This is my first time posting on the forum. I have a large nodule (5.8cm X 3.7cm) on the left side of my thyroid. There is also a smaller nodule ( 1cm diameter) on the right hand side.
I have had 3 pregnancies. After the first I had post partum thyroiditis (hyper) which went away on its own. After my second pregnancy almost 5 years later I noticed a very slight goiter on the left hand side, my endocrinologist examined me physically and said there is nothing to worry about. I had another baby (after another 5 year gap) in January and during my pregnancy the goiter got a lot larger.
I was first diagnosed in June with a nodule. On the ultrasound it looked solid. Since then I have had a further couple of scans and a biopsy. The biopsy was interdeterminate (Bethesda III) because of the presence of hurtle cells. Although the nodule oozed colloid at the time of collecting, in the sample there was no colloid present. At the subsequent ultrasounds, there appears to be more colloid in the nodule each time (just my observation). On ultrasound it looks like a benign nodule but the size is concerning.
My blood tests are optimal apparently. I have no other symptoms.
I am so worried about what to do for the best. I have just moved back to the UK and so would be grateful if anyone could PM me with details of endocrinologists and good surgeons. I am in the South East but would be prepared to travel.
I would like to avoid surgery but there seems to be no other option. Has anyone had experience of non surgical alternatives?
Sorry for the essay and TIA.