Change of different brands: Ive been taking the... - Thyroid UK

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Change of different brands

Odinil profile image
19 Replies

Ive been taking the brand Activist now for 6 years and have now been given Accord apparently they have taken over from Activist, they come in the same packaging but since taking them for 2 weeks ive had headaches, feel sick, pain in the top of my back and aches in hands.

Im always being offered an alternative when the chemist dont have my normal Activist which i refuse waiting until they can get them. I am ultra sensitive to thyroxine its taken me 6 years to feel ok, not great, just ok so its so important to not change to different brands. Im so worried my chemist say theres no difference all brands have the same ingredients, but i know that is not true, now they have changed my 25 mg brand. Where can i go to get help and advice about thyroxine medication, i have yearly checkups at the hospital as i had thyroid cancer, but they are looking at my blood test results, i thought i would be able to discuss it with them but they dont seem interested.

I really want to get a private blood test done after reading comments on here that they check far more things then an NHS blood test i didnt know that. Where can i go to see someone one to one, firstly for blood test and secondly to get some real honest medication advice.

Thank you

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19 Replies
greygoose profile image

You don't have to see anyone. You can get a private test done by yourself. Details here:

As for your levo, your pharmacist is fobbing you off. Yes, the main, active ingredient is always the same - obviously - it's the thyroid hormone T4. BUT what changes from brand to brand is the fillers and excipients. And that's what makes the difference as to whether a brand suits you or not. And, as pharmacists, they should understand that.

Who prescribes your levo? Your GP? Or the hospital? If it's the GP ask him to specify the brand on the prescription. That way, you should get the one you want. :)

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to greygoose

Do the private blood tests cover everything as comments on here have said that the NHS ones dont.

I have a thyroid blood test form from my gp also ive asked for a vitamin test but ive since read messages that they are not as thorough as a private one.

I will call the pharmacist today but i do feel im not getting the truth, i would love to know what the best brand is with regards to the fillers and excipients. Its the only medication im on, so its not as if my smyptoms can be blamed on something else, if ive got to take thyroxine i want to make sure im taking the best ingredients/brand i can.

My prescription states it must be Actavist 50mg and Wolfhart 25mg, ive also been given Mercury 25mg instead of Wolfhart im at my wits end. Reading the box it says each tablet contains anhydrous whatever that is and contains lactose is that good, i dont know.

Im not even sure if Actavist has good ingredients its the brand that the hosital put me on, it took me years to feel ok, not great just ok so i stuck with it too worried to change.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Odinil

I have a thyroid blood test form from my gp also ive asked for a vitamin test but ive since read messages that they are not as thorough as a private one.

Not quite sure what you're referring to - a blood test is a blood test. I don't see how it can be more thorough. Unless you mean the B12 test. The NHS do a serum test, but the private ones are usually 'active' tests. The difference is like the difference between FT4 and TT4. But, I wouldn't have called that 'more thorough'.

i would love to know what the best brand is with regards to the fillers and excipients.

The best brand is the one that suits you. That's all. Not all brands suit all people. We're all different.

Reading the box it says each tablet contains anhydrous whatever that is and contains lactose is that good, i dont know.

It's good if it suits you. But some people react badly to lactose.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to greygoose

Maybe i should have a lactose test so i can rule it out

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Odinil

This is what i read regarding NHS blood tests and private blood tests

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies

Ask GP to test vitamin levels

You may need to get full Thyroid testing privately as NHS refuses to test TG antibodies if TPO antibodies are negative

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Odinil

Yes, that is correct. You do need all those tests done, but the NHS refuses to do a lot of them. It's a money-saving thing. And, they can't see that it's a false economy. But, what you said above was rather ambiguous. I thought you were talking about the individual tests being more thorough, not the over-all testing. :)

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Odinil


Reading the box it says each tablet contains anhydrous whatever that is and contains lactose is that good, i dont know.

Maybe i should have a lactose test so i can rule it out

Anhydrous simply means "contains no water".

If you were lactose intolerant you'd know as you'd have symptoms such as stomach cramp/pains/rumbling, bloated stomach, diarrhoea, wind, nausea.

Even though Actavis is now Accord, they are the same tablets made in the same factory as before. We have not heard of any changes.

Ingredients of different brands of Levo listed here:

If you want full thyroid/vitamin testing you can do this with one of our private labs. Most popular are

Medichecks Thyroid Check ULTRAVIT WITH FOLATE

This test requires a venous blood draw which you can either arrange and pay for with your order or arrange your own blood draw.

You can use code THYROIDUK for a 10% discount on any test not on special offer.

They do a fingerprick test without folate but it's important to include folate so you if you want to do a fingerprick test then there's this one:

Blue Horizon Thyroid PREMIUM GOLD

Check this page for discount code

Both tests include the full thyroid and vitamin panel with minor differences:

Blue Horizon requires 1 x microtainer of blood (0.8ml) for the fingerprick test, or you can arrange venous blood draw at extra cost.,

Medichecks is venous blood draw only for the test that includes folate.

Blue Horizon includes Total T4 (can be useful but not essential). Medichecks doesn't include this test.

B12 - Blue Horizon does Total B12 which measures bound and unbound (active) B12 but doesn't give a separate result for each. Medichecks does Active B12.

Total B12 shows the total B12 in the blood. Active B12 shows what's available to be taken up by the cells. You can have a reasonable level of Total B12 but a poor level of Active B12. (Personally, I would go for the Active B12 test.)

