Can anyone help to interpret this blood test re... - Thyroid UK

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Can anyone help to interpret this blood test results please

Snqanq profile image
19 Replies

I have a first new post few months ago and here is latest blood test results, 3 years diagnosed with hypothyroidism on thyroxine daily but not any improvement but worst

Im really unwell with long list symptoms.. dizzy , drowsy like floating in late afternoon..

here winter Im suffering extremely cold, Im too weak to cope with cold since last year jacket inside house with hat all time, still cant bear with it

doctor says my blood test results are Fine as always but Im actual Not..

Im trying to slowly learn some useful advices from experienced lovely people over here other than my useless dr, please sort me out Thanks!

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Snqanq profile image
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19 Replies
Nanaedake profile image

You need to get FT3 done alongside FT4 and TSH and you need ferritin, vit D, B12 and folate doing because they are the tests that make a difference to thyroid hormone status. Fortunately everything else looks good so if you get the other tests done it should clarify where the problems lie and why you have symptoms.

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to Nanaedake

Thanks as I cant seem to post lots of photos same time:

TSH: 0.7 {0.3 - 4.2}

FT3: 4.0 { 3.1 - 6.8 }

FT4: 24.6 { 12 - 22 }

Vit D: 107 { 50- 250 }

B12 : 1152 { 197 - 771 } High

Folate: 8.5 {2.99 - 26.8}

Ferritin: 96 {13- 150}

Magnesium: 0.95 {0.65 - 1.05}

Kim327 profile image
Kim327 in reply to Snqanq

Sorry you’re feeling so unwell! I also have very high B12 but was supplementing with B12 Myth. I was told to cut back and did but still too high. Now I just take B Complex.

I do gluten free now and try clean eating. All new to me. Before I ate anything. Did not concern myself so much with diet.

Are you taking a good probiotic? Gut health is important too.

My symptoms are long and crazy. Don’t want to take forever and list them here. I have Graves. I just keep searching for new ways to fight them. Rest and good sleep Is extremely important.

Not sure what your symptoms are. I do know my mind and body has been completely turned upside down from my thyroid.

You are not alone!!

I wish you the best and hope you start to improve very soon! Xo

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to Kim327

Thanks Kim327 for those lovely words,

Feel better to know Im not alone,

Lots of people here with the same up & down long list symptoms,

I got Hypo along with Hashimoto..

My symptoms:

depressed, headache, diziness

Forget things, Poor memory,

Loss concentrate,

Brain fogs..

difficult to sleep

Tiredness, aching,

terrible hair lost, dry skin,

Extremely Cold... can’t cope with just little cold ( feel like no energy at all to resist the cold )

Has no improve with thyroxine get worst since 2nd year with symptoms developed like much headache, And Extreme cold..

Also one of most concern is I got too much sleepy like drowsy, not like normal sleepy that make you to go sleep..and I can’t sleep easily..

It happens late afternoon - early evening..

At this point its thick brain fogs, cant think straight..

I feel weird, worries, scared..

Loss balance sometimes,

I don’t get out this time for years now

This will get better after those specific time, very strange!!

Talk to my GP she doesn’t even seem to understand and says indifference.. oh it’s interesting.. she think I make it up to attract her more on my story

And they don’t really care 😔

My next blood test they still sayings Im Fine !!

The only good thing recently follow advices here is someone says she feel better on 💯 Gluten free and I have tried for 4 weeks now and yes Im feeling a bit better but symptoms still there and Im still not well..

Really hope the adding T3 will remarkably change along with diet which Im like you never concern myself on diet ..Im not eating properly & well looking after myself after having kid thats why this annoyed thyroids takeover

Btw I don’t know why my B12 so high for couples of months now,

Thought its low so took B12 only 10 days before blood test then stop right away after but 2 months now still high now, is there any problems with it 🤔if you know?

Supplements omega3, Vit D, Glucosamine at moments

I also wish you all the best of lucks and we all get improvement soon xx

Kim327 profile image
Kim327 in reply to Snqanq

Hi Snquaq

Sorry you are feeling so awful and I so much relate to you! The fear is the worst because your body feels so bad and you think the doctors just have not figured it out, and think it is all in our heads! Terrible feeling.

I don't know why B12 is so high either. I asked my doctor and he told me to cut back so I did. Still was high following blood test. He just said I absorb it well.

So now I am not on B-12 Methylcobalamin which I heard was a more potent B-12 for absorption. I just take B-Complex (among all my other vitamins).

Make sure you take a good probiotic every day. I take mine first thing when I wake up.

I just recently learned I had Candida Overgrowth. This is a fungus and I am not only eating for my thyroid I have to eat well for Candida to kill the bad fungus. The die off makes me feel so sick all the time. I also had a neck MRI last week and I have to go to pain management for all of those issues. Also have TMJ from grinding my teeth in my sleep. I feel this illness is never ending. If not one problem it is another.

This site does help me so much because we are not alone and people do recover. Try to rest. I know how you feel. I just want to stay home every single day in bed because my body just can't handle the world.

Hope you get all the help and support you need. Keep posting on here for help! It will help you find others to support this horrible journey. Also, it is ideal for the fear factor we have!

Prayer and best wishes!


Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to Kim327

Sorry to missed your sweet msg

Hope you are on a good health now

God blesses 🙏

SeasideSusie profile image


The aim of a hypo patient generally, when on Levo, is for TSH to be 1 or below or wherever it needs to be for FT4 and FT3 to be in the upper part of their reference ranges, if that is where you feel well.

