I have had my dose of 75 mg levo reduced to 50 for the past 6 weeks as I’d gone over , iam now feeling the most awful symptoms returning, very painful right throat chest , crying down , light headed weak , can’t get to speak to my doctor till the 6th September, should I increase back up , feeling so ill and realy uncomfortable , palpitations aswell , I do have a heart rythym problem
what to do ? : I have had my dose of 75 mg levo... - Thyroid UK
what to do ?

I’d get a full thyroid panel blood test done privately while on 50. And use that combined with your symptoms to make a decision.
Another thing you can check is your resting pulse. Do you have a Fitbit or Apple Watch? If not you can count your wrist pulse beats watching a clock for 15 seconds and times by 4. For true resting pulse sit and relax for a good 20-30 mins before taking it and do it a few times, as it can quicken just thinking about it 🫣
I know that my normal is ‘55-58’ and over replaced for me is ‘70+’. Hypo for me was 46. Hubby’s normal is 48 and GP has run ECGs blood tests etc and just says that’s normal for him.
Try and remain calm about it all as the stress and scary factor can make us feel so much worse.
Going over range gave me a loud heartbeat at night that returns if I eat dark chocolate too late in the evening. It also gave me an upset tummy, sweaty face.
Low B12 gives me awful anxiety and mental health symptoms (catastrophising, rehearsing daydream traumas) and aches.
Maybe something like alternate days 50/75 would help to start with if you need to increase? If that’s too much try 50/50/50/75 etc or you may not yet have come down enough… 🤷🏽♀️
Good luck let us know how you get on 🌱
Thankyou , my tsh is 3 it was 0.13 ? Antibodies are85 , now are 259 I do have hashimotos

Previously your fT4 was only just above range so your GP has reduced you by too much when really just dropping perhaps 2 days a week to 50mg and 5 days 75mcg would likely have been enough to bring you back into range.
GP's do seem to like changing in 25mcg but it is too heavy handed when you are very close to your sweet spot
Yes I would increase the dose as it is only you that will suffer if you don't and you can explain that to the GP when you hopefully will be feeling much better 🤗
Shall I increase to 75 from tomorrow mon to fri then 50 weekends ? Or alternate the days
That might be a good idea to get things moving in the right direction... personally I have to add an extra 100mcg over the week and tend to add 50mcg Wednesday and another Saturday but it really is a personal thing as some people will notice the 'lower' days, you can always tweak later 🤗
I’m only worried as don’t want to make heart palpitations worse , but I’ll give it a go thankyou
Were your heart palpitations worse on 75mcg or now?
Doctor said they would reduce if I cut down to 50 ? I have realy bad anxiety, just want to feel better
Anxiety and palpitations are symptoms of low thyroid hormones
With your TSH already up to 3 you are hypo
So it’s best to increase again , Thankyou for your help
Absolutely 🤗
Iam very tearful today and keep feeling hot , i took 50 this morning , havnt stopped crying all morning, do you thinks it’s my levothyroxine, because I have nodules can they produce more thyroid ?
Sorry to hear this, nodules could flare up... have you had this happen in the past?
I'm thinking it is all rather more likely in reaction to the reduced T4 which also effects your other hormones and probably your adrenals are kicking in, but it really is hard to know for sure
My throat always flares up , so I’m thinking this is what’s happening now , it’s so painful this time , do nodules produce more thyroid if flared up , so could I be over medication
I don't really know much about nodules other than they are unpredictable, they can become enlarged and either produce more hormone or none!
Let's put a shout out to SlowDragon GlowCoach PurpleNails Buddy195 see if they can be any more enlightening
It still strikes me that the increased anxiety points to unreplaced
You have positive TPO & so you know you have autoimmune which is known to causes fluctuations.
Nodules are very common even in those with a healthy \ normally functioning thyroid gland. So it’s quite usually to have nodules alongside autoimmune but they do occur on their own too. Most nodules do not function, but a small percentage do over function.
Doctors go by blood test levels & adjust dose accordingly rather than finding out which parts of the thyroid are working - Unless it’s becomes permanently overactive & it becomes necessary to find out why.
Thank you immensely for sharing your profoundly Compassionate enlightenmentsEverything you mentioned makes complete sense. Yes, they can most surely be too heavy handed with their reductions of our much needed Thyroxine
Mine was lowered by 25mcg doses too, even though my results showed abnormally low
But I don't comprehend & would like to fathom why they do this
Plus, would Our doctors be ok if we increased our doses by 25mcg on occasion? Yes you're so right, it's only us whom will suffer without tweaking
But what would a doctors reaction be towards this... I can't see mine being Compassionate & would most likely lower my much needed Thyroxine even more 😥
If you fill in your Bio on your Profile page and pop up a post of your own with results we'd be better able to advise
I'm pretty new here & when I have a more recent blood test I will do as you recommendedHowever, I don't automatically get given my Blood Test Results
I do have to request them
I was hoping you would be able to respond to my question in general terms...
What are the outcomes for patients, if they de have to slightly increase their Thyroxine when they've had their dose lessened & they're consequently feeling unwell?
You mentioned it can be heavy handed lessening by 25mcg & that it is only the patient whom suffers, so I thought you would be so kind's to respond in general, giving the wisdom you shared, for which I previously thanked you for?
It rather depends on your GP... in the past I have increased and then at my next review asked them to increase my prescription, most people have a bit of wiggle room in their current prescription to allow for a bit of trial and error... if you run a bit short then requesting an early repeat due to holiday etc can be very useful 😉
You'd like to think your GP wants you well...

