Iron Deficiency Anemia and Hypothyroidism conne... - Thyroid UK

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Iron Deficiency Anemia and Hypothyroidism connection

23 Replies

There are a lot hypothyroidism symptoms and connection to be assiduous about our health. I was wondering if iron levels can be out of balance, because long term hypothyroidism under or over treated?

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23 Replies
jimh111 profile image

I've seen a number of studies showing that hypothyroidism leads to low iron levels. I'm sorry I've got them tucked away and not to hand! I've only seen one study that might show very low iron (ferritin < 8) may influence iron levels. The conclusion seems to be that if you are hypo you may well have low iron levels and if you have any anaemic signs or symptoms it makes sense to get checked. Alhough supplementing may help my impression from posts on the fora is that it's difficult to restore iron levels until the hypothyroidism is adequately treated.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to jimh111

I am always confused about the relationship between ferritin and iron levels.

Had review with haematologist last week following chemo in first half of year. My high liver enzymes were main concern but he also said I was slightly anaemic .My ferritin level had been rising over a number of years to over 1100 , but the last test showed a reduction to 877.

Still high but anaemic?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Treepie

Anaemia is often officially defined by haemoglobin level.

On this page :

Look for the grey box down the right hand side, find the reference to "Iron Overload with Anemia" and then click on the various options below that phrase.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to humanbean

Thank you.

Lesleyg13 profile image
Lesleyg13 in reply to Treepie

Sounds like you could fit into the "Anaemia of Chronic Disease" category on the table I just reposted then?

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Lesleyg13

Thank you.

jimh111 profile image
jimh111 in reply to Treepie

The studies measured ferritin and it tends to be the marker used in initial investigations. I'm not into the technical details of anaemia. The main point is that anaemia often results from hypothyroidism.

in reply to jimh111

Thank you, I had severe bouts of anaemia and my doctor told me 6 months of iron treatment. It’s one more thing I wish could have been handled a long time ago!

in reply to jimh111

Yeah I hate the cyclical iron stuff, its like a light bulb came on when I started to take iron and vitamin c. I can agree on the hypothyroidism needing to be properly treated to be more in line with good iron levels. I find it all a bit frustrating at times but I can say grateful to have good treatment.

Lesleyg13 profile image

Here is one I came across while trying to find out why several of my iron panel results had gone out of range.

Answer in my case was hypothyroidism. All results now back in range after 4 months on NDT, although not all optimal as yet, but hoping for further improvements.

Effect of Thyroid Dysfunctions on Blood Cell Count and Red Blood Cell Indice

"Thyroid dysfunctions have a direct effect on most red blood cells indices and these changes should be considered by medical care provider."

Lesleyg13 profile image

Also this table, which has been posted on here several times, lists hypothyroidism as one of the potential causes of Anaemia of Chronic Disease:

"Chronic disease, such as: hypothyroidism, renal disease, arthritis, diabetes, Crohn's, liver disease, or cancer"

Thank you all your information has been helpful and I am on the 6 months of iron and vitamin c protocol to get better! I find it would have been helpful to understand it all earlier but I think it all happens for a reason.

Lora7again profile image

I have had low ferritin in the past but now mine is over 300 which is too high. This is caused by inflamation I have a goitre and Graves'. My CRP is over 9 as well and has been steadily rising for the last 5 years. I don't feel ill and my Doctor said if it reached 800 he will get me to give blood to lower it.

in reply to Lora7again

Wow Do you see a hematologists? I say it sounds like hemochromatosis but you stated it was graves. I can see from what people are saying how the thyroid conditions can wreck iron levels.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to

I have seen my Doctor who tells me if it gets any higher I will have to give blood to lower it. I will have a blood test after Christmas to check the level and also to check my CRP and antibodies which are very high. My TSH is 0.70 at the moment and I feel fine except for not sleeping much.

in reply to Lora7again

Tsh 0.70 is better than mine. I am at 0.40 which I believe is okay. Yes I hope your blood levels turn out okay. I can relate on the sleep part.

Lora7again profile image

I had a thyroid storm in July of this year and was admitted to hospital. My TSH was 0.54 and not right for me. I was sweating and shaking and my heart rate was high ... I thought I was having a heart attack it was terrifying. I now try to avoid having too many coffees I have one a day and never drink coke or much wine except at Christmas.

in reply to Lora7again

You know my weight has massively fluctuated with my thyroid levels changing so much but my optimism keeps things in perspective. I take a little cytomel with tirosint so I can say it helps with energy. I can recall feeling zapped somedays, its better with a little cytomel.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to

I have lost over a stone since July and I am eating loads of food. My cholesterol is 3.5 but the doctor does not seem concerned. I am not too thin and wear a size 10 when I was really ill with Graves' I wore a size 8 because my TSH was 0.002 and suppressed so I could not gain weight. This disease is very strange and I know there is no cure I have been in remission twice in the last 12 years.

in reply to Lora7again

I am worried about the high tsh or suppressed tsh because I know it can effect the bone mineral cause osteoporosis. I am definitely do to check with my dr on my levels. I would not say cure per se but I would say effective treatment. I believe once the right coattail of hormone and medicine is adjusted it can improve quality of life.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to

A lot of people with thyroid disease have a suppressed TSH and some Doctors want it that way if they have had thyroid cancer ... not all btw. That has never worried me and I had a TSH of 0.002 for over 2 years because my Doctor did not spot it until I joined a site in the US who told me the reason my hair was dropping out and my nails were lifting off their beds was because I had an over-active thyroid or Graves' disease.

in reply to Lora7again

It makes more sense with the suppressed tsh and thyroid cancer. I know people give rave reviews on certain treatments but I think if people say cytomel only, its like this really is not an absolute treatment. Even if t4 is mentioned however some people might have to take t4 and t3. In my case, my thyroid hormone took awhile to tinker with it, then it improved. My present thyroid state is not perfect, but it is better.

People have great insight and intentions but they can do more harm than good on treatment recommendations. I say these things because I tried t3 only which I can say unfortunately was onerous to my condition.

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