can you have symptoms of both hypo and hyper, I... - Thyroid UK
can you have symptoms of both hypo and hyper, I also have itchy skin, and red palms, but seem to have symptoms in both .
The symptoms of hypo and hyper can be the same so much so that the experts can't agree which is which.! Having had aatd for 10 years I know which state I'm in, with hyper I am generally a bit shaky and have fast heart palpitations, With hypo I'm exausted thumping slower heart and feel like a log! Have you had a diagnosis and have any recent TFT numbers?
tnx, havent been to gp yet, getting some facts together, dont want to seem foolish,or be fobbed off.
Hi That is so true! Symptoms all can be either, especially things like weight loss which is always assumed to be Hyper but it can be Hypo too.Make sure you have had TSH, T4 and Free T3 tested for a proper diagnosis.Also may be your other tests relevant need doing. If something like vit D ( hormonal) is alternating, as it easily may , this could account for confusing symptoms. When I am Hypo, I sleep heavily for about 20mins then am wide awake about 4 hours , this is common. When Hyper you just do not sleep as too active. like wired up. This is well known amongst us thyroid sufferers but never mention the peculiar sleeping to a doc as they all then say, you are Hyper and stop the meds.
I hope this helps. There are some conditions where the thyroid can alternate. in which case see a good endo.
Best wishes,
I do not recognise your name so you may not know. If you want to reply to a certain person click on "Reply to this", or we do not usually know.
tnx, have recognised so many symptoms from reading things here, and think i could have had this for a few years.trying as i type to get a gp appointment, easier said than done.its amazing how easy it is to put symptoms down to stress or age lol

Hi Yes you often have to really battle for the right treatment for most things and of course GP`s usually think blood tests are the whole story. Do fight to have the proper treatment, unfortunately much as I hate it, I have found it is the only way.
Best wishes,
i have an overactive thyroid and am trying after a year to come off ppt
on 1 tablet daily i sleep all night and have no itchy skin but feel exhausted during the day also noticed hair loss in bath after washing hair daily and on my pillow but on 1/2 a tablet i itch sleep then wake and am awake for several hours and have a massive appetite again and am eating/grazing all day mainly with junk?
i m now not sure whether to stay on 1 tablet daily or alternate 1 then 1/2 due to see endo again in april and he wants to stop all meds?
Hi Has he done all the other tests? it could be hormonal and making the thyroid first, vit D and diabetes spring to mind.As you say very confusing sounds more like Hypo. Are you having plenty of TSh, T4 and Free T3 tests. I have hashi and fortunately a brilliant endo. she always says the symptoms can be identical. it took years for my hair to improve, but not much left now! I have terrible itching but many causes for me. Make sure you have had a Glucose and Hb1Ac test ( 2) for diabetes. Mine is so much worse when diabetes very out of control.I have a very enlarged thyroid and nodules and am very underweight. Even when I had an ultra sound done for this by a specialist radiologist he assumed I was Hyper. Only ever been Hyper when overdosed many years ago.It actually might be worth trying no meds if you can bear it and see what happens but definitely have your diabetes status checked, A good endo automatically does this?
Best wishes,
i ve no idea of my levels or tests done i initially saw my dr for 12 months it was only when a blood test showed raised alkalising phosphate levels he referred me to endocrinologist
he just read blood test from dr told me i had graves disease and to stay on my ppt til april when i go back
my last 2 blood tests were fasting ones so i assume diabetes would have been checked?
and as to hot feet that s not a symptom i have cold feet generally its because im a reflexologist for past 14 years!
Hi You should know all about the extremities then,It sounds as if you have had cholesterol and glucose etc tested. However, I would do 2 things. Get a list of recent blood tests done from the GP with ranges ( ranges vital). Ask the receptionist and normally automatic although they do ask a Doc if OK.Also phone the secretary of the consultant you saw, ask for a copy of the GP`s letter if you were not sent one, as is usual, also ask for a copy of your blood tests + ranges, most Labs different ranges for most tests.Keep all records for comparison and make sure you also had a Free T 3 test. and the other tests associated with thyroid.These together with how you feel are most important.Also often a doctors "normal " just means a bit out of range and then the test should be repeated ,often in 3 months , depends what it is.They often do not make a note of that either. I hope this helps.
I wonder how many of us have symptoms of both? I also wonder if this is common if you start out with hyper and after treatment go hypo? In a lifetimes history of this illness I've yet to find a doctor who has any understanding of these symptoms. As for those amazing red palms, drives me mad, mine are like a beacon at times! hate them...
Yes, I am both and have been for 5 years now I
am going to be monitored. My TSH is high and even
though I religiously take my meds last thing at night
with water my results say I am unmediated.