I have been on cytomel (NHS script) for over 15 years and suddenly it is impossible to get in the UK any more. Can anyone tell me where I can get an equivalent either via NHS or privately or online. Teva, Mercury Pharma make me ill. As soon as it's possible I am happy to travel to buy it also. Pretty/Very desperate right now. Thank you to any pointers
Cytomel/cynomel/tiromel - help please! - Thyroid UK
Cytomel/cynomel/tiromel - help please!

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There are 3 licensed T3 brands in U.K.
Mercury Pharma
Have you tried Morningside T3 ?
I haven't tried morningside. I guess it's worth a go. I have recently tried thybon henning but have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism again. Nothing seems to work for me like cytomel. I will ask to try morningside tomorrow. Thank you
I think that's very curious. Are there any general theories for this? Could it be that you're just not absorbing this brand as well? Would be interesting to see the difference in ingredients.

I'm not sure, Teva and ElTroxin (mercury pharma) made me feel quite ill. I also tried Thybon Henning which, although it didn't make me feel ill, it didn't have any impact and my hypo symptoms returned. For this one, I think it is highly likely an absorption issue. I tried it for 4 weeks and hypo symptoms came back with avengeance. I had high hopes for it. Thank you for replying. It is much appreciated.

List of different brands available in U.K.
Morningside is available in 5mcg and 10mcg tablets as well as 20mcg
Message me and I’ll send you details of how to buy from outside EU without prescription.
Hello Kandahar. That would be great if you could send me the information. Thank you
H there, if you still need it I can give you the details of where I buy T3. It's called Tiromel x
I am interested, thank you!
Hello Dawid86I am a bit foggy at the moment and not clear what info you want. Do let me know if I can help with info. I have hypo symptoms and feel very unwell, tired, very sore red eyes, depressed, brain fog on mercury pharma and teva. I am about to try the accord brand and have my fingers crossed. I'd be interested to hear how you get on with the sanofi
Hi David, I have successfully brought T3 from a website called, <removed by admin>, based in Vanuatu and <removed by admin>. <removed by admin> require bank transfer but they have been reliable so far! <removed by admin> is more expensive but reliable.Good luck, Rebecca x
Hello Kandahar. I'm not sure how to message you. Is replying here good enough?
To send someone a private message, click on their user name, it takes you to their profile page and there is a button, top right on a PC, which says MESSAGE, click on that, write your message and send.
We cannot discuss where or how to obtain UK prescription only medication without prescription openly on the forum, this must be done by private message only.

For reference, the details below might be of some help:
UK Liothyronine Tablets and Oral Solutions
Last updated 10/10/2020.
This is a list of currently marketed liothyronine tablets in the UK.
Please note that re-branding (whether by a manufacturer or as an ‘own label supplier’) – which has happened with several products – does not mean any change to formulation.
🔹 Advanz (marketing authorisation holder) – branded Mercury Pharma (also branded Tertroxin but not marketed under that brand in the UK)
🏭 Custom Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (manufacturer)
🥛 contains lactose
20 microgram PL 10972-0033
🟢 PIL mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
🟣 SPC mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
🔹 Morningside (marketing authorisation holder) – branded Morningside Liothyronine and Iraksin
🏭 Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (manufacturer)
🥛 contains lactose
5 microgram PL 20117-0323
10 microgram PL 20117-0324
20 microgram PL 20117-0270
🟢 PIL Morningside Liothyronine & Iraksin 5, 10 & 20 microgram mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
🟣 SPC Morningside Liothyronine & Iraksin 5 microgram mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
🟣 SPC Morningside Liothyronine & Iraksin 10 microgram mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
🟣 SPC Morningside Liothyronine & Iraksin 20 microgram mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
🔹 Teva – (marketing authorisation holder)
🏭 TEVA Gyógyszergyár Zrt. in Hungary (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
20 microgram PL 00289/2116
🟢 PIL mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
🟣 SPC mhraproducts4853.blob.core....
