Hi. im on gluten free diet from july 2019. I lobed to start eat oats, but I dont know if its posible for a free gluten diet. Im hashis and feel so ok since gluten free diet and combo t4/t3. Taking also folate, biotine, selenium, vit c, and liver cleanse and digestive enzimes. I can eat oaks now? Thanks for help.
Oats for gluten free diet.: Hi. im on gluten free... - Thyroid UK
Oats for gluten free diet.

You can buy gluten free oats from most free from sections in the supermarket.
The protein in oats is quite similar to gluten, so some people may find they react to oats in a similar way to gluten. You'll only know if you have a problem if you try them.
Oats are naturally gluten-free, but may be contaminated by being grown in fields next to gluten-containing grains, or during their factory processing; so you should use oats that have been cleansed in effect, and are certified free of gluten "contamination". However, oats contain a protein, Avenin, that is similar to gluten, which might cause a reaction in some gluten-intolerant people although there's research that has shown that most people with coeliac disease can tolerate certified gluten-free oats. If you don't have a gluten allergy, but may be gluten sensitive as a result of your autoimmune thyroid disease, it's less likely you would have a problem with gluten-free oats, but the only way to know, is to eat some and see if you react.
Ok.thanks for help. I try with free glute oaks. Regards
As others said, oats are generally gluten free. Now if you're celiac, you have to make sure to get gluten free oats, which means they're made in a facility that does not process/make any gluten products to avoid cross contamination. I have a gluten sensitivity, which causes IBS symptoms and severe skin breakouts, and have been eating oatmeal for a while now without any problems! I love oats!
I have Hashimoto's/Hypothyroid and Coeliac/Dermatitis Herpetiformis and can't eat oats, not even from certified gluten free facility like Bob's Redmill which I buy other GF flours from since Dove Farms gluten free flours give me rashes, all that's to say that I'm really sensitive. But I've heard that some Coeliacs can eat oats.
Oats I believe are gluten free. But to be completely sure they are not made in or near anything that contains gluten. They are labelled gluten to confirm that factory does not produce any other gluten containing products. Quakers make a jar gf oats. I use both the packets and refill the jar with their bagged oats. It depends on your tolerance level.
Also I’ve heard of what Cooper27 advised but there’s only oats listed on my ingredients. The same with baking soda.
Some people react to oats and some don’t. Worth a try as they’re super healthy 🙂