Diabetes addisons
Hi .iv have addisons. And struggling with othe... - Thyroid UK
Hi .iv have addisons. And struggling with other symptoms. But my endrocanoligist and Gps just not understanding. Also borderline diabetic

Sorry you are so poorly. Were you able to follow the good advice given to you in your post/thread of two years ago ? Obtaining results - testing etc ... 😥
Iv had numerous blood tests the last ones got results today .again diabetes came back again abnormal but understandable ??..at the moment I have a painful sore sole and small toe .its not the first time iv had this .I'm sure it could be related to the diabetes....and with the addisons .I'm struggling with my emotions. I get so overwhelmed. (Emotial tap ) it's got to the stage I couldn't have a disagreement or a option. If that makes sense .even a bit of a shock news I received. The tears come no warning ..if got intolarance to the cold as well .and osterthrosis. And other symptoms. I'm at gp in morning. And if there is any advice .information. by gratefully received
Hope all went well with your GP. How are your thyroid results and vitamins ? Sorry not to have knowledge on Adrenals except I have read they LOVE lots of VitC 🤔
Hi marz .thank you for your message apologies for late reply ...didn't go well at all at doctors .not that I was hoping much hope ..left a bit emotional ..frustrated .disapointed ect ect ...and a prescription for anti depresents..so again fall on deaf ears .as far as my blood results .I forgot to request PRINT out .with been upset ..but I have rang today. So can go collect them on monday .I have rang endo sectratery. And asked for appointment as was due to see him February. But no appointment as yet
So sorry you had a difficult time. Such a common event - sadly. Hopefully your results will reveal something. If you would like comments then start a new post ...
Keep posting here for support 💐
Hi marz .I have obtained my blood results. But not very technical.. could you advice me how to post and were .thanks jan
Hi pink rainbow, I take hydrocortisone because of low cortisol and was told by a Consultant in Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine that oral steroids can increase your likelihood of getting diabetes. diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-med... .
I struggled for over a year to lose weight and exercise. The Consultant told my GP to immediately prescribe metformin. Yet, my endocrinologist seemed to be unaware that hydrocortisone could cause this problem. So much ignorance!! Good luck.
Hi millionaire. Thank you for your reply .iv been borderline on and of for last 3/4 years .iv been on hydrocotisone now for nearly 2 and half years .I get lots of diabetec symptoms. But neither gp or encronoligst have never mentioned me taking metformin...after 3 crisis I was finally put on the hydrocodotosone..but now I'm seeing a 2nd endro. To do with my bones as they have thinned due to the hydtocotosone....thank you again for your reply and advice 😀