Your post a month ago with results that caused GP to reduce your dose
You were asked (but didn’t answer) ……
was last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Ft4 23.3 (12-22)
FT4 very slightly over range
If you took last dose 24 hours before test …..then perhaps dose needed reduction ……reducing by just 50mcg PER WEEK would perhaps have been sufficient
Not by 25mcg per day …..which is a massive 175mcg PER WEEK
No I took my levo the morning of test as doctor told me not change anything? So what would you advise I take now , my throat is so painful even on breathing in , Thankyou for your help
Then test was incorrect
Ft4 result was false high
ALWAYS test early morning, ideally before 9am, only drinking water between waking and test and last dose Levo 24 hours before test
Likely you now have low vitamin levels after huge dose reduction
When were vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 last tested
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
As you have Hashimoto’s, have you had coeliac blood test
Get tested BEFORE trial on gluten free diet
approx how much do you weigh in kilo
Guidelines on dose levothyroxine suggests many people eventually need around 1.6mcg Levo per kilo per day. Unless extremely petite that’s likely to mean eventually on more than 75mcg daily

suggest you increase dose to 75mcg 5 days a week and 50mcg 2 days a week
ALWAYS get same brand Levo at each prescription
Then after 6-8 weeks minimum get FULL thyroid and vitamin testing
ESSENTIAL you test TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 together
suggest you reread all advice given 4 months ago in this previous post
Irregular heart rate can be LOW ft3
Thankyou I’m 66.678 kilograms , I’ve not been tested for coeliac , but I will ask along with all vitamins , do you think by reducing has caused me to feel unwell and caused my throat to become so painful effects chest aswell
do you think by reducing has caused me to feel unwell and caused my throat to become so painful effects chest aswell
Yes. Thyroid is swollen and struggling to make thyroid hormones
With Hashimoto’s we frequently ONLY feel well with GOOD Ft3 and Ft4
Essential to test both Ft4 and Ft3 with correct timings of test …..and to ALWAYS maintain OPTIMAL vitamin levels
Many of us find irregular heart rate improves as increase dose Levo and/or improving conversion rate by maintaining OPTIMAL vitamin levels
Strictly gluten free diet often improves absorption
about 86% of Hashimoto’s patients find gluten free helps or is essential…..but only 5% test positive for coeliac
Similarly about 50% hashimoto’s patients find dairy free is necessary as well
Hashimoto’s is often very poorly understood by GP
It’s as much a disease of the gut as the thyroid
66kg suggests you may eventually need to be on around 100mcg daily levo
I was on 100 felt well on that , but to many palpitations so had to cut to 75
My experience- palpitations happen during the 6-8 weeks of a dose increase … and then settle and stop after that 8th week, better by weeks 9 and 10.
So in my own experience I can be on the right dose but until it settles those weeks are full of anxiety and palpitations.
I have now decided that I will not make a decision or assessment during the 6-8 weeks where I’m on that new dose.
My solution is to increase as low and slow as I can, and hang on for those 6-8 weeks, and not to whip lash my dosing until I get through the 8 weeks and test again.
Just a thought.
How I wish endocrinologists and cardiologists would consider this situation for patients - together - that would be novel. It’s common enough for this situation to be properly studied. The literature covers it. It’s written about historically. It’s all previously accepted facts. The facts themselves are not argued by modern medicine. However modern medicine seems to overlook the whole thing at every opportunity.
Shame on both specialisms.
I too am having all these problems. Waiting for a reasonable time for blood tests to help assess what’s going on just does not cut it for me with heart issues.
Endocrinologists in what we might consider the ‘third world’, are reviving all this knowledge, whereas in the western developed nations, they are studiously avoiding it. Narcissistic doctors (leading endocrinologists and cardiologists) lacking any empathy have too much arrogance and clout and no breadth of knowledge and its application, it seems to me. Hypothyroidism really is an holistic illness and needs to be approached holistically. It’s an anathema to doctors with strong sociopathic tendencies (camouflaged as desirable firm decision-making) deeply entrenched in our accepted system of ‘health’ ruining our health and well being. IMO.
You have my heartfelt sympathies (for us both).
please don’t dose by weight. It should be on blood results not weight.
Your GP has reduced your dose too much. That’s a big percentage drop from 75 to 50. If you’re struggling to get the correct dose right for you I’d request you change from tablets to liquid levothyroxine. It’s so much easier to dose and you chose your correct dose rather than tablet sizes dictating it. Also with liquid you don’t need to avoid food.
Hi Prosecco, I’m sorry you’re not feeling great. I can’t add much more than has already been said except to agree that reducing your dose by 33% is a massive step change in your regimen and was bound to cause a symptom of some sort. Dropping/increasing by 25mcg is written in the GP’s instruction manual. In my experience it was far too much of a change.
Plus anxiety and palpitations are also symptoms of low thyroid hormones.
Given you felt better on 100mcg I wonder if you should really be aiming to get back to that dose?
just a hello from another whose Gp has removed 25 mcg levo from their prescription, in my case 75 from 100 ( I take T3 too). Mine was lowered after a face to face appointment when I thought we had ( to quote dr.) ‘agreed to disagree’ after a TSH result of 0.02 ( not the first but many of years of supressed TSH). But this time my appointment was about persistent ( 4 1/2+ years) high BP/HR with Long Covid…he had had me on 5 hypertensive drugs which a Falls consultant, having diagnosed postural hypotension, was trying to remove me from. But all specialists ( cardio’s, respiratory, Falls) had just signed me off with bad symptoms expecting my GP to cope…his solution start with ‘overmedicated levo.’ despite Frees ( which he has rarely tested) being well in range! Makes me so cross that they tinker and we have to wait 6+ weeks, getting iller, for the experiment to end! Good luck Prosecco.
Hi, I’m sorry to hear you are going through it atm. I don’t know what the best action would be but I would ask for an urgent Gp appointment because it doesn’t sound as though you should be waiting so long to be seen with your symptoms. You can also ask 111 for advice.