thyroid is fit an healthy, adequate thyroid hormone is readily available, and is transported round your body, in the blood, to the areas that need it, where it is taken up by the thyroid hormone receptors.
Taking thyroid hormone exogenously, is an entirely different matter. Especially when under-medicated. That hormone goes into the blood and is transported round the body, but there's not enough to go round all the millions of cells. So, it's a matter of first come, first served. The hormone is not divided out equally between all the cells. So, if you have a vivid imagination, and don't understand how all this works, it's a small step from there to coming up with the 'theory' that some of the receptors have been blocked, so the hormone isn't getting in.
What actually happens is that the least important receptors are switched off, precicely because there's not enough hormone to go round, and the body has to keep you alive by making sure that areas like the heart, lungs and brain get as much hormone as is possible. The way to switch those receptors back on again, is to be taking enough thyroid hormone to go round. I don't think sage comes in to it.
When did you last have labs done? Have you got a copy of the results and ranges? If so, post them on here and let's have a look.
"she mentioned today that I definitely had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'.
CFS is not a disease, it is a collection of symptoms....ìn my case caused by low cellular T3
This might be useful -
The info you have been given is unlikely to help I'm afraid, you appear to be undermedicated! Save the sage for the stuffing for roast chicken!!
Thyroid hormone receptors don't block, but they will "nod off" and become inactive if there isn't enough T3 available to reach the nuclei of the cells where the hormone becomes active.
Been there...and felt dreadful. I have a type of Thyroid Hormone Resistance.
The receptors need to be stimulated by a large dose of hormone until they "waken up" and saturate the cells. This takes time because not all tissues saturates at the same level.
I reached 212.5mcg T3 before I felt overmedicated. I now need 75mcg to maintain reasonable health. I now tend to monitor and dose by signs and symptoms but on low doses keep labs within ref ranges.
Optimise vit D and consider increasing T3.....very slowly
Please keep us posted re the response you receive from this FM doc.
A quick look through your profile, record on here indicates you've had a thyroid problem since 1977, been largely disappointed with NHS "support" and posted on here for advice for 4 years. On that basis, I think it's unfair on your FM practitioner that she has received implied criticism from some responders to your post. Particularly as no-one but you and her have been involved in any consultations with some uncertainty about her suggestions, reasons etc.
You've indicated that the FMP has been very thorough so there's at least some reason to give her more time. Particularly since the NHS appears to have also been consistently unhelpful for many years.
So what are your thoughts on sage as something that could “unblock” receptors?
Regarding “implied criticism”, well, I’m not a fan of desperate people let down for years by the NHS paying lots of money to get suggestions from an FMP which seem unlikely to help. It’s called “preying on the vulnerable”.
I guess that’s less a criticism of the FMP (although, sage—from a supermarket packet?) and more of an observation of what so many of us here feel driven to do, unheard as we are by the NHS. I’ve done my share of chasing for other answers (some of them very expensive).
I didn't name specific ones who criticised, your response indicates you think I meant you. If so, all I said was it's unfair to criticise the FMP based on very limited info presented on here eg sage suggestion.But I sincerely hope you can offer more success to Delboy25 than apparently had so far from NHS, HU over the years.
If this reply is to Jazzw , she's unlikely to see it because you didn't click on the 'reply' button. However, you didn't answer her question, so I'm asking it again: So what are your thoughts on sage as something that could “unblock” receptors? And that is a serious question, because I'd really like to know. Further more, I'd like to know your take on 'blocked receptors'. And, why you think all this criticism is unfair. Like the original post, your response begs more questions than it answers.
And, if we're talking about 'unfair', do you think it's 'fair' to charge someone all that money to make suggestions that smack more of witchcraft than medicine? Do you think it's fair to prey on the vulnerable and desperate? Like Jazz, I've seen my share of quacks in my search for good health, and spend a lot more money than I could afford. And none of them were of any help whatsoever. In fact, a lot of them probably did more harm than good. So, I think I know what I'm talking about.
