I know I keep asking silly questions, but to say I’m a nurse this Hashimoto malarkey is really confusing me lol, can I ask if I’m a Hashi flare/swing would that be a reason form my t3 to be near top of range and t4 near the bottom, sorry if it’s been asked before but I can’t seem to find an answer. Also low grade temp and night sweats, is this a Hashi thing?
Maybe a daft question : I know I keep asking... - Thyroid UK
Maybe a daft question

I had night sweats when I was going through a under active period so I think it can happen if you over active or under active. I think this happens if your levels are not right for you. I never had night sweats when I went through the menopause 5 years ago. When I was having them I would have to change my pyjamas because they were wringing wet ... all very unpleasant and I am glad I don't have them now. I think people with thyroid disease cannot seem to regulate their own body temperature it is like their thermostats are broken.

I thought you had Grave's, not Hashi's.
I have said this before sometimes I become underactive and I then self treat with NDT to bring my levels up. Last time I did it 2 years ago I had a flare up so I stopped taking it. Dr Skinner said he had seen rare cases like me before.

As your thyroid fails, it does its best to keep you functioning. Switching the balance to more T3 is how it achieves this. A classic issue that is, inevitably, missed when FT3 is not tested. Indeed, it is what keeps TSH down.
Had you been tested repeatedly over the months or years, we would expect to see FT3 slowly rising. Someone tested just for TSH might see small changes but not enough to be diagnostic of anything. Add in FT4, and you would see that slowly going down.
This happens even without any Hashi flare.

Our very scientific member, diogenes has recently said that he (and his colleagues) have just had another scientific paper published. I think it is right on the button for your question.
Brief post about the paper:
How to get a copy of the paper:
Hashimoto's is due to antibodies being in your blood. It is also the commonest form of hypothyroidism due to the antibodies (they wax an wane) attacking the thyroid gland until you're hypothyroid.
Do you have a print-out of your more recent results, with the ranges, that you can post.
Tsh 3.32 range is 0.27-4.2
T4 13.9 range is 12-22
T3 5.27 range is 3.1-6.8
Thyroglobulin 18.8 range <118
Thyroid peroxide 60.2 range <34
My antibodies have come down a lot since July
Are you taking levothyroxine only or T4/T3 combination.
No, gp stopped it 4 months ago because I was getting palpitations and it’s been hell since, she won’t give it back because I’m till in range and she said I haven’t got an under active thyroid anymore, I was diagnosed with uat in July when my tsh was nearly 6 and my t4 was 11 and higher antibodies