Test results : Hi, I had a blood test two weeks... - Thyroid UK

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Test results

Islander23 profile image
36 Replies

Hi, I had a blood test two weeks ago and this is the result. The advice I got on the forum after the last test I had done just before lockdown was that I needed to up my dose a bit which I did, from 150 to 175. I experienced some heart racing during lockdown so reduced back to 150 which I have been on since July. I am feeling more tired than 3 months ago, and have put on some weight during this time too. Not sure whether I just stick with 150 or increase again.

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Islander23 profile image
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36 Replies
jrbarnes profile image

perhaps you can increase the dose slowly. For example, on M W F only and if you're very sensitive then you can start with Friday only. That was some advice from one of the other members here and my GP. GP stated it's a weekly increase at first not daily. A daily increase of 25 mcg is a lot. That's an increase of 175 mcg per week. I'm going to try an increase next week but start with 12.5 mcg increases split from my usual dose, like in the evening. Levothyroxine is a storage hormone so it builds up in your body.

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to jrbarnes

Thanks very much.

Meanbeannyc profile image
Meanbeannyc in reply to jrbarnes

12.5-25mcg increases are what’s commonly Practiced. Check out synthroids website.

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to Meanbeannyc

I’ve always had increase/decrease of 25 mcg before

Meanbeannyc profile image
Meanbeannyc in reply to jrbarnes

GP stayed its a weekly increase first? Not daily?

It depends on your labs.

And drs are idiots

jrbarnes profile image
jrbarnes in reply to Meanbeannyc

oh definitely, like if your T4 is significantly still low it wouldn't make sense to do a small increase a few times a week. Mine is just slightly slightly under where I need it to be so in my case a small increase a few times a week might help. I just got started on a brand name yesterday called Levoxyl and it has less ingredients. After several weeks I'm going to see where my levels fall and decide how to proceed.

Meanbeannyc profile image
Meanbeannyc in reply to jrbarnes

What do u mean a few times a week?

jrbarnes profile image
jrbarnes in reply to Meanbeannyc

like only increase on m w f or just w and f

Meanbeannyc profile image
Meanbeannyc in reply to jrbarnes

The long half life of T4 averages out over a week.

Meaning you could technically take 700 on Sunday instead of 100 daily.

A MWF split means you’re increasing your dose by 6mcg over the week. Not a daily small increase.

DippyDame profile image

Your conversion is poor!

Have you optimised vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin ìn order to support thyroid function.

If so, then you may benefit from the addition of a little T3.

You are suffering from low T3 your FT3 is only 30% through the ref range, this needs to be addressed. Both FT4and FT3 need to be close to 75% through their respective ranges

Not surprising you feel under the weather.

Your FT4 is already 80% through the ref range so increasing to 175mcg would most likely have overmedicated you....hence racing heart!

Your antibodies are high indicating Hashimoto's disease


Many members find a gluten free diet helps.

Suggest you ask for referral to an endo with a view to having a trial of T3 (reason above) starting dose 10mcg

As a last resort you might consider buying your T3 but it's not an easy option. Your endo should recognise the probleem and prescribe it......in an ideal world!

Good luck


Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to DippyDame

Thanks DippyDame I appreciate your response, I don’t know why But I’ve never really got to grips with how all the different aspects of managing Hashimoto’s works despite having bad it for 20 years. So I’m always struggling to fight my corner with doctors.

I know I feel better when I take D and B12. But never know about ferritin and follate.

About 2 years ago I saw an endo who reluctantly prescribed 20mcg T3 which I took for about 6 months. He took me off it when I started getting palpitations. Said I was fine on thyroxine and that I wouldn’t need to see him again!!

I’ve been gluten, alcohol and caffeine free for 4 years; dairy and sugar free for a year and a half.

I’m not sure what to do next.

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to Islander23

Are you taking any supplements that might be impairing thyroid function?

Ferritin and folate look ok

Your endo clearly got it wrong when he said you are fine on thyroxine.....he needs to come off his high horse and help you!

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to DippyDame

I don’t think so... Since the pandemic I’ve been taking Zinc and Vit C. I eat a couple of Brazil nuts for Selenium sometimes using a Magnesium spray.

Absolutely no chance my gp surgery will refer me to an endo again unfortunately!

Never been tested for Pernicious Anaemia - will have a Google for that


Meanbeannyc profile image
Meanbeannyc in reply to Islander23

I’d have heart palps too if I started out on 20 T3! Jesus.

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to Meanbeannyc

Yes it was almost like he wanted it to fail

BumbleyM profile image
BumbleyM in reply to Islander23

Hello, with the T4 level you have, and the low T3, you might be a 'poor converter ' ( I am ). I have Hashimoto's too, so went gluten and dairy free like you - it did help, but the really boost was getting T3. I had to go through the GP - consultant - 2nd opinion consultant route, and because of the NICE restrictions , they may do a trial to see if you need T3, and then tell you at the end of it that the NHS can't prescribe it. I source mine from a German pharmacy, with a (free) prescription from the consultant. I have to cut the tablets up as I take 5ug twice a day. When you get your bloods done, make sure you don't take a supplement containing biotin in the previous week, as this can skew your results. Keep persevering... you're worth it. 🐧

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to BumbleyM

Thanks for this BumbleyM. Getting T3 before was a real struggle so I am not sure where to start this time, but I think it is the answer!