Some non-UK Liothyronine Tablets
🔹 Abdi Ibrahim (marketing authorisation holders – Turkey) – branded Tiromel
🏭 Abdi Ibrahim, Turkey (manufacturer)
🥛 contains lactose
25 microgram
🔹 Ace (marketing authorisation holder – Netherlands) – branded Cytomel
🏭 Ace (manufacturer)
5 microgram
12.5 microgram
25 microgram
🔹 Greenstone (marketing authorisation holder – USA) – branded Greenstone
🏭 Peptido GmbH in Germany (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
5 microgram NDC 59762-1206-1
25 microgram NDC 59762-1207-1
50 microgram NDC 59762-1208-1
🟢🟣 dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym...
🔹 Grossman Cynomel (marketing authorisation holder – Mexico)
🏭 Grossman subsidiary of Bausch (formerly Valeant) in Mexico (manufacturer)
25 microgram
🔹 IBSA oral solution (marketing authorisation holder – Italy) – branded Liotir
🏭 IBSA Farmaceutici Italia S.r.l in Italy (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
5 microgrammi/ml
10 microgrammi/ml
15 microgrammi/ml
20 microgrammi/ml
🟢 PIL – farmaci.agenziafarmaco.gov....
🔹 Mayne Pharma (marketing authorisation holder – USA) – branded Mayne Pharma (formerly Libertas, Perrigo and Paddock)
🏭 manufactured in Germany (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
5 microgram NDC 51862-320-01
25 microgram NDC 51862-321-01
50 microgram NDC 51862-322-01
🟢🟣 dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym...
🔹 Pfizer (marketing authorisation holder – USA) – branded Cytomel
🏭 Peptido GmbH manufactured in Austria and/or Germany
No lactose ingredient
5 microgram NDC 60793-115-01
25 microgram NDC 60793-116-01
50 microgram NDC 60793-117-01
🟢🟣 dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym...
🔹 Sanofi (marketing authorisation holder – France) – branded Cynomel
🏭 PATHEON FRANCE in France (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
25 microgram ANSM 34009 302 775 5 3
🟢 PIL (French) base-donnees-publique.medic...
🟣 SPC base-donnees-publique.medic...
🔹 Sanofi Deutschland (marketing authorisation holder – Germany) – branded Henning Thybon
🏭 Sanofi-Aventb, Barcelona, Spain (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
20 microgram ZN 6085344.00.00
100 microgram ZN 6085344.01.00
🟢 PIL 20 (German) mein.sanofi.de/produkte/Thy...
🟢 PIL 20 (English translation – out of date) dropbox.com/s/ccfr0tnmr7nom...
🟢 PIL 100 (German) mein.sanofi.de/produkte/Thy...
🟣 SPC 20 & 100 (German) mein.sanofi.de/produkte/Thy...
🔹 SigmaPharm (marketing authorisation holder – USA)
🏭 Sigmapharm Laboratories, LLC in USA (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
5 microgram NDC 42794-018-12
25 microgram NDC 42794-019-12
50 microgram NDC 42794-020-12
🟢🟣 dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym...
🔹 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (marketing authorisation holder – USA)
🏭 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited in USA (manufacturer)
No lactose ingredient
5 microgram NDC:62756-589-83, NDC:62756-589-88, NDC:62756-589-08, NDC:62756-589-18
25 microgram NDC:62756-590-83, NDC:62756-590-88, NDC:62756-590-08, NDC:62756-590-18
50 microgram NDC:62756-591-83, NDC:62756-591-88, NDC:62756-591-08, NDC:62756-591-18
🟢🟣 dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym...