Blue Horizon include magnesium but this is an unreliable test so don't let this sway your decision, it also tests cortisol but that's a random cortisol test and to make any sense of it you'd need to do it fasting before 9am I believe.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you for info. I have an NHS blood test booked so i'll go ahead with that and when i get the results i can have a consultation with the in house pharmacist at my doctors surgery to discuss my results. This im really happy about because i can ask all the questions thats been bothering me its the information ive been wanting, i need to educate myself much more to have a better understanding as im not happy about being given different brands everytime i collect my prescription not knowing if they are going to affect me being ultra sensitive to thyroxine.

Ellie-Louise profile image

I’m a bit confused, you say you have always had Actavis and mention that the pharmacist has stopped your 25mcg...but Actavis are/were 50mcg.

I was always on Actavis, that then became Northstar (for me) which is the same as well. I have never noticed any change in myself at all.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Ellie-Louise

You are absolutely right that Actavis (now Accord) have never had a 25 microgram product.

Just to note that Northstar 25 microgram tablets are actually Teva (but the Northstar 50 and 100 microgram tablets are still Accord).

Accord have owned that part of Actavis that supplied medicines such as Actavis levothyroxine in the UK for a few years. They have only recently changed branding from Actavis to Accord. There should be no other difference whatsoever.

UK Levothyroxine Tablets


Last updated 30/04/2020.

This is a list of currently marketed levothyroxine tablets in the UK.

Please note that re-branding (whether by a manufacturer or as an ‘own label supplier’ - which has happened with several products) does not mean any change to formulation.


🔹 Accord – formerly Actavis (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 Accord-UK (manufacturer)

🥛 contains lactose

  50  PL 0142/0104

  100  PL 0142/0105


6mm diameter


🔹 Advanz – branded both “Mercury Pharma Levothyroxine” and “Mercury Pharma Eltroxin” which are identical (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 Custom Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (manufacturer)

🥛 contains lactose

  25  PL 12762/0016 5.5mm diameter

  50  PL 10972/0031

  100  PL 10972/0032


🔸 Almus – (an ‘own label supplier’ brand owned by Walgreen Boots Alliance – Boots pharmacies and Alliance distributor)

  50 – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis.

  100 – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis.


🔹 Aristo – (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 Aristo Pharma GmbH (manufacturer)

  100  PL 40546-0159


🔸 Northstar – (an ‘own label supplier’ brand owned by McKesson – Lloyds pharmacies and AAH distributor)

  25 – This is repackaged Teva. ❗

  50 – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis. ❗

  100 – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis. ❗


🔹 Teva – (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 PLIVA Croatia Ltd (manufacturer)

  12.5  PL 00289/1971

  25  PL 00289/1972

  50  PL 00289/0038

  75  PL 00289/1973

  100  PL 00289/0039


🔹 Wockhardt – (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 CP Pharmaceuticals Ltd (manufacturer)

🥛 contains lactose

  25  PL 29831/0130


🔹 – identifies marketing authorisation holder.

🔸 – identifies ‘own label supplier’ products.

🏭 – identifies manufacturers (where known).

– Take particular note of the actual product which varies by dosage.


Numbers refer to tablet dosages in micrograms.

Only products which definitely contain lactose are identified (🥛 contains lactose). Please check other products. Where products are ‘own label supplier’, check the marketing authorisation holder.

If there is anything inaccurate in this information, please let me know by Private Message:


This document is updated whenever I am aware of any changes or enhancements are needed. Please check the Last updated date. The current version is available as a PDF here:

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to helvella

Yes, that’s exactly why I was confused as to which brand/dose she was actually taking that made her ill.

Apologies if she is a he.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Ellie-Louise

Yes - me too!

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Ellie-Louise

Im female, i take 50 Actavist now packaged Accord and 25 Wockhart, i started new box of Accord two weeks ago and have since had headaches which i dont suffer from, upset stomach, anxiety achey joints.

So i wondered if my usual Actavist was any different now its Accord, i know they are both T4 but are the fillers and ingredients the same.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Odinil

Others who have had Accord-branded product have not noticed any difference.

Of course, there could be a difference between one batch and another but I suspect any such issue does not align to the change of packaging. That is, there could be an issue with a batch. But not because Accord intended to change it at all. And the next batch might be fine.

Rocky profile image

I had been having problems getting my brand of Actavis now Accord Levothyroxine. I was told by the prescription office at my Surgery to always ring the Pharmacy before I collect my prescription to check they have got the brands for me. I have told them if they haven't I am going to get my prescription elsewhere. Up to now they miraculously have been managing to get the brands for me. I know it's frustrating and you shouldn't have to do it

malohant profile image
malohant in reply to Rocky

I was having the same issue Rocky - haveing found that Northstar (Actavis for 50 & 100 micrograms) has connections to Lloyds Pharmacy and Almus (Actiavis) is similarly connected to Boots, they are possibly more likely to be in stock at those places respectively?

Rocky profile image
Rocky in reply to malohant

I have found the Pharmacies now that do have them if I need to, but up to now my Pharmacy have been getting the brands. I was like you sick of being fobbed off with other brands when I too have reactions

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to malohant

I use Echo now, Lloyd’s online prescription service. So no problem getting Northstar.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Rocky

Thats exactly what i have done but the last few times im being fobbed off with other brands its so frustating

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