NHS England updated their guidance on the prescribing of liothyronine (T3) in July 2019 - sps.nhs.uk/articles/updated...
The new guidance states that T3 can be prescribed to hypothyroid patients who have unresolved symptoms on the standard medication, levothyroxine, but that it should only be initiated by a thyroid specialist.
However, we are aware that in some instances, patients have not been able to access T3 and in a recent meeting with Lord Hunt, he requested that we gain information about Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCGs’) prescribing practices since the updated NHS England guidance.
Thyroid UK has been working in partnership with other thyroid organisations to design a survey asking various questions about the prescribing practises of your CCGs.
NOTE: This survey will end at midnight on 19th November 2019 as we want to analyse the results and send them with our comments on the draft NICE guidance on thyroid disease.
Please complete this survey by following this link:
Please share this survey as far as you can. It may make all the difference.