Hi. Is it possible to be treated for hypothyroi... - Thyroid UK
Hi. Is it possible to be treated for hypothyroidism and have normal results but still have symptoms?

Yes. This forum is comprised almost exclusively (or at least primarily) of these people.
Please get a copy of your latest blood tests for the thyroid gland, with the ranges, and post them for members to comment on them. It is quite common for doctors to believe it is enough to get the TSH within range and the patient is well. Not true. If we still have complaints it is usually that we need more medication.
If you are due a new test, get it as early as possible in the morning and don't take your medication until afterwards. Also ask for B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.
Yes! A big chunk of the posts on this forum are by people in that boat. I'm guessing you've gone to your GP w/ a list of symptoms, and he/she doesn't believe you b/c your bloods are 'normal'? Have they tested TSH only, or also FT3 & FT4?
Btw, if it turns out your hypothyroidism is autoimmune/Hashimoto's, you might also want to investigate food sensitivities/ intolerances. They're often the underlying cause of many autoimmune illnesses, and addressing them can often help with some of the symptoms you might be experiencing (I'm starting to sound like a broken record, repeating this to everyone, but for me it has been really important to address root cause).
You are not alone - me too It's the only way - we all seem to forget what we read yesterday
I was really interested to read this! I am not sure if I have Hashimotos - is there a specific test and/or specific sympton please? I believe I DO have some food intolerances. I have a bitter/sour taste and a very dry tongue which sometimes 'burns'. I am hypothyroid.
I've eliminated dairy and my symptoms - though not cured- have eased. Also tomatoes, onions, garlic, brown bread, tea, fizzy drinks. The one pleasure I have yet to give up is wine!!
I'd like to find out more about hashimotos if you can point me in the right direction. I also suffer repeat shingles - am I right that may be auto immune connected? Thank you (sorry for long reply) xx
i am confused my endo said Hashimoto is 90% of all hypothyroid.....Rare that it something else????anyone ?????