So I’m doing the gluten free diet and avoiding soy like the plague. I’ve downloaded the coeliac uk app but I’m confused... so the gluten free section is already ticked but then there is an section for extra gluten options and a section saying may contain cereals... do I need to tick all these extra sections too or is the Gluten free diet enough as I’m not actually coeliac? What do others here do when trialing gf for Hashimoto? Thanks. Sorry for being a pain! Hopefully one day I’ll be able to help someone else on here! Xx
Gluten and soy free diet...: So I’m doing the... - Thyroid UK
Gluten and soy free diet...

Hi Rosie 2m, I’ve not been on the coeliac site, but (following recommendations on here) I got lots of great recipes on Dove’s Farm website- their Christmas cake was lovely!

Just avoiding all rye, barley and wheat should be fine
Eating oats is ok for most people.....but they need to be processed in gluten free mill and grown on gluten free fields .....find certified gluten free oats available in Free from section of supermarket
Soya is hidden in hundreds of products. "Posh" chocolate is usually soya free
So do you think if it says ‘may contain wheat/gluten’ that it’s ok or I need to avoid that? I’ve been looking at chocolate and I’ve cream on the Coeliac app already... I’m embarrassed to admit that it was the first thing I looked for lol! Xx
I don't get too hung up on it as I am not coeliac. I avoid everything that has gluten listed as an allergy in bold in ingredients. I avoid rye.,wheat and barley. I do not worry if oats or similar are not certified as gf because they might have been grown in a field previously used for wheat etc.
Ah ok, there was stuff that didn’t have gluten excetra as a main ingredient in but I didn’t buy any of it as it said ‘may contain traces’ I didn’t know if I needed to avoid that too. It’s a lot to try and look out for when shopping isn’t it lol x
I don't find it a problem as I make most of our food from scratch. Basic veg or meat and veg dishes are easy.
Yes I agree with the basics but looking for lunch things and treat things and sauces that I normally would keep in the cupboard that I can’t now also checking everything I put into the trolley as I got caught out on a few things and then it made me paranoid lol! X
Beer and pastry are the 2 things I miss. It is a case of trial and error of where to find the best things. I prefer tesco own brand gf bread.
I love bread and I know I will miss that the most followed closely by pastry. I haven’t bought any bread yet, I’ve decided to try and cut right down on it as gf is so expensive anyway! X
I have started to make my own gf bread. The pictures in the recipe book look fantastic. Mine so far has been like bricks. Lol
I don't have autoimmune thyroid disease, but the Endo I see strongly recommended I adopted a GF diet.
For me, GF means GF, so I'm pretty strict, where I can be. I feel it reduces the chances of me tripping up.
Over time, it has become clear I have problems with gluten, as my sensitivity to it has rocketed having given it up. If I trip up, or as I did about a week ago, sampled a little bit f a cheese souffle my OH was having when out, I have unpleasant symptoms.
Personally, I've also made a conscious decision not to seek out gluten-free variants of stuff. To be fair, my exceptions are Worcestershire and Soy sauces. No GF bread, pasta or the like.
To be fair, I was using s low carb lifestyle before going GF, so I had already moved on from eating quite a lot of naturally glutenous foods.
Going GF wasn't easy, as the confounded stuff seems to lurk everywhere, but we seem to get there.
Good luck with it all.
Hi MMaud, yes that was my thinking too but being so strict and avoiding anything that ‘may contain traces’ severely limited my shopping if I could have those then I wouldn’t have to eliminate so much from my diet and it would be easier to adjust but obviously I don’t want it to be a pointless effort if I’m not doing it correctly. I also don’t want to get too many gf variants. Yesterday I bought some fresh pasta for the kids and oh but instead of buying gf I bought gnocchi (I think that’s what it’s called) no idea what it’ll taste like tho lol! Soy is the worst it seems to be in everything! X
I'm doing GF diet too, but I must admit I've had the odd portion of chips which I know are fried in the same deep fat fryer as gluten containing products. I just cross my fingers and hope none of that nasty gluten got on my chips! 😂