Your TSH is in a good place, but it would seem that you need your FT4 over range to produce even a small amount of FT3 - your FT3 is only 24% through it's range. This means that your conversion of T4 to T3 is poor.

Optimal nutrient levels are needed for thyroid hormone to work properly and good conversion to take place, so you need to test Vit D, B12, Folate and Ferritin. Supplementing with selenium and zinc can also help conversion although some people prefer to test these first.

Once your vitamins are optimal, if your conversion is still poor then you could consider the additio of T3 to a reduced dose of Levo.

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to SeasideSusie

Thanks as I cant seem to post lots of photos same time:

TSH: 0.7 {0.3 - 4.2}

FT3: 4.0 { 3.1 - 6.8 }

FT4: 24.6 { 12 - 22 }

Vit D: 107 { 50- 250 }

B12 : 1152 { 197 - 771 } High

Folate: 8.5 {2.99 - 26.8}

Ferritin: 96 {13- 150}

Magnesium: 0.95 {0.65 - 1.05}

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Snqanq

You can only post one photo and that is in the opening post of a thread. Anything else needs to be typed in.

I could already see what your thyroid results were and I have commented on those.

Vit D: 107 { 50- 250 }

This is OK as the Vit D Council recommends a level of 125nmol/L and the Vit D Society recommends a level of 100-150nmol/L.

B12 : 1152 { 197 - 771 } High

Are you supplementing?

Folate: 8.5 {2.99 - 26.8}

This is on the low side. Folate is recommended to be at least half way through it's range and that would be 15+ with your range. Eating folate rich foods will help, and you could supplement with a good quality B Complex containing methylfolate (not folic acid).

Ferritin: 96 {13- 150}

This is fine, ferritin is recommended to be half way through range.

Magnesium: 0.95 {0.65 - 1.05}

Magnesium is an unreliable test.

So apart from improving your folate level, everything else would seem to be OK. You could try selenium and zinc but I would imagine you would benefit from the addition of T3 after lowering your Levo dose by, possibly, 25mcg.

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you so much on your advices SeasideSusie

No Im not supplement B12 don’t know why its so high for a couple of months now

Yes I was post my first one here & just been waiting for Endo Appt then have latest blood test done,

Actually seen Private Endo yesterday and as first he says BT Results are Fine like NHS Endo also GP said always..

I have to convince him to give me on Trial T3 as you also other experience here advised..also seen some cases has magical recovery once adding T3

Told him my BTR are Fine but Im really Not..

So Private dr has agreed to give me trial T3 5mg & reduce thyroxine to 25mg for 4 weeks,

Im really look forward this to happen with the hope to improve my health actually never got any improvement or even worst now

I will update on my treatment


LunaMa profile image
LunaMa in reply to Snqanq

Hi Snqanq - what dose of Levo are you on at the moment?

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to LunaMa

Hi LunaMa,

Was on 100mg and 2months ago too much dizziness in the morning then followed someone here advised reduced to 75mg: 2 days & 100mg: 5 days then feel better with the dizziness,

but seem to still bit high now on the day taking 100mg..

LunaMa profile image
LunaMa in reply to Snqanq

Dropping the Levo to 25mcg seems quite a drop, although I appreciate that you will be starting on T3. Might be worth just confirming whether it is dropping TO 25mcg or BY 25mcg.

SlowDragon profile image

Email Dionne at Thyroid Uk for list of recommended thyroid specialists who will prescribe T3

Do you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies?

If so are you on strictly gluten free diet? Or tried it?

Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal and slowly lower TPO antibodies

While still eating high gluten diet ask GP for coeliac blood test first or buy test online for under £20, just to rule it out first

Assuming test is negative you can immediately go on strictly gluten free diet

(If test is positive you will need to remain on high gluten diet until endoscopy, maximum 6 weeks wait officially)

Trying gluten free diet for 3-6 months. If no noticeable improvement then reintroduce gluten and see if symptoms get worse

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to SlowDragon

Thanks Slowdragon,

Yes I also have Hashimoto.. follow some advises here I have tried to be on totally Gluten Free about 4 weeks now and yes feel a little bit better but doesn’t mean Im well, might need more time..

And Im really want to add T3 as everybody here sayings its low so poor convertion thats explain why Im unwell with long list symptoms..

Got the feeling to get to the right directions 🙏Hopefully

janeroar profile image
janeroar in reply to Snqanq

Good luck with the T3. See how you go with it. It might take 4-6 weeks to start feeling markedly better. If not, you might find if you do have a problem with gluten you have to be strictly gluten free to feel much better. Even a little bit in your diet could be a problem.

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to janeroar

Janeroar Thank you, really look for the trial T3, god blesses us all x

Naaadi profile image

I really hope you feel better @snqanq, sorry I don't have any recommendations but a question: how did u convince ur gp to get your FT3 test done? My surgery doesn't really support that test or the lab the tests go to since T3 supplements cost hike on NHS

Snqanq profile image
Snqanq in reply to Naaadi

So at the very first time they reject my T3 testing,

Until I get really upsetting & I got record a long-term depression and told them I have to fight for my health or I will kill myself one day and then they start to scare...

Also inform them I need seeing Endo as I just do what GP told me for 3 years and I just got worst..

One day a thing leading me to this forum randomly and I start to learn all the basic things.. then seen private doctor who have to reluctant prescribed me T3, but still waiting for the medication from Germany..

Hope you are getting better soon Naaadi x

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