My original test result wasTSH 10.71 and T4 15.2. Dose thyroxine increased to 125mcg from100mcg
Ten days ago I had severe chest pain and ended up in A+E Not a heart attack thankfully.
Two days later my TSH was0.02mU/L T4 27.2pmol/L
Se thyroid peroxidase Ab conc 36.7U/ml (High)
Serum C-reactive protein level<5.0mg/L
A Cardiologist telephoned me and said she thought my thyroid imbalance was causing arrhythmia and referred me to Endocrinologist. Also thought pain could be muscular.
GP now asks me if I've taken too many thyroxine tabs). Now back on 100mcg thyroxine again
Still waiting Endocrinologist phone call but do not know what to do. Still tired, lack of energy etc...
Any advice would be welcome.