Posting on behalf of someone I’m supporting who finds it difficult to use this platform.
She suffers allergy and intolerance symptoms, so with difficulty has now just got onto 25mcgs Levo since being diagnosed hypo with a TSH of 6 and then 8. FT4 under range both times. She has long term symptoms of ME.
She had a thyroid scan and that picked up Hurtle cells and she now has further questions.
She has felt throat/neck swelling and lumpiness for a few years, and old GP said it was anxiety like everything else she has dismissed her with. So now she’s concerned she’s had nodules for years and so now the increased risk of cancer?
An Endo that she saw has said she’s only a bit hypo (LOL!) and she should stop taking the Levo and that he would only treat with a TSH of 20. Her previous 2 years blood results weren’t too bad as she was on glandulars so he thinks this is a recent change in her bloods. Luckily so far GP has taken no notice of this. Clearly this has thrown a cat amongst the pigeons and makes her question herself.
So for the Hurtle cells she’s been referred urgently to an ENT surgeon. She’s wondering if the Endo team are likely to influence ENT team and thus affecting what treatment might be offered following her tests? Maybe it doesn't work like that as it's a separate issue? But having previously read that untreated thyroid can cause nodules it makes her wonder if, if nothing too serious, holding off from any surgery until she can balance thyroid levels might be a good idea? (or not!).
Lastly she has been wondering if her malnourishment has caused the hypothyroidism or if it doesnt work like that? I suppose what Endo said has made her question herself abit, I mean if they dont think she’s hypo then does that mean they think nodules are serious and causing the imbalanced thyroid results?
Apologies if this seems a bit rambling, but some of it I have copy/pasted and changed the person it is written in. Thanks for your thoughts.