Hi, the pharmacist who usually fulfils my prescription rang a couple of weeks ago to say that the Morningside tablets had come into "Head Office" on such a short "use by" that they weren't prepared to release them. This pharmacist is usually really good at sourcing the Morningside for me.
I rang Morningside and was advised that the tablets they are sending out have 12 months use by on them. I was advised to try Boots and to ask them to order the tablets on the "Accord Scheme". I have tried three Boots stores now and when the pharmacists look on their system they tell me that the only brands available to them are Teva and Accord. I have tried pushing the "Accord Scheme". One told me he was on the Accord scheme. Another told me he just has to order "what's on the pad"?? Another rang their suppliers and once again drew a blank (apparently only Teva and Accord available). I have tried a couple of independent pharmacies locally, as well as numerous other chemists and once again only Teva and Accord available.
Rang Morningside back this morning. They told me that if I order through the "Accord Scheme" although it might say Teva or Accord on the system what will actually arrive will be Morningside. I told them I wasn't particularly happy about that as a solution. If the wrong brand arrives, that's me stuck with Teva or whatever for the next three months.
One pharmacist told me that if I ask my doctor to specify Morningside then that is what I will get. The only problem is, I am trying to fly below the radar as regards my NHS prescription. My GP put it on my record a while ago that my Liothyronine may be withdrawn (cost). Every time I put in a repeat prescription I say a little prayer. I absolutely don't want to have a Liothyronine discussion with my GP.
I realise I am so fortunate to be getting Liothyronine on the NHS and should perhaps just settle for any brand, but Morningside really suits me for a number of reasons, not least because they are so easy to cut (I am currently taking in 5mcg doses, so cut the tablet 4 ways). In addition, I am making a number of other major changes to diet/supplements at the moment and would like to keep my medication brand as a constant.
Any suggestions as to where I can fulfil my prescription please in order to guarantee Morningside. I have a paper copy so could send it through the post.
Many thanks.