With all the Coronavirus advice regarding self-isolating for the elderly or people with underlying health conditions and people with a compromised immune system - does anybody know if auto-immune conditions such as Thyroid and Lichen Planus counts as “compromised immune system” ?
Compromised Immune System?: With all the... - Thyroid UK
Compromised Immune System?

From what I have seen and heard on the news today, the things that cause a weak immune system are listed as:
cancer treatment
treatment for autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS) and inflammatory bowel diseases
having an organ transplant or a bone-marrow transplant
Common autoimmune diseases mentioned are
Type 1 diabetes.
Rheumatoid arthritis.
Lyn Mynott posted this not long ago healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
But I understood that auto immune diseases/ conditions were the result of a weakened immune system. I do appreciate SS that you are simply quoting information received.
Your body can attack your connective tissue, glands, skin etc when it becomes overactive, in a way like an allergy, when pathogen enters the body e.g. gluten, our body starts fighting it by giving you a rash (releases histamines) etc . With autoimmune, our body is mistaken and attacks itself. Hope this helps! So autoimmune doesn't mean necessarily weak, but overactive, but of course it's more complex than that and very individual since if you have your gland destroyed, you become deficient in what that gland produces, which brings other health conditions and that can make you weak. The advice is - stay home, take care of yourself, only go out if you need to, eat well and do something you enjoy to relax!

Thank you. Surely and if the immune system attacks itself then immunity is weakened and or compromised in some way? Yes I appreciate this is a complex issue.
Well not really, since it is an overactive system that attacks its own gland, unless you know it's destroying e.g. your liver, then you know that could give you autoimmune hepatitis, you'd end up on immunosuppressed drugs and that itself causes low immunity (sometimes thyroid antibodies are shown to attack other organs). The result of our bodies attacking thyroid gland is deficiency in hormones since they cannot be produced at the same capacity anymore due to disappearing thyroid. If you are untreated, you are susceptible to other conditions, which may make your immunity weaker. Again, everyone is different,some people generally are never able to fight infections well and there is no tangible explanation as to why. Sorry I don't have any other explanation, but this is all backed up by research papers. No one really knows how autoimmunity works in detail and there are 500+ autoimmune diseases, and more people have and we don't know about

Thanks again for all that information! Crumbs didn’t realise there were 500+ Autoimmune diseases - wow 😮
Only going out to work and dog walking. Hope you and your family are all well and safe. 😊
There are and potentially more. And they are not all equal and some can be fatal in nature. Even though I'm still trying to get to the right dose with my doctor, and some days I hate having Hashimotos, I'm glad it's not worse. My mam has Hashis and RA, RA can be very progressive and you can't take a replacement hormone or anything like we do for thyroid. Sounds good, walks are very important! I had to go for bloods to my gp today, who knows when my results will be back under these circumstances. Thanks, all good here, cabin fever at times, but managing, it's been a week for us with wfh and staying in x take care, hope your family and friends are all good too x

I wasn’t aware that a lack of thyroid hormone was the reason why the body attacks itself? I thought it was due to specific thyroid antibodies? Perhaps I am not understanding your stance?
The body produces antibodies to attack thyroid as it overreacted the same way as it reacts to the pathogen. It is known that stress may cause this reaction, could be bad gut health, could be excessive amounts of iodine (happened to me after Chernobyl) etc. Then there is lack of hormones, which affect organs, processes etc.
Isn't it lymphocytes that actually attack thyroid cells?
As I see it, and please correct me if I am wrong, Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies are made as a response to the presence of the Thyroid Peroxidase enzyme in the bloodstream.
As Thyroid Peroxidase is often regarded as unique to the interior of the thyroid, its presence in the bloodstream suggests that the interior of thyroid cells and/or follicles have somehow escaped the thyroid. And that is likely due to lymphocytic attack (or physical injury).
Correct, white cells would be attacking thyroid, which realeses peroxidase into the blood, now is see that I have written it incorrectly, apologies, it is the lymphocytes which ultimately caused the havoc.

I presume there is no test to determine general body immunity?
I think there are many tests to indicate if it may be low, but not one for immunity itself. There are globulin tests, DNA tests for susceptibility, vitamin testing, previous infections like EBV, cytomegalovirus etc etc
Thank you for your reply. Have seen Baobabs reply too and still not sure whether I am in the “compromised immune system” group with Thyroid and Lichen Planus. I understand though that more serious autoimmune conditions like MS, Lupus etc., are definitely in that category.
Hey Fergus, I have posted something above. This is all complex, RA can affect lungs, lupus is systemic too. Also people taking antiinflammatories for RA are at risk, because of nature of these drugs, they lower your immunity and steroids do too. So as you can this is a very broad topic, it depends on what medication you take for your conditions, do you catch many infections anyway, do these conditions caused asthma, lung issues etc. I have Hashimotos, I'm staying home according to advice to the general public, regardless of conditions, this is what everyone should be doing right now and taking care of themselves. Keep safe!

Thank you - all this information is very helpful 👍
Take care, it's better to be home and wait it out, that's what we're all doing it here in Ireland!

This might not apply to everyone, but prior to Hashimoto's diagnosis I developed asthma. I suspect the two are linked. I'm being vigilant. Stay well everyone.
Go with your gut, low levels if hormones leave me breathless (I don't have asthma though). Take care and stay vigilant sy28!

Re Hasimoto's, I think it's good advice to keep essential vitamins topped up ... folate, ferritin being good examples. Also consider liposomal Vitamin C. High dose Vitamin D+K2, zinc, magnesium, selenium, B12, feed your gut 'live' cultures ... and sleep, magnesium and vitamin D should aid sleep
Doing all of these, some in supplements some in food, staying healthy, positive and going for quick walks when there is no one out!

I’m not sure that anti -inflammatories are definitively implicated in this way regarding Corona Virus. I believe the jury is still out.
I'm not sure, makes sense why they may be causing issues (e.g. steroids are immunosuppressants, same with certain meds for RA, which do the same). Re ibuprofen, it's better to be safe than sorry. WHO recommends avoiding ibuprofen, steroids, pain relief ointments like Voltarol with diclofenac etc. But if you need to take them, consult your doctor at all times of course
As so little is known about this virus, the wisest thing is to assume it could be dangerous if you have anything but perfect health and therefore take appropriate action to avoid all avoidable exposure to it.

Sensible advice - thank you 😊
Oh dear sorry to heart that. The thing is, we’re all still having to mix with people for shopping, either for ourselves or family. Such difficult times. I really wish you, your Dad and his wife all the very best.