🔹 Uni-Pharma (marketing authorisation holder – Greece)
🏭 Uni-Pharma in Greece (manufacturer)
25 microgram
🔹 – identifies marketing authorisation holder (or equivalent in other countries)
🔸 – identifies ‘own label supplier’ products
🏭 – identifies manufacturers (where known)
🥛 – contains lactose
🟢 PIL – Patient Information Leaflet
🟣 SPC – Summary of Product Characteristics document
🟢🟣 – Single document combining typical PIL and SPC information
Numbers refer to tablet dosages in micrograms.
Only products which definitely contain lactose are identified (🥛 contains lactose). Please always check other products. Where products are ‘own label supplier’, check the marketing authorisation holder for the specific product.
If there is anything inaccurate in this information, please let me know by Private Message, or on the forum:
This document is updated whenever I am aware of any changes or enhancements are needed. Please check the Last updated date. The current version is available as a PDF here:
The PDF version of this document has a QR code above this sentence. If your device has a camera and can interpret QR codes, this QR code should take you to the same place as the link and make it easier to download on devices, such as phones and tablets.
Thank you so much helvella. I have the possibility of trying morningside. It has to be worth a go. I was reluctant given that the other 2 brands in the UK make me ill. But it has to be worth a go. I have recently been trying thybon henning but all my symptoms have returned again and I am currently using 3 years out of date cytomel - which is still working far better than the thybon. Do you happen to know if it possible to get any of the non UK brands of liothyronine now? I appreciate very much your getting back at this holiday time.
From what I see, I think it is unwillingness of most parties to get involved - and pay - that stops importation of non-UK makes. And (now) the end of EU countries recognising UK prescriptions appears to stop personal importation from the EU.
There are several companies which deal in imports of unlicensed medicines. If a pharmacy orders from them, they can (at least legally) import. But the pharmacy needs to believe it will be paid for. If the NHS (whether as a local surgery, a CCG, or at any other level in any of the four countries of the UK) is unwilling to commit to paying, the pharmacy will (understandably) be unlikely to order.
You just might find Ace Cytomel (which is NOT the same as Pfizer Cytomel) is of interest. It appears pharmacies have been able to order from them but brexit might have stopped that. And the price is lower than the USA products.
Also - I suspect that Greenstone is identical to Pfizer Cytomel. It appears to be how Pfizer are supplying the generic market in the USA. No idea about pricing.
Thank you so much. I was using Ace cytomel for the past year or so and it was OK. Not as good as the American pfizer but a good runner up. I have been told they can't get it now (or price greatly hiked). I will look into Greenstone and Ace again. Thank you so much Helvella, that is so helpul. Wishing you a happy New Year and may 2021 see a return to better times. With thanks
But surely, Helvella, all these are
so expensive in the UK? As I take 80mcg a day, it would be even more prohibitive.
Must admit that I’m lucky because I seem able to be well treated by Thybon Henning, Cynomel and now Tiromel which I get from an on line company. Tiromel is about £11 for a 100, plus postage.
I’m currently using up the T Henning by using it with Tiromel and I seem to be fine.
Latest supply took from Jan 8 to today to arrive from Singapore. This seems pretty fast.
You wrote "all these" but my details include Thybon Henning, both Cynomel products I know of and Tiromel - which is every make you mention!
If I didn't list the UK products, people wouldn't so easily be able to look them up, compare prices, ingredients, etc., and make up their minds which way to jump.
I'm really not clear what I could or should do to address the cost issue you (rightly) identify. Any suggestions?
I am also on Cytomel and have been for a number of years on the NHS. It's been a really difficult fight to get the Endo to prescribe it but I've finally won. My pharmacist used to get me Ace Cytomel but since I've had to have the scripts from the Endo via the hospital, I've been getting Pfizer Cytomel. I've only recently had a repeat and although the hospital pharmacy are totally inept, once the drug was ordered it appeared very quickly. I've certainly never been told that it's not available. I think I should call their bluff and say that you must have Cytomel and to just get on and get it via the drug importers.Heather
Why uni pharma t3 makes you bad?wich symptoms? because i strongly suspect to be bad with my cynomel sanofy..i tried this brand only.
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