I have Hashimoto’s & I recently posted with my test results and got some great advice as to what my plan of action should be; I’ll work on getting all of my vitamin levels right over the next few months & then do full thyroid panels again to see how my results change. I also decided to cut out gluten (not strictly from what I understand as I haven’t yet cut out oats, just been going for things marked “gluten-free” instead).
I’ve noticed a lot of advice to get a coeliac test before trying to cut out gluten. I’ve never been given one before. I was wondering if I should go back to a diet including gluten to get a coeliac test before going gluten free again, or whether I should just continue as I have been and see if I feel better in 3-6 months. If I should get a coeliac test first, how long should I be on a diet containing gluten before doing the test? I’ve only started to cut out gluten around 2 weeks ago.
Thanks in advance for any advice!