I have Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism from 7 years old and taking Levothyroxine all this time. Now I'm 28 years old. I was taking Levothyroxine 100 mcg till 26 years old and after that started to take 125, because my TSH has grown to 7. Last autumn I started to take Tiromel in 25 mcg and Levothyroxine 100 mcg. TSH was 0.072, T4-13.5, T3-4.73. Cholesterol finally decreased to 4.5, that's great, because it was 5.8-6.5 always. In February I started to take Thyroid-S and was taking 4 grains per day and felt better than it was during previous years.
Nevertheless, the issue with Thyroid-S happened and now I'm taking only Levothyroxine during 4 months and feel very bad, worse than it was even before combination with T3. Feel very depressive, have tachycardia and nausea, wake up early in the morning because of heart beating. I was taking 125 mcg and had TSH 0.3, after that endocrinologyst advised me to take only 100. TSH was 5.5. Now I have Liothyronin and would like to start to take it.
Could you please advise what strategy to use and what to add to feel better with such conditions? My T3f was 4.5 and after 100 mcg of thyroxine it's 3.8. Cholesterol is 6.5 again, ferritin-52. Can share other results if it's needed.
I'm taking D3 in 5000, iron in 50 mg, selenium 200 mg.