Hi everyone. I’m currently in hospital in Turkey awaiting a thyroidectomy due to carbimazole induced neutropenia. I’m taking Lugol’s iodine to bring my levels down, and as soon as it’s safe to do so I’ll be having surgery. If anyone has any tips or advice related to the surgery or recovery, it would be much appreciated!
I should also mention that after my neutropenia treatment, I tried taking PTU for 3 days. My neutrophils went straight down from 2.2 to 1.3! So it’s safe to say I can’t tolerate ANY anti thyroid drug, and surgery really is my only option. My only worry is that my voice will be damaged, but I still prefer surgery over ingesting a radioactive substance. Wish me luck!
Onto my next point, I plan on taking a combination of T4 and T3. I don’t want to place unnecessary stress on my body by depriving it of T3, and frankly our thyroid makes T3 for a reason! I’ve also done a lot of research, it seems everyone feels much better when taking T3.
I read it’s easier to get in Turkey, could anyone please message me details? I would like to stock up before I head home. Thank you in advance!