GPs abusing system: I was de registered from my... - Thyroid UK

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GPs abusing system

Raffi3 profile image
15 Replies

I was de registered from my GP practice 6 months ago. Everyone knows they lied and it is believed it was because I was on liothyronine. My GP had asked three times to change to levothyroxine in a perior of six months which I politely refused pointing out my test results for the time I was on it. Henever recorded in my medical records he had said this to me. This was just before the difficulties of getting liothyronine started yet know doubt he knew.

I have been put on a special allocation scheme which is where patients are sent for a year when de regestered. I get to see just one doctor only. First time I saw him he said out of blue that I would have no problem getting my liothyronine with him as he did not have a budget. Odd he said that. I also read that CCGs are backing GP practices to get patients off liothyronine and it is the CCGs that put patients on the special allocation scheme and decide when they can be taken off it. This leaves patients with with no righs or say.

Am hoping GMCwill investicate and find out the GP and practice have lied.

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15 Replies
Hillwoman profile image

I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties, but I'm also not quite sure what you're saying here. Have you actually made a complaint to the GMC?

The Special Allocations scheme is reserved for violent patients, though I do know from an acquaintance on another forum that it is quite often abused by GPs. Did your GP make specific allegations about your conduct?

Raffi3 profile image
Raffi3 in reply to Hillwoman

They treated me very badly especially the care navigators. Tried to speak to GP

but was beingvery unkind and sarcastic towards me. Think trying to get me to leave which had tryed but could not get into another practice. GP knew enough about me andknew this would cause me harm emotionally. They de registered me saying I had been aggressive but had not, mire like them towards me. No meeting or discussions just threatened with police but were not jnvolved. They over reacted and made mountain out of a mole hill. Then through two NHS departments told I was violent and a danger to others andhad been reported to the police on two occasions but when I contacted the police I had not been. Think practice lied or CCG put this out. GP with sjnce and his staff know this is all untrue and those that know me including our Reverent yet NHS review board not taking any notice of GP or his staff who have vouched for me saying I should not be on special allocation scheme. This GP does not approve of scheme as everything is stacked against patient and patient cannot do anything. It is as though have no rights or voice and I have been threatened by other departments of NHS and treated like I am a crimanal andhave very little access to medical care.

NHS England complaints dept manager to me GP practises are abhsing this system. They said I should not be on scheme fron talking to me, they can tell who is aggressive and not not. They felt I should get early release but havebeen told am kn scheme fir a year. My life in bits because of this.

I feel am in a trap and will never be able to give me side and never get closure and am having to oay for private counselling because has caused so much distress for me. I just can't believe they can lie and get away with it.

Hillwoman profile image
Hillwoman in reply to Raffi3

At this stage you probably need firstly to ask your local PALS for help. If they refuse to get involved, then find your local Citizens Advice Bureau and make an appointment. It sounds to me as though you will need some help to navigate a complex NHS complaints system.

You will also need some confirmation from the police that no complaints have in fact been made against you by NHS staff. Find out whether a local police officer will agree to act as a point of contact, or provide you with written confirmation of what you have said here.

Raffi3 profile image
Raffi3 in reply to Hillwoman

Tried Citizens advice and Pals all cannot help. Told need solicitor but can't afford. No NHS department will get involved I just get threatened. Police twice confirmed no report but practice has to get an incident number from them but no reports made. I am feeling am trapped in a cage and they have control of me. I have no one to support me as live alone but do talk to Night Owls at Mind in the evenings and are very suppotive. This is driving me mad as not one person in NHS listening me or wants to know or can help. I am just not being heard.

Hillwoman profile image
Hillwoman in reply to Raffi3

I'm surprised CAB can't help. There is an independent NHS complaints service who should be able to steer you through the process. They should be able to tell you which body to complain to and help you draft a letter.

Hillwoman profile image
Hillwoman in reply to Raffi3

Another route may be to approach your local law centre, if there is one. They may be able to advise or even represent you. Another option is to find out whether your local university law department has a free legal clinic, where student lawyers may take on your case free of charge.

Raffi3 profile image
Raffi3 in reply to Hillwoman

Thanks. Good to be able to tell all.

endomad profile image

Take absolutely no notice of this at all. My GP who i told i was considering medical negligence complaint put me down as aggressive and rude, lol its true i am very assertive but not at that time as i was so ill. Luckily i had a good relationship with the reception staff who told ccg i had never behaved badly, i was just fed up of sub standard treatment, it was removed off my record, also there were no other mention of bad behaviour, in fact all dr and specialist letters started with the standard 'thank you for referring this lovely lady to me' so it is a gp's way of off loading you. You are now under a dr who will continue your t3 so that is good, in the mean time you need to speak to:

They handle medical complaints and are a charity, they will not charge you. As soon as i mentioned i had them advocating for me, my gp & 2 endos changed completely, i started recording all dr appts and following up all appts with an email to set in writing my understanding of the appt and follow up. This starts a complete record should you need it later on. DO NOT BE BULLIED BY THEM STAY CALM and get phower involved, they handled my complaint right up to the ombudsman. You are allowed to record appts but must say at the beginning of appt 'you dont mind if i record the appt in case i need to refer back to it or i forget something' I found it made them behave better!

