I have been suffering with anxiety for the past 6 months and 2 months ago decreased my levothyroxine from 75 to 50. As nhs is not doing tests at the moment I had a private one done. I would appreciate some feedback on these results as I don’t know whether my thyroid is the problem or anxiety. Thank you
Freethyroxine 14.63. (10.4-19.4)
TSH. 1.71. (0.55-4.78)
Free T 3 3.96. (2.6-7.1)
ReverseT3 23. (10-24)
TP antibodies<28. (0-60)
Thyroglobulin antibody <15. (0-60)
T3. 1.81. (0.61-1.81)
T4 123.5. (59-154)