Thyroid autoimmunity and coronavirus: I have just... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid autoimmunity and coronavirus

Kari55 profile image
28 Replies

I have just read on Thyroid UK that people with thyroid problems doesn’t seem to be at increased risk of developing severe symptoms from coronavirus based on the data from China. My husband has Graves’ disease and I’m very worried. He is 40 so has age on his side in case he contracted the virus. Did anybody read any more about this?

Just seen this on a different post:

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Kari55 profile image
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28 Replies
ling profile image

Any other underlying health conditions?

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to ling

Nothing else as such. He has dairy intolerance and problems with reflux but I guess this is all linked with autoimmunity.

ling profile image
ling in reply to Kari55

No need to be unduly worried then. Just be extra vigilant during this time, the hand washing etc.

There was a reported death of a 53 year old British woman abroad, from Covid 19. Amongst her various health conditions, was hyperthyroidism. No mention if it was Graves. But it appears, her other health conditions, rather than the hyperthyroidism, were more significant factors in her death.

Personally, I'm wearing a mask every time I go out because the source of my Graves is my immune system.

Also, at one point, the reason for the spread of Covid 19 in my area, was due to irresponsible people who despite being sick, still went out and didn't wear a mask. That's another reason why I use a mask now when I'm out.

No need to worry too much, if u take the right precautions. Also, avoid crowded and air-condition places.

We will all be alright : )

God bless you and your family!

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to ling

Thanks ling. Was it a lady who died in Bali?

I hope we all can stay safe. We live in the outskirts of London and my husband’s employer is following the government’s advice so not allowing staff to work from home.

ling profile image
ling in reply to Kari55

Hi Kari, I can't remember but it was an Asian country.

Did I get you right - your husband is NOT allowed to work from home?

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to ling

Yes, you did! He was told that the company is following the government’s advice so he is expected to come to the office until there is a clear guidance from the government about WFH.

We both have a mild cold and cough so he told them he won’t be coming in. His boss wants to “discuss”!!!

ling profile image
ling in reply to Kari55

Oh jeepers! That's so short sighted in the current situation. Read somewhere that UK and Switzerland are 2 countries not attempting to contain the outbreak. If this is true, it's pretty worrying given the NHS is already stretched to the gills : (

I suggest that first order of things - both of you do everything in your means to get better from that mild flu. And if possible, try to cut back on the stress. That never helps with anything.

ling profile image
ling in reply to Kari55

PS. Since hubby is already having the flu, regardless how mild, he should take extra precautions, and one of the recommended and responsible things to do in the current situation, is to stay home and get better.

Rennixon profile image

Where did you get this information please? I can find nothing on Thyroid UK 🧐

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Rennixon

Rennixon, You are correct, there is nothing on the Thyroid UK main website about this. However, there is information about it on the British Thyroid Foundation website here

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to RedApple

Yes, sorry! I googled Thyroid UK and this came up but I didn’t realise it was a different website 🙈

After my experiences with the NHS, I do not now believe a single word any doctor says to me about the thyroid without personally verifying it.

I must therefore dismiss this information as blatant propaganda until it is reported by somebody far more believable than the BTA or the Chinese Government.

I strongly believe that all those those who currently experience residual hypo symptoms without any changes to medication being offered by the NHS or who cannot or will not source their own from eg Thailand, will be badly affected.

Perhaps I am right, perhaps I am wrong, the genuine truth won't be available for a long time yet and, I am sad to say, never will be published accurately if nothing changes in the way that thyroid problems are regarded.

I got kidney cancer whilst suffering with an inferior immune system due to being on levo monotherapy for 8 years after a TT. My CCG has LIED to me and offered excuses for not giving me NDT that are totally ridiculous. Do YOU still believe what YOUR doctor tells YOU????

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to

Aww that’s not very reassuring 😢

Hey Kari, I talked to my friend, who is pharmacist and has hyperthyroidism, she said we are not at risk (well she is as a pharmacist right now!),unless you have cardiac issues, asthma, lung problems, cancer, diabetes. I'd say it depends a lot on an individual on top of it, how do you go through colds, flus, is your thyroid condition more less under control or you are getting there. However, social distancing, wfh, wearing a mask, washing your hands still apply ...not sure why in the UK people still go to work, here in Ireland we are on a lockdown along with schools. I'd personally call in sick ....take care and stay healthy! If you decide to wear a mask, they are disposable. Always remove your mask without touching the outside middle panel, where virus particles could be. Then wash your hands. Also, bacteria can colonise when you breathe under your mask, this is why it's better to dispose of it!

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to

That’s good to know, thank you! I’m not sure why people who can WFH are still being made to come into the office. My husband’s boss probably thinks that him and his staff are exempt from the virus as all plans he is making is on his they will go an extra mile to support the customers. What about his staff??? Unfortunately because of people like him, it will be difficult to control this spread. I wish I lived in Ireland or any other country that seems to be more prepared and acting with compassion towards its citizens. Keep safe! X

ling profile image
ling in reply to Kari55

What's up with the Brit government?

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to ling

Not putting strict enough measurements though today they added more. The schools however remain open. The UK has only 5000 ventilators which is very scary too.

ling profile image
ling in reply to Kari55

They don't seem to be taking the virus seriously enough. Is it because the situation is largely under control in the UK?

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to ling

It’s not under control! 🙈 they just want people to catch it for “herd immunity “, but so many people will die, it’s immoral!

ling profile image
ling in reply to Kari55

Kari, one thing I find very useful and that's to make sure u eat enough protein daily. That will very certainly keep the immune system functioning well.

If there are concerns with cholesterol and animal protein, then swap for quality plant protein.

And when u guys are well, moderate exercise will also boost immunity.

We will be alright!

in reply to Kari55

Yeah it is not really responsible. Like I said, I'd call in sick, take a few days off, whatever helps. It's not time for congregating and commuting. Ireland has done some stuff, but where I'm from, in Poland, they are much better. Closed borders, no flights, no foreign post coming in, social distancing, no visiting elderly and people comply. Here there were scenes of people partying the night before so now they did shut down pubs and bars too. Keep safe x this shall pass too

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to

Oh I’m from Poland too! 😊

in reply to Kari55

Aw cool, big hugs,pozdrawiam mocno :)

Lora7again profile image

After the government's statement yesterday I will not be going out for Mother's Day on Sunday. I was looking forward to a meal out but I know where I was going is a very popular gastro pub and it will be packed with people. I will also be limiting my visits to a local shopping centre and town. I think the schools will start to close now and I am finding it a bit alarming if I am being honest. What I don't understand is why we aren't testing people who have symptoms to check if they have the coronavirus. The goverment is still not doing enough and we are lagging behind the rest of the world imho.

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Lora7again

Yes, unfortunately the government is not doing enough. It is clear they want people to get ill! Keep safe x

Thyroid17 profile image

I work in a hospital. Management have advised that my 'underlying medical conditions' (auto-immune, asthma, mitral valve prolapse) do not excuse me from potentially nursing Covid-19 patients. This together with the definite lack of PPE concerns me greatly.

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Thyroid17


Hi Kari

How is your husband doing now?

I would be interested to know what his results were that confirmed Graves please



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