Hello all and happy Friday
Been a long time since I've posted mainly because of your support I've been well. For the first time in almost 5 years I've had a stable dose, controlled weight loss, energy - I promise there is hope for those of you trying to be well.
But now I'm worried. Not for me, but my husband. 3 weeks ago I noticed a large lump at the base of his neck. The GP checked it, thought it was a goitre and he had an US last Thursday. The lady doing the scan said "it's just a cyst". Reception called saying next GP appointment was next week so we thought there was nothing to worry about.
Yesterday morning he gets a call from another GP saying they don't want to alarm him but would like to arrange a CT scan and biopsy. He's booked in for a week on Tuesday.
I'm seeing cancer everywhere because his mum is battling breast cancer. Why would they need a CT scan? Also, does a goiter just develop overnight? It wasn't there in June and it just sprung up?
Don't really know what I'm looking for but tired of crying in dark rooms and putting on a brave face.
Thanks for listening x