I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with underactive thyroid. Went on T4 and felt ill. Had really bad foot pain ie top of both feet in bones, feet tingled and I felt generally I’ll. aftermuch research I saw a private endobwho wrote to my gp that I couldn’t convert T4 to T3. My GP and the CCG wouldn’t approve so I had to source T3 myself and my life became good and well.
Run the time clock forward some 5 years, still feel well. Still can’t lose weight. Have put on many stones. Even my foot size has gone from 5 to a 9! Extreme sweating. I was dripping and told it’s my age. I even wondered about Cushings but the idea was dismissed.
A lot has happened to me now. The foot pain had disappeared once I stopped taking T4 but now I seem to have developed some arthritis in my knee. Doctor heard a heart murmur which I’ve always had, referred me for tests and it would appear I have a diseased possibly congenital heart valve issue. I need open heart surgery very soon but as part of the work up for surgery, I had a ct scan. This showed a lung nodule and bilateral enlarged adrenal glands. Still nobody has referred me to an endo re adrenal glands.
So I had to have a PET scan because of the lung nodule which they think is old scarring. Still no mention of the adrenal glands. They think I’ve got a multinodular goitre on my thyroid which cannot be seen on my neck. So I’ve had an ultrasound scan on my thyroid this week with results going to my gp. Still no mention of adrenal glands. Still no referral to an endo. This has all happened since the beginning of the year. Can you imagine how fraught I have been.
Bear in mind I still feel really well, people who don’t know me comment how well I look and yet I have severe aortic stenosis of my heart valve needing surgery very soon . At the stage I’m at I’m meant to be passing out, not being able to talk without being out of breath, not being able to lay down and breath, not feeling dizzy. Can anyone explain to me about enlarged adrenals. Why is nobody doing anything? Is the multinodular goitre connected? Who should I be insisting on seeing before heart surgery and do the thyroid nodules have anything to do with me taking T3 only? I feel the best I’ve felt in years except I have all these things hanging over me. How on Earth is this possible I just want to get on with my life.
Help please because I feel like I’m falling into a web of despair especially as I don’t actually feel ill.