and am on statin ,are these all linked to my thyroid ,tina
hi I have had a underactive thyroid for 16year ... - Thyroid UK
hi I have had a underactive thyroid for 16year ,I also have b12 injections ,take folic acid ,and just been diagnosed with high cholesterol

I am fairly new to this site and my knowledge is limited but I have learned alot since joining
I have high cholesterol which I have had for a few years now and was diagnosed with underactive thyroid 2.5 years ago, from the info I have read high cholesterol is connected to it,
also from posts on this site Vit B12 and folic acid are also connected. My B12 is 377 which G.P. said is in range but from the advice I have received on this site it needs to be in the high range to feel well. I also have low Vit D which again needs to be in the upper range
I hope this helps a little but I'm sure someone more knowledgable will reply to you
Kind regards Elane
yes Browny is right, you need to be well medicated with your thyroid hormones and your b12 and vit D need to be good (and also good iron) then your cholesterol will very likely go down, mine was 4.6 before diagnosis and is now 3.7 after treating all these things well
If you are on thyroid medication then really you ought not to take statins as there is a significantly higher risk oif getting the muscle problems associated with statins, these are not reversible!
Whats the theory behind no statins with thyroid medication? My GP's are always trying to push statins on to me for high cholesterol. Even said once, "they are so effective it has even been talked of putting them in the water supply" (Yikes! I think???). I resist intuitively but I could do with having a better, rational argument to add to my portfolio necesssary for the GP surgery.
The article is on myopathy and is on pub med I think.... Do a search for statins, myopathy and hypothyroidism.
Thank you. Just informed the Doctor that statins should not be taken with thyroid medication when he asked why I didnt want them (I'm glad he didnt ask me why because I didnt have a response). So I will try and track this information down and find one for the next time.
My cholesterol went down when I started on increased dose of thyroxine. It was 7.4 and the doctor panicked and wanted me to go on statins. I refused because had read that statins can destroy Coenzyme Q10 which protects the heart (some statins I think contain this enzyme). However, last cholesterol test 3 months ago showed my cholesterol had come down to 6.2, and to me that shows that the 2 are related. I am hoping it will come down further when I get everything sorted out, still feel rubbish.
Don't go down the Statin route if you can help it. It's so easy for a doctor to put you on these. Watch this film and read the text as well. Unfortunately they have taken the whole film off now but you can buy it. It's worth having and I have invested £15 in it.
Read the side effects of statins. Known to cause pancreatitis in some. Loss of co-Q-10 as had already been mentioned. The muscle issues are also well known. You already have enough problems being hypothyroid. I hope you are getting treatment.