Is it a good idea to take something that is said to boost the immune system when you have Hashimoto's?
Boosting immune system: Is it a good idea to take... - Thyroid UK
Boosting immune system

Yes but this may not be the answer you are looking for. A good nutrient dense diet free of junk, processed elements and refined sugar. As much fresh organic produce as possible, particularly fruit and veg. Also try and get your vit/mineral blood testing done and try to make sure most are near the top of their ranges.
Thanks I do all of the above but whilst trying to find something to help me sleep I came across White Peony Extract which sounds very promising. Apparently it can calm the system and also boost it where it's suppressed.
I mean to say be gluten free also. With regard to sleep, do you manage a fair amount of exercise weekly?
I've been gluten free for years and am practically dairy free too. I'm not getting as much exercise as I'd like tbh as I have Morton's Neuroma so I'm mostly relying on my exercise bike.
Great! You are doing all you can. Back to diet again. Are you able to take kefir? I find this to be the 'horse muck' for the gut. It's magic!
Are vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 levels OPTIMAL
How do you take your T3?
As split dose or single dose?
The only one I'm not sure about is B12 as once difficult to guage when you've been supplementing. I take my T3 in one go early in the morning.
Many people find splitting T3 dose works better
2 or 3 split doses at 8 hours gaps
Eg 7am, 3pm and 11pm
Especially taking a small dose before bed
Low vitamin D is linked to poor sleep
If vitamin D is low, B vitamins may be too. As explained by Dr Gominack
Surely no harm in boosting immune system whatever the health problem. As Baobabs indicated, I believe that boosting the gut (>/=70% of immune system) by diet etc should help - but I don't agree it's as difficult as she indicated, at least after a while. Otherwise personally I wouldn't think of it as "taking something".
Btw, my doctor recently indicated that a blood test of white blood cells would be an indication of recovery by measuring my immune system. User what she means but welcome others' views.
I'm going to give it a go anyway-I can always stop if I feel worse. I've been a poor sleeper for years but it's dreadful at the moment but I can't work out why. I live in Spain and though my GP is nice she is very "basic" so I'm on my own really!
No-one on seems to have tried White Peony Extract so good luck with that. I live in England but equally alone at least as far as medics are concerned!.
I had other reasons for wanting to boost the immune system needing to avoid infection after chemo. A medical herbalist recommended Lamberts Immuno- Strength which is a concentrated berry mix.There is also Beta Glucans which can be found in Uni-vite ImmunoShield ,and a product from