And, by the way, my criticism is not in any way 'implied', it is open and direct: the woman is a charlatan, a purveyor of snake oil - recommending it if not actually selling it. What's more, I think that's a very 'fair' comment, given the circumstances. And, I don't honestly see how you can argue otherwise. But, if you really do know something I don't, I would genuinely love to hear it.
No but it seems like you know more about the case than I have seen so far. That includes how much was charged by the FMP. So please advise full details of the consultation (and charge, if only for interest) including all details supplied to FMP by Delboy25. I will then happily comment further on the case.
I cannot defend the FMP without sufficient details nor would I attempt to criticise her without them.
Well, you're a nobler being than I! lol Just the idea that she would suggest sage would be enough for me to go off into paroxisms of criticising.
And, you know very well that I do not know all the facts, only what is mentioned on here - you're almost as sarcastic as I am! lol But, from what was said, one can make certain assumptions. For example, that someone who has no thyroid needs more that 100 mcg levo only, and is therefore more than likely under-medicated... But, if you've actually read all my reply, you will understand my reasoning.
As I mentioned, I've had dealings with this sort of doctor myself, so red lights started flashing as soon as I started reading the post. And, I'm far more interested in the wellbeing of the OP than of being 'fair' to her doctor. The doctor can look after herself, the OP can't.
Im sorry you've had some bad experiences with some practitioners in the past. But I personally believe that doesn't give licence to call one you havent used a charlatan or criticise all such practitioners. And state that they charge "all that money" when you don't know what was charged.
By all means share your bad experiences in responding to posts. But personally I believe Delboy25 and others deserve more balanced/level advice.
Thanks for the discussion. I don't believe you'll change your views because of your personal experiences so we will have to agree to disagree and I won't comment further on this post.
And state that they charge "all that money" when you don't know what was charged.
It doesn't matter how much was charged, it was too much, considering the outcome. Surely you can see that, and that the actual amount is irrelevant. If we pay for someone to repair out car, we don't expect to be told to go to the supermarket and buy a can of oil!
I believe Delboy25 and others deserve more balanced/level advice.
I agree she deserves good advice, but I had thought I'd given some: rather than go on a wild goose chase after 'blocked receptor cells', check that you're not undermedicated. Or didn't you read that bit?
And, it has nothing to do with my personal experiences, more to do with common sense - i.e. I don't believe 'block receptor cells' are the problem - even if such a thing exists - I believe, given her dose, she is under-medicated. It's a logical conclusion. Can you possibly argue with that? And if the doctor in question doesn't entertain that possibility, then she knows nothing about thyroid.

As a male after RAI its highly unlikely 100mcg levothyroxine is high enough dose
How much do you weigh in kilo approx
TSH 0.652 RANGE 0.27 TO 4.2
FT3 4.39 RANGE 3.98 TO 6.54
FT4 14.6 RANGE 12.5 TO 21.2
T3 1.51 RANGE 1.30 TO 3.10
T4 99.2 RANGE 66.0 TO 181.0
T-UPTAKE 1.01 RANGE 0.80 TO 1.30
How much levothyroxine were you taking on this test ?!
Was test done as early as possible in morning before eating or drinking anything other than water and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
These tests show you were (are?) extremely under medicated
Ft4 only 33% through range
Ft3 only 16% through range
Helpful calculator for working out percentage through range
Most people on levothyroxine will need Ft4 at least 60-80% through range
Ft3 at least 60% through range
Guidelines on dose levothyroxine by weight is 1.6mcg per kilo of your weight
After RAI extremely common to also need T3 prescribed alongside levothyroxine, if Ft3 remains low once Ft4 is 80-100% through range
When under medicated it’s extremely common to have low vitamin levels as direct result
What are your most recent vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 results
Low vitamin levels tend to lower TSH
You can test thyroid and vitamins for just £79 via Medichecks, and frequently cheaper if order on a Thursday
RAI suggests you had Graves’ disease
Strictly gluten free diet frequently helps or is essential, but if still eating gluten get coeliac blood test done BEFORE considering trial on strictly gluten free diet
Coeliac blood test widely available online at under £20
Hello SlowDragon
The tests were done on Monday 26th Oct 2020- I was taking 100 mcg thyroxine at the time I did not take thyroxine on that day the last was on the Sunday am 24 hrs before test. The FM doctor came to my house to do the blood tests they were between 8.30am and 9.30am - I do not remember if I had eaten before the tests.
