Hi everyone hope you all safe and well in these strange times. Does anyone know what brands of liothyronine are available on nhs Sunderland &Durhan. I have been trying since March to take lio morningside to no avail. Bloated belly feeling sick top of belly tight,can’t eat much only tiny amounts. Was on sigma farm lio for 8 &half yrs until gp stopped it & told me morningside is all Sunderland ccg provided. These symptoms go away when I stop taking morningside but thyroid symptoms come bk obviously.
Liothyronine : Hi everyone hope you all safe and... - Thyroid UK

This link shows you the ones listed in the BNF - British National Formulary :
Theoretically doctors can prescribe anything in the BNF, but in reality there will be local differences in what doctors are allowed to prescribe and what pharmacists can dispense. The CCGs may be in control of that.
I have no idea how up-to-date the list is, nor how complete it is.

Presumably you are talking 5mcg tablets
Are you lactose intolerant?
The only U.K. licensed 5mcg is Morningside healthcare
There are alternatives if the prescription is changed to 20mcg. You can cut tablets up into 1/4’s
Teva 20mcg - lactose free
Advanz 20mcg
Morningside healthcare 20mcg
There’s also liquid T3
List here
Previously there were no U.K. licensed suppliers of 5mcg T3. Hence Sigma Pharma was an unlicensed “special prescription “.
Special prescriptions have no price controls and have been open to exploitation
Sigma Pharma 5mcg on private prescription is around £126 for 90 tablets. That's only £1.40 per table. £39.20 per 28 tablets
But when Sigma Pharma was the only available option as "special prescription" on NHS it was often supplied to NHS at much higher price - £382-£425 (depending on which pharmacy) for 90 tablets. £118-£132 per 28 tablets
Sigma Pharma ingredients listed right at bottom
Appears to be lactose free
Sigma has slightly done down in price to £1 a 5mcg tablet but is still way more expensive than others.
Thybon is available for £1 for a 20mcg tablet. If this can be cut down then it’s a quarter of the price of Sigma.
It’s frightening that there’s so much uncontrolled profiteering which should not happen in an efficient and competitive market.
So we can get Thybon Henning here in the uk?
I currently get mine from Germany at a fraction of that cost, but that may well change soon.
You are suggesting I can get Thybon for £1 per tablet. Is that at any pharmacy with a private prescription? (Please PM me if you are not allowed to reply on this thread).
I’m on morningside and that’s cov and warks area I get the same symptoms but it’s not the t3 for me as I was getting those symptoms prior to going on t3 I’ve always put this down to my thyroid not being fully optimal
Hi Fox,how long have you been on Morningside n what strength do you take
Hi Denne I’m on 30 and been taking this since June it’s just been increased from 20 to 30 but I do feel like I’m sweating a lot especially face and hairline even though I feel cold so not sure if this is the increase but def the symptoms you explain I’ve had terrible upper abdominal bloating and distension for around 3 years I do also have PCOS and more recently diabetes too