Hi all.I thought I’d just give a little update since seeking advice here as I’m quite shocked at how I’m feeling after following the recommendations,in a good way of course lol.
I started off on the b complex recommended brand and dose from guys here,then a week later added the b12 spray then the magnesium and the d3/k2 spray.I bought some good quality Brazil nuts and zapped them up in a small blender and I’ve been adding a teaspoon,just every few days,of them to foods for the selenium.
I’ve been really craving salt and oranges no idea why so I bought some oranges in this last couple of weeks and I’ve been adding pink salt to the juice from them ,just every other day for breakfast,which I read was good for the adrenals.
My diet is pretty good I cook mostly from scratch avoid gluten and lactose and have cut down the carbs.
I had a really bad week there of sleep pattern but think I had this because I was under a lot of stress as I’d arranged too many things at home and was struggling to cope.I have learnt from that and won’t repeat.I blamed my increases in veg lol.
This morning I came across the notes I’d written to take to my new gp ,I still haven’t been ,and when I reread them I realised I had made such good progress over these last few weeks it was amazing to read and say well I can knock that off the list,I’m no longer suffering that mad body itching that you couldn’t scratch because it felt so deep in the tissues so it hurt the skin to scratch,no more pounding headaches blinding me hour after hour.no more tingling in my toes or vibrations in my lady bits which drove me nuts.my hair is no longer coming out in handfuls and my nails are a lovely pink again.one major thing for me is my pain threshold has changed,yesterday I splashed my feet with boiling water when at the sink and today I burnt my finger on the iron,I know a complete clutz lol,but normally I’d have been through the roof with the pain from any of these but not this time I barely noticed and just carried on,that’s a massive change for me.
It’s only been a matter of weeks but already I’m seeing differences but didn’t realise until I came across my little list for new gp.im so pleased and can’t thank you all enough for pointing me in the right direction it’ll be quite exciting to see the results of next blood tests and I’ve learnt so much in a good positive way from everyone here.I now have more good days than black days.
I still suffer from my head injury mostly physcological now I guess and I still have my off days but it’s great to know that with your help and advice there’s definately light at the end of the tunnel.a huge thank you again.x