The blood test was for Regenerus and included a full thyroid profile.
A urine sample was taken and was sent to Nordic Labs and included B12 Folic Acid (B9) and these showed as borderline -no actaul figures or ranges appear in the report.
The last Vit D test must have been done by Medichecks in 2018.
The reports show that I had very high readings for Histamine and Homocysteine.
The enzyme that is integral to histamine breakdown is FAD which is controlled by thyroid hormones and depends on Vit B2- Vit B2 was extremely low.
My weight is 81 kilos so using the calculator I should be on at least 125mcg of thyroxine.
Thank you for your time on my case.
I've been reading around this because my endo suggesting infection / inflammation was blocking my t3 receptors.Anyway it sounds like Red Sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) does have an effect of cytokines!
Also found keffir and chloroquine do as well.
I am off to try all 3 to try and avoid starting t3
Ok thank you for your reply. I have come across Kefir before, suggested by FM doctor . I take it the type sold in supermarket is strong enough.
I hope so - I've only just read about it so going to get some later today - taking turmeric/ red sage / keffir appeals a lot more than taking T3 medication I must admit - let's keep each other posted
I perhaps should have said - I contracted Lyme Disease in 2015 - treated now but still have little relapses - usually when various stresses happen - the research into long covid ( which sounds very similar indeed to post Lyme) is pointing to cytokines causing the mischief and that when endo hinted at it I started reading around it.I had to start taking T4 not long after the Lyme disease but looking back T4 levels have been good /high but T3 levels still been low throughout
Hey there Delboy :
I too had RAI for Graves back in 2005, knew nothing and trusted this decision was made in my best interests.
Dosed and monitored in primary care on only ever 100/125 mcg T4 and offered anti depressants when I questioned my health care.
I became very unwell, around 8 years later and no NHS department nor doctor had any answers as to my situation though all my then symptoms are clearly detailed in Elaine Moore's first book - Graves Disease - A Practical Guide - which I purchased out of desperation when left houebound and with no resolve after over 2 years of going around various NHS departments and referred to as a conundrum by my doctor.
There are T3 receptors throughout the body and RAI has likely turned these off just as it has burnt out and disabled your thyroid.
Having been refused both NDT and T3 through the NHS in 2018 I resorted to helping myself,
I am now 3 years into NDT and am, most days, feeling pretty much back to being ok :
I also tried T3/T4 combo but felt a bit turbo charged and maybe didn't understand what I was doing as I couldn't get settled on any dose that made any sense.
It's been a long haul and the consequences of the RAI as detailed on my profile page have taken their toll both financially, emotional and psychologically as I was left housebound and with no answers from the medical establishment who encouraged me to drink this toxic waste.
So, I think I'm just sending a large RAI hug, and suggest you read up all you can and if you wish to share your experience with NDT maybe I might have an idea you may like to consider.
Thank you for your reply and offer of advice . The FM doctor thinks that I became unwell in 1977 because of a virus/infection which affected the thyroid but despite seeing numerous doctors nobody tested for the thyroid until the early 1990s. I fainted on two occasions in the early 1990s and was diagnosed as having a very overactive thyroid received RAI which made me a lot worse but was discharged. Did I have an overactive thyroid from 1977 to 1994 and will this cause fatigue and particularly brain fog.
Hey there, yes i had a look back at your previous posts ;
Were you diagnosed with Graves Disease and this was the reason for the RAI ablation.
Graves is an auto immune disease and the reality is, it's for life, it's in your DNA and there is likely a inherited, genetic predisposition to this AI disease which seems to be driven by stress and anxiety.
I was not " hyper ' in the way it's described on here and looking back believe I've been living with more hypo symptoms for most of my life than the " hyper ' type attacks described on here.
On diagnosis my only symptoms were the continual exhaustion which I 'd work through for most of my life plus now I had insomnia and dry gritty eyes.
i was told at my very firt endo appointment I was scheduled for RAI the following year.
i was well on the Carbimazole but told it was too dangerous to stay on long term so told I was to drink a poison instead that was totally safe to take.
