any advise would be greatly appreciated, gp stopped levo 5 weeks ago because all of a sudden they think I don’t have a thyroid problem, it was stopped because it was causing me palpitations and bad anxiety, since they stopped it I wake every morning with anxiety, shaking, weak legs, light headed, not panic attacks though, still having palpitations, my joints ach, Nausea, I suffered 2 weeks depression where I just stayed in bed crying, that has since lifted and my mood is a lot brighter, went back to the dr and tried to explain that a lot of my symptoms have come back since they stopped the meds to keep getting told I haven’t got a thyroid problem, my tsh 3 weeks ago was 2.7 and yesterday it is 3.1, they just keep giving me antidepressants., that don’t want to take.Has anyone else suffered these symptoms when levo was stopped and does it get better because I’m at my wits end or can anyone advise what I should do, all my vitamins are well in range and my t4 is 15 which they said is normal.
I’m just fed up of these horrible symptoms as it’s ruining my life