just of from Drs to find out results of Thyroid blood test, the bloods requested were TFT and T3 and hormone one to check if I’m peri menopausal. Apparently the T3 and hormone one wasn’t taken and my T4 is reading high . I asked the receptionist what was the T3 reading and she said there’s just T4 and TSH and you are borderline high.. I asked for my readings to be told again!! That I wouldn’t understand them and the doctor has read and commented on them noting I was borderline high 🙇♀️. I’ve had to book another phone call with the doctor who ordered the bloods( I know she ordered them because it was written on the screen when I was having them done ) but the nurse has obviously just written thyroid function test and not the T 3 or the hormone profile. I’m giving up because I feel like a pin cushion and I have to wait to weeks to speak to this doctor again !
Update on Bloods : just of from Drs to find out... - Thyroid UK
Update on Bloods

Don't give up.
I asked for my readings to be told again!! That I wouldn’t understand them and the doctor has read and commented on them noting I was borderline high
Your response should be:
Whether or not I understand them is beside the point and not for you to comment on. I have asked for a print out of my results as is my legal right according to the Data Protection Act. I am making a formal request, which can be verbal and doesn't need to be in writing, for a print out of my results. Can you please request the Practice Manager to come and speak to me now so that he understands that I have made this formal request.
If the Practice Manage is "unavailable" tell the receptionist that in that case you are making a formal request directly to her which you expect to be passed on to the appropriate person.
Then I would follow this up with a letter to the Practice Manager, outlining everything and asking for a response and a print out of your results as soon as possible. I would also add that you don't expect a receptionist to belittle you in this manner, she has no idea whether or not you can understand them so she has no right to comment.
If they want to be awkward they have 30 days to give you your results, although they can give them to you straight away.
You go gal! Excellent response!
The Admin staff at our surgery are all pretty good, I get on well with all of them, it's the doctors I have a problem with 🤣
There is one girl who is extremely helpful and gives you the details over the phone but she only works part time 🤨
Any chance that your surgery allows online access to test results? If so you can look at them without having other people's comments. Surgeries are supposed to allow access, but many of them still don't.
No I submitted my email 6 years ago to register for online repeat prescriptions and to make appointments .. still waiting to be registered 🤦♀️

Just testing TSH and Ft4 is completely inadequate
You obviously need vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested too ...at least once a year
Link re access to online medical record