Anyhow - we are where we are, and I do think you need more than T4 as you described challenging cognitive functions and in order to function the brain needs to large amount of T3 and just see you short changed in you current dosing.
a fully functioning working thyroid would be supporting you daily with trace elements of T1. T2. and calcotinon, plus a measure of T3 said to be at about 10 mcg plus a measure of T4 said to be at about 100 mcg. T3 is said to be about 4 times more powerful than T4 with the average person needing to utilise / find / convert / around 50 T3 just to function.
T4 needs to be converted by your body to T3 the active hormone that the body runs on :
If you don't replace this " unknown but guess estimate measure " you have in effect down regulated yourself byabout 20% of your overall bodily functions and capabilities.
Some people can get by on T4 only, some people find, at some point in time they need to add a little T3 to the T4, and some people need to prescribed T3 :
Sadly it seems in the UK we have made retrograde steps regarding thyroid hormone replacement treatment options as there are none ;
We have just T4 Levothyroxine which does a great job for many, but if with primary hypothyroidism caused by a thyroidectomy or RAI ablation or with a thyroid AI disease we are left out in the cold as there are no specific guidelines yo help guide doctors in primary care, and sadly those guidelines in place are not fit for purpose.
Another book I use written by a doctor who has hypothyroidsm Barry Durant - Peatfield and entitled Your Thyroid and How To Keep It Healthy - we haven't this gland but we do need to know what it does so we can try and compensate accordingly.
Both Elaine Moore's book and the above one mentioned are available on the Thyroid uk website - Elaine also now takes an active part in her Graves Disease Foundation website which is an extrememly well rounded research tool on all thing Graves and AI, and offers alternative and more holistic options where you may even find reference to sage but I can't think it can seriously resolve a known medical condition that can be caused for several reasons, one of which is through taking Radioactive Iodine.
Hello pennyannie- I cannot remember if they told me I had Graves Disease back in the 1990s all I remember is that they told me I had a very overactive thyroid which was the reason I was fainting- I had no knowledge of thyroid disease I trusted the specialists in endocrinology and neither did I have access to the internet to do any kind of research. No one in the family has ever suffered with thyroid disease/Graves disease.
Yes, I can ditto all of what you have said :
Looking back I suspect my father had Graves, he was medically discharged towards the end of the end of the 2nd World War, and actually very lucky as he never saw active combat but was sent to Tiree a little island in the Scottish Inner Hebrides.
I think his Graves burnt itself out and have read of this happening to others who never sought medical help - I could, of course, be totally wrong but I did witness a massive change in his whole demeanour from a very angry, frightening father figure to just a soft, big cuddly bear in later life.
Whatever has happened, has gone, we are left to pick up the peces as best we can and I just know I'm much improved having switched to full spectrum thyroid hormone replacement which was the treatment successfully used for over 100 years, and used by the NHS before Big Pharma rolled up with synthetic T3 and T4 and the science of blood tests, ranges and guidelines and deemed as " the " treatment option for hypothyroidism.
Hi, interesting post which I only just came across, thank you. I had just been reading about the possibility of one cause of receptors (in this case insulin) being blocked was carbohydrate causing stickiness which then attracts yeasts which do the blocking. Cinnamon, which can be used for those with glucose control issues, may actually be helping because of its ability to remove yeast from the blood stream. ( canceractive.com/article/ca... - have a look half way down under ' Yeasts cause other illnesses' ). Could it be possible that we do not have just one cause of receptor blocking and that this could be contributory potentially to all receptors? Sage is used for candida treatment. I'd be interested to hear why your FMP chose sage and if this was her reasoning. Some really intriguing links with EBV and candida sciencedirect.com/science/a.... I hope it helps you and might give it a try, along with the cinnamon. Coconut oil seems to be suggested too, which I've been using with benefit for some time. Yet again, we need to focus on the gut bacteria. If you felt like PMing me the FMPs details, I'd be interested to know. Cheers and best wishes