I won’t be having a vaccine . I’ve achieved almost full health re thyroid and don’t want any problems. I’m in my 70s. Vaccines take years to develop. Also viruses mutate.
I think it should be up to the individual.
I won’t be having a vaccine . I’ve achieved almost full health re thyroid and don’t want any problems. I’m in my 70s. Vaccines take years to develop. Also viruses mutate.
I think it should be up to the individual.
I'm approaching my 70's I'm hypo and I have had my vaccination. I can report that I have had no adverse reactions and am what passes for my normal.
In the UK, having a Covid-19 vaccination is absolutely a personal choice.
Anyone with a thyroid disorder who chooses to get vaccinated can add their experience to our poll here healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
This forum is not the place to discuss the pros and cons of vaccination. For this reason, I am closing this post to further comments.