As your t3 is safe for now you also need to start the process of getting individual funding from ccg your new dr can organise this, so next gp is covered. They can not just say you are violent without proof, put in writing you insist they remove it off your records or show proof of violence. There are procedures they should follow like a written warning but in truth they are self employed and can do what they want, the only reason they can remove without warning is violence. You do not want to been seen by a surgery who behaves so badly. Ask your new dr for a referral when you probation is over.

People need to stop thinking of drs as professionals beyond reproach, if there is one thing i have learned in my experience and the stories on here that they are a bunch of arse covering, lying, cheating, sub standard, unprofessional bunch of snake oil sales men/women. Many on this and other thyroid groups change gp surgeries 10 times to find a decent one. Chin up, big girls pants on get a good rapport with probation dr and move forward.

Ask in writing for a complete copy of your medical records from new dr or the previous surgery, you are entitled to it by law and they are not allowed to charge you since data protection act few years ago, tell them you can collect it on a stated day (give them 7 days to be reasonable) they will not like this but keep it civil they can not refuse, if they do put their written refusal in a copy to ccg. You need to read through it all 1. to check info correct and 2. is there any specific mentions of violence or dangerous behaviour.

One lady in one of the t3 campaign groups has it on her records she is a trouble making lobbyist!!!! lets be honest he doesnt want to pay for your t3 out of his budget thats all this is, this is not an attack on you personally, altho it feels like it, he just wants to keep the money for himself.

Keep all your communication in writing from now on with any nhs dept. There is more than one way to skin a cat, dont get upset GET EVEN. xxx

Raffi3 profile image
Raffi3 in reply to endomad

Thank you. I have tried through varies ways and even special allocation doc and staff have spocken to the review board but are ignoring his back up of me and insist I am on scheme for one year. He knows I am not aggressive or violent. There is no phowr in this area. Hsd advocate but she gave up because so tight and could do nothing. Thknking of writing to now GP with concern I was deregistered because of t3 so the CCG and review board will see it but it seems

there is nothing I can do and he is not giving me any surggestions either. Have reported to GMCand am waiting for them to come back to me. I am not a person who is used to this kind of thing just found myself dragged into it.

Thanks though you have given me some hope.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Raffi3

They cover most areas, even if it just by email to advise you. Call the number and speak to them. For now you are ok under probation dr. The desire to cause a stink may back fire, i go in like a bull in a china shop lol what you need is to get strategic. 1. You need a copy of your compete medical history, address any inaccuracies, there were glaring ones on mine even meds that were never prescribed to me, and an operation that was not mine. It also has copies of all consultant letters for instance my thyroid was removed the letter was on my records but my gp forgot and said my symptoms must be menopause!

2. CCG for individual funding, keep it calm, factual and short 'you have been on -mcg t3 since---diagnosed as clinical need. Refer to NHS guidelines that it should not be stopped without an nhs endo appt. Choose your nhs endo carefully, ask for a recommendation in your area, make sure they are t3 friendly and if you have funding they will have no problem.

Long emotional outbursts will not work, that just shows how unreasonable we are, i know iv been there. Plan it like a project, start at beginning, involve your probation dr, ask him if he can supply your medical history if not who should you approach. Let him know how badly this is affecting your mental health. You will get nowhere with a complaint thro nhs channels because they all back each other up, you need independent help like phower. Do you have a friend or family who can help you organise and write concise letters?

My MP was actually very good, he put the boot into ccg for me. This will take time but you have time as your probation dr said no problem.

Once it is dealt with you will need to step away from it, let it go, dont carry the resentment, it will drain you, i say this from experience of the resentment, the fight i had to just get decent treatment. I went from competitive sports woman to house bound in 2 years after TT from pain, fatigue and so many symptoms i no longer remember them. I felt my life had ended but here i am still standing and i take no shit of drs any more, i question everything they say. I live in France now thank god, the nhs is broken and your are on the receiving end of cost cutting. My ccg said to me, only 1 in 10 will fight to keep their t3 and it would save them thousands, be that 1 in 10. x

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to endomad

You are allowed to record appts but must say at the beginning of appt 'you dont mind if i record the appt in case i need to refer back to it or i forget something' I found it made them behave better!

I have seen this being mentioned by other people. If you want evidence of being bullied surely you wouldn't warn the person you are recording?

Hillwoman profile image
Hillwoman in reply to humanbean

I agree. Patients are allowed to record their own consultations without having to give prior warning to the doctor concerned. If I can find the BMA advice to doctors which clarifies this point I'll post it here.

Hillwoman profile image
Hillwoman in reply to humanbean

Quite a few of the online articles on the subject of recording are hidden behind paywalls, unfortunately. Here's one that's freely available. GDPR may have brought some aspects of the subject up to date since the article was written, but it's unlikely to have altered patients' rights unfavourably.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to humanbean

I have always said I'm recording as I put my phone on the desk. My understanding of it is you can not record someone without their permission but I'm probably wrong. For me it stopped them saying stupid or rude things and I found them far more agreeable when being recorded :) plus they needed to be more precise in their letters to my gp.

Hillwoman profile image
Hillwoman in reply to endomad

You're entitled to record your consultations, even if the doc objects, because the data under discussion is your own, not his/hers.

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