BumbleyM profile image
BumbleyM in reply to Islander23

I used medichecks ( there are other companies ) to get three sets of results in addition to my NHS tests ( between the two consultants appointments ) as my GP and the first consultant were only prepared to offer T4... I was confident that my T4 was too high ( it was ) , and my T3 was on the floor ( it was ) = poor conversion... Please read Slow Dragon's reply below thoroughly - Slow Dragon and Seaside Susie have been my reference points all the way through the struggle to get T3 - it really is worth it - everyone is different, but aiming to get your T3 to about two thirds up in the reference range for T3 to optimise how you feel. Do persevere....

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Islander23

So when you took 20mcg T3 was this introduced all at once or did you increase slowly up from 5mcg dose

Did you take as 3 divided doses?

Too much, too soon can cause issues


Suggest you either consider adding 12.5mcg levothyroxine to daily dose

Or reduce levothyroxine by 12.5mcg and 4-5 days later add 5mcg T3 in morning

Assuming that goes ok....after a week or so add 2nd 5mcg dose late afternoon

Wait 6-8 weeks and retest

all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .

Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

If/when also on T3, make sure to take last 5mcg of daily dose 8-12 hours prior to test, even if this means adjusting time of dose day before test

cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3

£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off if go on thyroid uk for code



Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to SlowDragon

Hi SlowDragon,

I was taking 10mcg T3 twice a day from the start. It is as if the endo wanted to prove it wasn't going to work from the word go. The GP says my results are fine and I dont need more Thyroxine, and they won't refer me to the Endo again. My only choice is to go privately I think as I cant get a higher dose of Thyroxine from them or a chance at trying T3 again.

I always have morning tests without eating or drinking anything but water beforehand. And I dont take B12 or Biotin for a week before, or Thyroxine 24 hours before. I am consistent with that.

Thanks for the links to cheaper tests, I am monitoring D3 and B12 as well which is why I have been getting the Medichecks one.

Thanks again.

Beautypink profile image

Hi sorry am new to this ...how do you get these bloods taken ? My doctor just does tsh and t 3

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to Beautypink

I bought a test kit from Medichecks and go to a Superdrug clinic to have the bloods drawn. It’s not cheap but it means I can monitor my levels more often than the annual test I’m offered by my doctors surgery.

Beautypink profile image
Beautypink in reply to Islander23


and then take the results do your normal gp?

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to Beautypink

You can also do a finger pick test at home, cheaper and more convenient......I've just ordered another one.

Test kit includes lancets which you use to draw blood which you collect in the vial provided....

Example -


They offer discounts on a Thursday.

Other labs are available!


Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to DippyDame

I have never done the finger prick test as I worry about not being able to collect enough blood. Does it guide you as to how much you need to collect?

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to Islander23

Yes, it's a fairly small amount, and there are tips to get the blood flowing!!

I tend to soak my hand in really hot water!

BumbleyM profile image
BumbleyM in reply to Islander23

If you can do a few exercises to get your blood flowing the finger prick tests are quite adequate in terms of quantity... the hot water tip works too...

CapnM profile image
CapnM in reply to Islander23

how much does it cost at Superdrug to have bloods drawn? I did not know that was an option. finger prick method was a bit tiresome though not too bad one I hit the well.

good luck with progress, all priorities on getting some T3 I suspect.

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to CapnM

Thanks CaptnM. I think it is either £25 or £30 - you pay for it as an extra when you buy your test kit. Depending on where you live there are other clinics where you can get it done too.

Beautypink profile image

Thanks ...then can you take them to your gp?

Islander23 profile image

I have taken my results to the gp but they havent taken account of them.

BumbleyM profile image

I changed which GP I saw within my practice because of the rather negative reaction I received from the initial GP.... the new one is quite happy to liaise with the consultant.

Eddie83 profile image

What are you doing about your TPO/TG antibodies? Has your doctor not suggested any course of action, to bring them down?

Islander23 profile image
Islander23 in reply to Eddie83

No, there has been no other advice given to me in 20 years other than prescribing Thyroxine - not even when I was first diagnosed with Hashimotos, no one even suggested cutting out gluten! Luckily I have a very good alternative practitioner who advises on vitamins and supplements and diet.

Eddie83 profile image
Eddie83 in reply to Islander23

Izabella Wentz claims that almost every case of Hashi's, is accompanied by digestive dysfunction. There are various ways to test digestive function; the one I used was a test from enterolab.com. I was diagnosed with gluten enteropathy.

Catseyes235 profile image

What was the advice based on? My doctor asks how I feel and though TSH says I should reduce medication advises stay on usual dose as a reduction leads to hypo symptoms. What are your symptoms? No way would I increase thyroxine with a racing heart.

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